The Wright Brothers flew sixty years ago, and it's been almost as much time since the Apollo Moon landings -- yet humans haven't been back since, not even leaving Earth orbit. What's gone wrong with the space program, and what's gone right? I ask the best-informed space geek I know, Carl Alessi, and have a wonderful conversation about where we were, where we are, and where we could and should be going...
The Guest
Carl grew up in Orange County, California during a time when several of his family’s friends worked on the Apollo project. A life-long devotee of the manned space program, he has published articles on the history of NASA’s early attempts to piece together a strategy to land men on the moon by the end of the 1960s.
Several years ago, Carl was asked to write the screenplay for the documentary “Searching For Skylab”, which was America’s first space station and the follow-up to the Apollo moon landings. The film won several awards and had its premiere at the Kennedy Space Center. He’s now working on a book about the development of the Apollo Lunar Module that successfully culminated in Apollo 11’s landing in the Sea of Tranquility in 1969.
Links to my two-part article about NASA’s decision to use Lunar Orbit Rendezvous for Apollo to land on the moon:
The Space Review: “Do we want to get to the Moon or not?” (part 1)
The Space Review: “Do we want to get to the Moon or not?” (part 2)