
  • Christ In Hagar EP. 7

    Abram has been doing good, but will the faithfulness continue? How can good possibly come out of suffering? Listen in to have these questions answered!

    Reflection Questions

    • What do you think about Abram and Sarai's attempt to hurry up the promise of God? Do you see yourself ever wishing God's purposes would speed up?
    • How does it make you feel to know that the God of the Bible is the God who sees you?
    • What kind of answers to prayer have you seen in your life?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 16
    • John 4
    • Philippians 4:11-13

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com!

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    15 分
  • Christ In The Abrahamic Covenant EP. 6

    God does something crazy to affirm to Abram that He will keep His promises. Abram is credited with righteousness because of His faith. We are encouraged to "fear not."

    Reflection Questions

    • Where does your mind go when you hear the words from God, "fear not?"
    • What does it mean that righteousness was credited to Abram?
    • What does it mean to you that Jesus offers you an unconditional covenant?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 15
    • Romans 4
    • Philippians 4:6-7
    • Matthew 6:25-34

    For further discussion on fear and anxiety:Becoming Something with Jonathan Pokluda

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com!

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    17 分
  • Christ In Melchizedek EP. 5

    We begin a new literary unit and the narrative slows down to focus on one man in particular; Abram. God makes some big promises to him and we are later introduced to this mysterious figure, Melchizedek.

    Reflection Questions

    • What are the different aspects of the promise that God makes to Abram?
    • Do you ever feel that you are not enough in your faith? How does knowing that God sees in you the righteousness of Jesus effect this?
    • What do you think of Lot settling close to Sodom?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 12-14
    • Hebrews 7-9

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com!

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    16 分
  • Christ In The Tower EP. 4

    We open up with yet another list of names, but is there more to this seemingly boring genealogy? What was wrong with mankind building a tower with their newfound bricks? Listen to have these questions answered!

    Reflection Questions:

    What do you think about the details within this genealogy? How have you turned your back and God and tried to make a name for yourself? How do you picture the day when people from all around the world will bow down at the feet of Jesus?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    Genesis 10-11 Revelation 7:9-10, 21:1-8

    Book Recommendation: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

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    21 分
  • Christ In The Flood EP. 3

    The consequences of sin continue, mankind increases in wickedness, and the lie of the serpent is magnified. In the midst of all this evil, there still remains a thread of hope!

    Reflection Questions

    • What are the differences between following rules and acting out of love?
    • Can you think of a time when your actions were right but your heart was not?
    • What does it mean to you that Jesus is the divinely perfect vessel of grace?
    • When reading this story in the past, have you ever thought of yourself being on the outside of the ark?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 4-9
    • Matthew 5-7

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

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    20 分
  • Christ In The Fall EP. 2

    It didn't take long for mankind to mess up God's perfect creation. Fortunately, there is a promise of hope found even in sin's beginning.

    Reflection Questions

    • How do you see the strategies of the enemy in your life?
    • What do you think about God's grace and mercy as He kept Adam and Eve from the Tree of Life?
    • How does it impact your life to know that God has had an incredible plan since the beginning?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 3
    • Romans 3:10, 3:23, 6:23
    • Luke 3-4

    Book Recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/Rest-War-Rhythms-Well-Fought-Life/dp/0785248315/ref=sr_1_1?crid=C402Q7QTSTJM&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3Ryp0l8Mq_gaZh4pX1qHWg4ONQ17jbttjDarVm1KGpSs04r-nEuVf968O8Atuf0rR9Tw3wkoPpJ1RdcVtZKPif6Dp2BIs08IHrUKQTc3m0IPDblVd5GAL5kENazNsixOy-jMcPbNeV-rbqoCIwwfnroHHN1QP2NTOhI1rYUbH7X1hxiVUF-6pGsruP3sbxWRJ9fZajXGNEMk6MKFkMqB9UaC9iHN_-VvfrRdM-7U9dg.a00Jxnkp6qRFPPJF2svpQwEX97R9yIBFBlFLQhrZDn4&dib_tag=se&keywords=rest+and+war&qid=1736351527&sprefix=rest+and+wa%2Caps%2C111&sr=8-1

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

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    13 分
  • Christ In Creation EP. 1

    This episode is the beginning, literally. Genesis is the beginning of God's great story about Jesus, so it is the perfect place to start our journey through Scripture.

    Reflection Questions

    • How does remembering the infinite power, glory, and wonder of our God impact your worship of Him?
    • How does it impact your life and self-image to know that you were created in the image of God?
    • What piece of truth from God's Word will you apply to your life in the week ahead?

    Recommended Scripture Reading

    • Genesis 1-2
    • John 1:1-5

    If you'd like to reach out, send an email to Christinpodcast@gmail.com

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    12 分
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the "Christ In..." Podcast! Listen in to hear what this show is all about. God bless!

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    3 分