
  • Instrument Flying

    Instrument Flying: how to be happy on path of devotion.

    Path of devotion is path of the heart. All things are manifestations of god. If don't have love for god, what do you love? Love mom? then love everything like mom, and know that is a sliver of the love of god. build the feeling of love in your heart for the creator and all the creation, extensions of creator. Hold loving frequency as much as can.

    Path of wisdom is path of mind. harder. If can't hold frequency, you can use mind, talk to your self and reframe. Like our A/B topic, the A just to get you to presence, to Love. Use the adoption of new concepts, which is mind, to shift and go back to the heart.

    Part 1. shift to higher vibrational state.

    Part 2. then keep by shift concept of reality by keeping all experience neutral or positive by "this too is god".

    Part 3. instrument flying: don't need to look out the window in plane can look at the instruments, even in dark, with no visuals. in life, get to where we don't need to use normal human senses, as feelings / vibration stay high, and you engage to keep them high.

    If something knocks you off your instruments, feelings/vibration lowers, just like a pilot you need to correct for it. The Law of One this is the discipline of the personality. Hidden Hand this is working on self.

    The lower feelings is your subconscious mind giving you a change to clean up of past programming. "Master your mind and become a mastermind." There are random lower vibrations that may not make sense, but you see them by vibration lowering. Pay attention, and forgive/let go of whatever that is coming up in order to work out that past blockage you weren't aware of. The higher your state the more you will notice and not like a lower vibrational state. You'll be more sensitive. What you didn't notice before now is unbearably miserable.

    Good Year Blimp: when ties/weights are released, it naturally floats up. When we cut these old beliefs, we naturally drift up in vibration. Believing and seeing nothing but god is a very high state.

    Key is to not get upset about being upset. just notice, forgive, and try a new concept and shift back to the heart when you can.

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    33 分
  • Better Concepts, Better Experience

    Better Concepts, Better Experience

    Using better concepts as shortcut to Liberation part 2 where we talk about then the mental techniques of dealing with the stresses of everyday life that allows you to hold beingness far more easily otherwise it's impossible.

    i am infinite love having a david experience. say with feeling, so need to slow down.

    get into that peaceful state and then move slow to try to keep it when you move!

    as you raise your frequency you pull away from the everyday world. How do I hold onto high frequency? Once we learn to balance there are experiences that come to try to knock us off balance, which helps us fine tune our skills. More sill at holding our over all frequency trends up.

    Here's concepts to correct to help us keep high frequency.

    1. Everything is from god/a blessing. There are no accidents.
    2. Forgive (let go judgements)
    3. Positive Attitude. It's not positive icing on a giant crap cake, but all day in all thoughts be positive.
    4. Accept where I am and what is and they are as it is. Then after accept make things just a little better, baby steps consistently done are better.
    5. This too/this person is god/is perfect. not "god is in there somewhere", not bad but better "this is a manifestation of God." Jesus, "not impressed by loving those who love you. no, love those who hate you."
    6. It's a big play in god's consciousness, each character being played by the one consciousness. So don't be mad at the bad guy for playing the bad guy perfectly! That's their job right now, and it's god who is pulling the strings.

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    34 分
  • How to Love the Unlovable - Talks on God with David

    How to Love the Unlovable - Talks on God with David

    • Loving the unlovable. See them as incredible actors, and still expressions of God.
    • love those who hate. teachers. reveal my judgments.
    • every action movie there is a really good bad guy. you can say, "wow that actor is such a believable bad guy, he is doing great!". we can do that for our bad guys too. we need people to play the bad guys or the show doesn't work. you can thank them if you see it this way. Don't try to see the good, just see how good of a bad guy they are playing. they have fully embodied their role, like a pro. Don't push aside dung to see a clean spot below, just appreciate the pile of manure.

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    21 分
  • Shortcut to liberation - Talks on God with David


    Shortcut to liberation.

    liberation: fully awakening to true nature of reality.

    • it's the grace of god to even have interest in liberation.
    • See brother as the same gives you all things. Identity with the whole Sonship is first step to identity as god.
    • Giving is Accepting is Knowing God.
    • thinking God and your brother as 'another' 'out there' keeps you stuck in ego.
    • all suffering and confusion comes from separate ego's impossible struggle to survive.
    • shortcut: project your consciousness to highest point in kingdom. Phowa - technique that was kept secret.
    • Baba says this is secret:
    • Gayatri. give up all practices but don't give this one. youtube "Sai Baba chants the gayatri".
    • Baba says Gayatri is summation of Vedas (sacred scriptures of India).
    • Head, heart and request. the request is what god wants to give you right now.
    • Gayatri parts:
    • Acknowledge god who is everywhere.
    • Who is everything, I thank you.
    • I meditate on your divine light/effulgence. I see you.
    • Awaken me completely to this. I am you.
    • Only mantra: "I am god. I am no different than god."
    • this is deeper way of Gayatri line "I meditate on your divine light.
    • DAvid Icke, "I am infinite awareness having a human experience."
    • activating the mind to free is activating Maya, which is the belief in separation. so the mind nor Maya can free you, because the real You is already free.
    • Garden of eden. before knowledge of good evil, everything was easy. after they got judgment and made everything hard. the judgment is what makes things difficult.

