Six Key Leadership Principles:
1. Have confidence and humility
2. Focus on results and relationships
3. Focus on MIT (Most Important Thing) - strategically, initiative, activities, daily behaviors
people are going to do?
4. Communicating Consistently - communicate the MIT five times in five diff ways - not just
5. Check for Understanding - have people repeat what they are hearing back to you
6. Scheduling the Finish - not “I need this soon” - but put a time on it (not “soon”)
When you “lose yourself” in work - it comes from a “win at all cost mentality”
It’s about “landing in the AND” - you don’t have to have all the script ready.
People are feeling invisible at work - have to be hidden behind a script.
What are the most important daily behaviors people need to do? (NOT 27 things, but 3 things)
(i.e. does customer know how much we care, was there a wow factor, did we provide clear and
accurate info, did we document the call well)
Andrea from our community asked really important questions:
1. How do you help someone have a poker face? Karen helped us understand that our face
gets “screwed up” when we are trying to say something we don’t really believe. They are.
Not a fan of the “sandwich” technique - instead, provide the feedback someone needs, but
not all in the same sentence. Be honest and ask how they are going to do better.
2. “The Do More with Less” mantra is big in marketing right now. It’s something that will just
tick people off. How do we do more with less? It’s not about doing more with less. Karen
shared great insights that it takes focusing on the things that Matter Most (MIT) - How do you
get your team really aligned on what will matter the most?
Which metric are you going to fail at? “None” - but the truth is - you can’t possibly push your
team to not drop a ball on ALL. Of this. I want to be perfectly aligned if a ball is going to drop,
what will that be.
Instead identify “what are you going to knock out of the park” and focus on that? Simplified the
situation for the staff - you have to know what success looks like!
3. If you have someone with a bad attitude - the WORST thing you can say is “you have a bad
attitude” - instead, evaluate the situation and ask, “what am I noticing or observing that I think
is a bad attitude” and identify that. i.e. - “I noticed you were cutting off people’s input before
they finish their sentence?” (Identify the behavior) - then ask a curiosity question, “What do
you think is going on, or why is that continuing to happen?” Then take that data to help invite
them to create a solution. Get specific about behaviors, not attitudes and then get curious and
then invite them to be part of the solution.
4. Dealing with Imposter Syndrome - OWN YOUR STRENGTHS - Find someone else on the
team that can supplement your weaknesses.
Links: how to have a performance feedback conversation
Links: the 6 steps