• Episode 88: Leadership

    From the earliest memories we have of listening to Apostle Ball preach, there are three priniciples for success he has talked about from scripture. Simple, yet profound. As we allow Holy Spirit to expand upon these in every day life, we find blessing, promotion, prosperity, and success in life and in leadership. Enjoy and be blessed!
    1- Be faithful in the little things
    2- Be faithful over another man's things
    3- Be faithful in your money

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    39 分
  • Episode 84: Keep on Praying

    In this message, Apostle Ball reminds us of the importance of prayer, but not in a religious, repetitious manner that has no power. He encourages us to simply talk to Yahweh the way we would one another. He loves us, He is our Father, and He is listening. Ongoing communion with Yahweh will provide us the guidance we need in every situation, on the good days, the bad days, and all in between. A life led by His Spirit and His word versus a life led by our selfishness and emotions is a blessed life.
    "The word of God is going to cut across every selfish ambition, going to cut across everything that is just for the flesh, going to bring me back to the real basic issues of life. What does Yahweh want for my life? What is Yahweh's will for my life?" - F Nolan Ball from his message titled "Keep on Praying".

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  • Episode 86: If You Will Hear

    "The difference between me and those who say they believe this book (the Bible), is that I believe Yahweh is still speaking and they believe He spoke. You cannot build your life on a word Yahweh gave to Elijah, but you can build your life on the God who spoke to Elijah! Yahweh never meant for you to live your life and spend out your life as a believer here on this earth making your decisions and choices in life based on the same kind of criteria the unbeliever does" - F Nolan Ball from his message titled "If You Will Hear".

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    1 時間 7 分
  • Episode 87: How to Prosper

    " I tell you today, that if you want to prosper, and do it in a way that the enemy cannot steal, destroy, and rob it from you, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit - for He alone has the ability to tell us things to come. He alone has the power to glorify Yahweh in our life, He alone can take the things of Yahweh and reveal them to us so they become ours." - F Nolan Ball from his message titled " How to Prosper".

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  • Episode 97: The Power to Become

    "To know Yeshua the Christ is to believe the best about yourself, to believe you can become. You will never know how important you are, you will never know how big you can become, you will never know what you can do, unless you trust Yeshua, unless you give your life to Him. Believe in Yeshua............. because He believes in you."- F Nolan Ball from his message titled
    "Power to Become".

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    42 分
  • Episode 83: Hearing - A Matter of Life

    "Your hearing has nothing to do with Yahweh speaking, it has everything to do with your heart. Absolutely, if you have a tender heart towards Yahweh, a sensitive heart towards Yahweh, you will hear Yahweh speak. But a hard heart, a disobedient heart, will not hear Yahweh speak. Yahweh could thunder and that kind of heart would never hear what Yahweh is saying." - F Nolan Ball from his message titled " Hearing - A Matter of Life".

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    49 分
  • Episode 82: Employees, Employers, and Warriors

    "Humanism and modern education is all about getting Yahweh and His book out. If I can get God out of the way, if I can get God's rules out of the way, then there are no absolutes, and I become God to me. I decide what is good, and I decide what is right, and nobody else has a right to tell me what to do and not to do.
    Wherever there is a manifestation of the Kingdom of God, then there are going to be employers who know how to treat employees and employees who know how to work to make a profit." - F Nolan Ball from his message titled "Employees, Employers, and Warriors".

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    57 分
  • Episode 81: Escaping The Corruption

    "If you'll let the truth of God, the truth of God's word, the truth of Yeshua the Christ rise up big in you, it will just be there, always, as a judgement. What does it mean to suppress the truth? It means to put your foot on it, hold it down, don't let it rise up, talk against it and reject it, because you see....when the truth is alive in my life, it cries out against ungodliness and unrighteousness. I'm telling you that you can never become a participant in unrighteous and ungodly living without suppressing the truth." - F Nolan Ball from his message titled "Escaping The Corruption".

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