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    30 分
  • Head in sky. Feet on ground. - Talks on god with david.

    Head in sky. Feet on ground.

    - Dual Nature -

    - we are a piece of god but in a body.

    - the part in me that wants right, good, fair. The part that is separate and needs and wants and gets, that is separate.

    - physical body is loud yell. subtle body is soft, quiet whisper. the body is a wild animal needing tamed to have as an obedient pet. WE have lots of animal tendencies we need to learn to control.

    - Baba said, our job is to be fully human. Baba asked, How define fully human? He said, Well like Jesus.

    - Instead of "I am angry", recognize "my body has anger". treat the body, separate identity with love and kindness, like loving a horse you want to win over.

    - Be gentle, firm and scientific. learn and change from mistakes. Self examination.

    - how about letting the animal be and just associating with the self/spirit? Tune into divinity, higher frequency and you will get inspired to do this or that. It's not about meditating to be with god, then get up and do life like the devil. It's raising frequency so everything changes, even in physical world.

    - have a problem. get quiet and see what comes to you.

    - spiritual path: keep head in the sky but feet on the ground.

    - head in sky ex: all the universe is just perception.

    - Feet on ground ex: forgiving and having a tough conversation. key is finding the joy of the challenges of life on the ground, like enjoying a challenging game.

    - Enjoy the adventure of the growth of being human.

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    34 分
  • Giving is Receiving

    giving is receiving

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    5 分
  • What's Your Programming? Talks on God with David

    - Human programming and how to tell whether you have good or bad programming running.

    - mass programmers use this. religion, society, parents, mass media.

    - How know??

    - if unhappy = bad programing!

    - if happy = good programing.

    - programing is belif systems.

    - Shift your concepts: this is how to be happy - how to live life

    - ancient india was "sacred culture", just meant a lot of good programs, so had a lot of happy people.

    - consumerism is a program that says you are happy by buying things.

    - rich and unhappy vs. poor kid with holes in the jeans but happy.

    - dirt poor kid that was happy asked by church, "we have donations, know anyone that is poor?", he said no, we are all good here. didn't know they were poor!

    - sacred culture: you are a piece of god.

    - I need "this or that" vs I need nothing.

    - high thinking and simple living. - yogananda.

    - put a ceiling on desires - baba. they aren't bad but desire creates desire so put a ceiling on it.

    - better programing: after conversion practice forgiveness and love and service.

    - If have no peace/joy. examine how you think. practice loving others to change your experience despite if they deserve it or not. .

    - path of devotion: act appropriately but act appropriately. To all, "blessing to you may you find your way home".

    - edgar cayce "anything done from love will bear fruit eventually"

    - "blessed are the pure of heart and they shall see god". as we purify ourselves by actiing in love, we see god everywhere.

    - High frequency practices:

    - gratitude. forgiveness. Judging all as a piece of god.

    - Treat others the same way I'd want to be treated. - Jesus

    - Once you start to get a taste of joy you want more. "attachment to god breaks all the other attachments. - Baba.

    - attachments on anything else sucks.

    - attachment to own life and family.

    - story of alexander great that calls a great saint to have an audience to him. The saint said he wouldn't go, he just staying in commune with God and not leave, but Alexander could come to hom. the messenger said, "if you don't come i'll take your head." the Saint said "ok, take it". the messenger was told to stay that, but not actually cut his head off to test if he had attachments to his life, which is the last attachment.. When told this, Then Alexander the great came to this great saint.

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    31 分
  • How can I love everything Pt 2 - Talks On God

    How can I love everything Pt 1 - Talks On God

    What prevents us from loving everyone and everything?

    what's wrong w/ others thinking differently?

    • it's judgement. any judgment other than 'this too is god', brings our vibratory rate down.
    • What is "vibratory rate"?
    • deciding good and bad, now you judge and avoid bad and want good. = this is judgement that you don't have the info to really judge!
    • Why can't we judge accurately? (don't have the info!).
    • highest state of all is contentment. - baba. not seeking now resisting (push nor pull).
    • true faith is true surrender, not trusting god will do it my "good" way, but it's accepting all as perfect and from god.
    • better to judge 'this too is god' but can still act appropriately. the tiger is part of god, but don't run up and hug them. love the criminal/rapist, but don't invite into home to spend the night.
    • when god looks, all that god sees is god. all the rest is Maya (power to see illusion, see the One as many). we see maya, god sees god. spirit sees only spirit.

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    14 分