
  • Day 54 - Deuteronomy 5-7

    Blessed is the mind of that man who, overstepping the bounds of species and race, deserves to hear what was said to Moses when he stood apart from his people: "Stand here with me."―St Ambrose

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  • Day 53 - Deuteronomy 3-4

    The intention of the law was that in everything they should look toward what is real. They should not make up things which are different from reality or misrepresent what is truly male or what is really female, or the nature of beasts or the species of birds or creeping things, or fishes―Origen

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  • Day 52 - Deuteronomy 1-2

    And here this other fact will not appear to be without significance, that it is Moses who hears from God all that is written down in the law of Leviticus, whereas in Deuteronomy it is the people who are represented as listening to Moses and learning from him what they could not hear from God. This indeed is why it is called Deuteronomy, meaning the second law. A fact which some will think points to this [is] that when the first law given through Moses came to an end, a second legislation was apparently composed, and this was specially delivered by Moses to his successor Joshua.3 And Joshua is certainly believed to be a figure of our Savior, by whose second law, that is, by the precepts of the Gospels, all things are brought to perfection―Origen

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  • Day 51 - Numbers 35-36

    The man who renounces the vices and rejects the way of life of his countrymen is in flight like Lot. Such a one does not look behind himself but enters that city which is above by the passageway of his thoughts, and he does not withdraw from it until the death of the chief priest who bore the sin of the world. He indeed died once, but he dies for each person who is baptized in Christ‘s death, that we may be buried together with him and rise with him and walk in the newness of his life―St Ambrose

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  • Day 50 - Numbers 32-34

    You have heard that Moses wrote this down by the word of the Lord. Why did the Lord want him to write it down? Was it so that this passage in Scripture about the stages the children of Israel made might benefit us in some way or that it should bring us no benefit? Who would dare to say that what is written "by the Word of God" is of no use and makes no contribution to salvation but is merely a narrative of what happened and was over and done a long time ago, but pertains in no way to us when it is told? ... He wrote them down, then, "by the word of the Lord" so that when we read them and see how many starting places lie ahead of us on the journey that leads to the kingdom, we may prepare ourselves for this way of life. [Thus,] considering the journey that lies ahead of us, [we] may not allow the time of our life to be ruined by sloth and neglect―Origen

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  • Day 49 - Numbers 29-31

    But a deeper vengeance is taken on fiercer foes and on those that are false as well as on those who have done greater wrongs, as was the case with the Midianites. For they had made many of the Jewish people to sin through their women. For this reason the anger of the Lord was poured out upon the people of our fathers. Thus it came about that Moses when victorious allowed none of them to live—St Ambrose

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  • Day 48 - Numbers 26-28

    A lottery takes place to avoid contention and to assure greater certitude and clarity. The source of this rule is the counsel of God. Devout men do not entrust their affairs to blind chance. This is what Paul means when he says, "We have been called to this destiny, predestined according to the mind of him who moves all things and according to the counsel of his will." Our use of lots bespeaks grace because, by God‘s word, it takes place according to faith. The apostles imply the same idea when they say, "Lord, knower of hearts, designate the one we should choose from among these two." Thus it is clear that the lot does not happen by chance but by the power of God‘s will. So what Scripture now says—whatever the lot designates—it says about God‘s choice by lot, not about chance. In the same way those among the Greeks who said they exercised power did not escape blame―Procopius of Gaza

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  • Day 47 - Numbers 23-25

    We are told that Balaam‘s successors moved by this (for the prediction was preserved most likely among them) when they noticed in the heavens a strange star besides the usual ones, fixed above the head, so to say, and vertically above Judea, hastened to arrive at Palestine, to inquire about the king announced by the star‘s appearance―Eusebius

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