
  • 13. Maslows hierarchy - still figuring this twinflame thing out
    A morning rant... Sometimes, I wake up and feel frustrated that his energy is still there. Although it's a year later and I have made so much progress. I have learnt so much and awakened so much. Now he is just there. And sometimes my ego really gets annoyed by it. Oft times, I question my sanity. But I guess here I am - in real time - still baffled by the way I feel for this human. There is no logical reason. But I can not deny it. He is the story I can't stop writing about... And in the same breath , I love this story. Talking about Maslows hierarchy of needs and the steps I have taken on these - notable growth in my consciousness to grow and develop and lead up to my enlightenment... I am not attached to outcomes from my twinflame or from this story. I am just excited that I am awakening and writing books and poetry and feeling unconditional love. I trust the universe. I align with my soul and my purpose. It feels magical. Most of the time ⏲️ 😪 I share my story on case someone needs to hear it. If you are on this journey , I am sending you so much love and strength. Don't give up. Keep going. You have a divine purpose and so much love to share. This was 14.44 at 7.44 am 🐕
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    15 分
  • 12. LET GO 🐝 🎁
    Let go be present podcast Writing during awakening- tapping into subconscious. Ego learning, reading, studying - going into mind. And tapping into subconscious alignment with soul. Learning to balance out our egos. Awakening is different, weird and crazy. Scary to speak the truth. Fear of judgement from others. Scary to speak truth. But why would anyone want to hold any parts of themselves back. I want to be all of me. That is all that I can be. I am not for everyone and that is okay. I wantto fall in love with yourself. Awakening to your soul, you see how beautiful and divine you are - you fall in love with myself fully. The masks fall and you discover your truth. Yoga, meditation, writing, having visions, dreams... so much to see, to learn and gain. You don't know what you don't know. All the puzzle pieces come together ❤️ everything just makes sense. All the little pieces of everything 💛 all the love and guidance I received on this journey 🙏 The quotes come to life. I am humble in gratitude. Physical symptoms, emotions, depression, ecstasy... crazy experiences 🤪 Buddhism and Hinduism - find out who you are. All you are is what you are. I am the sum total of everything that makes me me. I am free to be everything. I am free to be. You're not who you think you should be. I exist as a reflection of life that has come before me. Thinking how we have been taught to think. Following predefined programs of who we should be. Be present 🎁 ✨️ the best thing we can do. In this moment you will find light. We are always learning, growing and becoming. Age and wisdom✨️🙌 consciousness and awakening. Wisdom is available to everyone. It depends on how you access it or if you access it. You choose to grow and change. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Be here and now. Stop chasing and allow your expectations to have flexibility. Release atrachements. Release dualistic thinking, allowing it to just be. We are infinite souls. On Earth darkness and light. We need to experience the darkness to understand the light. We have to allow ourselves to have feelings, let it go through us, let ot out. Find a balance.
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    34 分
  • 11. Into the unknown *twinflame void
    Podcast - into the unknown My dairy Diving into my profound soul connection awakening. No rush, relax and take it easy. Going through my process and sharing my story just in case anyone needs to hear it, maybe going through something similar. Profound. Unexplainable. Epiphanies. Realisations. Knowledge. Awakening. The feelings don't go away... you learn what they are and how to live with them. Goes against societal norms! Weird. Crazy. Seeing my twinflame for the first time. Having visions.I struggledg to capture my experience. My soul woke up and I found my purpose. When nothing matters and everything matters at the same time... it's called love. Overwhelming energies. I am inspired to be the best version of myself and live the best life possible. Ascension symptoms. Awakening symptoms. Breathing. Squeezing. My ego refuses to accept it. My mind fights with me every day. Into the void. No escaping this connection. It's here to teach me something. I've already learnt so much. Soul connection. Step into the unknown. Not afraid of the dark. We are all connected. Your pain is my pain. I feel the pain of the world. Ubuntu, collective consciousness - I am because you are. Knowing yourself is knowing your connection to others. He pretends I dont exist. That is what my ego needed to die. It still happens. I thought we were meant to be together because I had never felt it before. I remember the first moment we met. I remember what I felt. Feel. No time has passed. That moment is still alive in me. Every moment with him is still alive. Cannot stop feeling him, searching for him, writing about him... My love was too much. He ran away. His soul became my platform. A place to speak my truth. Because I finally felt like it was okay to be all of me. Like I had someone I wanted to share my story with. To remember myself. I found my story. I heard my soul song. Just a human being... navigating this world I have never been to before. Like learning to walk for the first time. Learning to swim... This love is the most insane feeling. The most insane love. There are no cracks in this vase. It blows my mind. The love is just there. Unbreakable. He denied me, and it broke my heart. Rewriting how we define love. What we think love has to look like. Unconditional love. Rewriting the book of love. He never chose me. But that doesn't mean I don't love him. Our souls vibrate at the same frequency. We are all from one big blueprint. All from a rainbow 🌈 shining different colours. It's weird but wonderful. Music is life. We are sound. Everyone is music. Playing different sounds and frequencies. We become a symphony. That is why we need to be ourselves. We can't all sound the same. Twinflames are the same frequency. The same note. It's the same pitch. Tune. Understanding I can see people's souls. Souls can be in more than one place at a time. I never had anxiety before I met him... Connect with Source and Spirit. Access your inner guidance. Trust yourself. This is your journey. De ja vu. Thank you. #twinflame #soulconnection #awakening #living #laughing #loving #cosmiclovesnakedtruth #iseemywholelifewhenilookatyou
