Brad Gleason is the Director of Entrepreneurial Operations at Gannon University and the CEO of Domestic Monitoring Initiative (DMI). Brad has an undergraduate degree at Gannon University, and a Masters of Science at Mercyhurst University in 2013. Brad has one 24 year old daughter Alexa (her Husband Ryan Patiya), and a life partner Dr. Julie Hartmann. Brad recently moved to Louisville, KY and splits his work life between Erie, PA (Gannon University) and Kentucky.
Brad's DMI journey started with what he phrases “The Aha” moment. A dying wish of his mother, combined with a gathering with a life mentor triggered an idea tied to solving a problem that has turned into a four year effort to reduce suffering, self-harm and group-harm for the betterment of society. Domestic Monitoring Initiative can revolutionize case management awareness that will reduce crisis events and add efficiencies to diversionary care in mental health and over time fields such as veterans, children & youth, pre-release programs and even employee assistance programs.
Arik JohnsonLinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/arikjohnson/
Derek JohnsonLinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/derek-johnson-cfa-190893/