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    37 分
  • 10. Big Love Awakening ⏰️❤️🤯
    My awakening. Never felt like this before. This moment has never happened before. Physical pangs. Thought there was something wrong. Constant butterflies, heart palpitations, empty feeling... can't stop smiling. My chakras opening. I didn't know there were physical symptoms to an awakening until they started happening to me. I thought there was something wrong. I started experiencing weird bumps, lumps and pain about a month before 'the awakening' and then I experienced physical symptoms, mostly around my root chakra and sacral chakra. My menstrual cycle, my digestive system, my breasts, they all experienced shifts and changes. My energy was the highest it has ever been, my heart racing, palpitations like never before. It felt like anxiety, but it wasn't. And then all my energy being taken from me. I could feel the blood pumping slowly through my veins, blocks opening. I lay down with my legs lifted. I could only eat spinach and mushrooms. Food from the Earth. My body was talking to me, and I was listening. There were so many emotions being released during this time, too. I realised that all I could do was be patient with my body. Breathe and be present. My breasts grew, and the shape of my body changed. It really felt like I was going through puberty again. Both the intense emotions, the hormones, the bliss, the pain, and the physical body changes that started happening. I had all the symptoms of pregnancy. My period even stopped for a while, and then it changed. There were so many things. I have written a book basically just on these symptoms, tracking everything I was experiencing because it was so unexplainable. Everything had a reboot. I went to the doctor several times. Scans, tests, the works. I did it all. To be told continuously that everything was normal and I am healthy. It really does make you feel like you're going crazy. It took me long to understand what was happening. And still, to this day, there continues to be a gruffle between my ego and my soul. I feel different than before. Your presence is transcending into me and making me feel like I can be free. You are freeing me. Bringing me back to life. Making me come alive. I feel like I can be every part of myself. I see my life with you in it. You are a part of my story. Never felt so connected to the Earth and myself before. Know that you are loved and protected. Feel abundance and love. I pray for you. For a simple joy and a simple laugh. I pray for the world 🌎 🙏 Spiritual awakening, physical symptoms, cracks open stored energies and emotions, to be released, from this lifetime and lifetime before. We are from the beginning of time, and that is within us. Soul connection and love beyond my mind. Love that I had to find for myself. Love of God, existence, source... unconditional love. Radiating out of me like sunshine. BIG LOVE. Another incomplete, unsent love letter... trying to understand my truth. I can't be anything but true to me. Save the trees 🌳 🎶 Unconditional love is real... the most beautiful thing. We can never know everything. Love should make you feel safe and secure, FREE. I am feeling this insane, incredible love. I see my whole life when I look at you, from the beginning to the end... Life is meant to be enjoyed. Why do we make it so complicated? When I look into your eyes, I can feel everything you're saying and everything you're feeling. Deep breaths. For your precious love, I'd climb the highest mountain ⛰️ Different people have experienced different parts of me. I want you to experience all the parts of me. Right now, because I am on fire. I will light up your world. I will love you like you have never been loved. I have never loved like this before. I feel like I am exploding. I am eternally grateful for this experience and to know this love. This beautiful unconditional love from whence we all came. I know that my purpose is to guide others through this journey from all I have learnt.
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    23 分
  • 9. Speak Your TRUTH
    Speak your truth Acknowledgement of trust issues and insecurities. Not feeling good enough in ourselves and projecting that on to other women. We need to discover ourselves and fall in love with ourselves. Realise that we are enough and we have everything we need. We must not be jealous of other women. We must know that there is plenty enough for all of us. That we are all meant to be the way we are, look different, act different. We are all unique reflections of the cosmos. Our own brilliant, beautiful lights. We are meant to shine as we do. We must be who we are, and support other women to be themselves. We must cheer women on. Not be nasty, jealous and bitchy. That is society's way to turn us against each other. Because when women come together they are the most powerful. When women come together it is the most beautiful, powerful force. Hold a space for each other. Support and love each other. Insurmountable - too great to overcome. Release fears and insecurities. Stand in your space, shine your light. Living in our truth is so important. When we can't live in our truth we hide parts of ourselves away. We resent others and ourselves. We can never truly love and accept ourselves when we hide parts of ourselves away. You deserve to be loved for who you are inside and out. You don't have to wear a mask to be accepted. What's thw point in that? Your mask is being loved. Not you. When you live in the truth of who you are. You accept yourself fully and love who you are fully. Only when you are true to who you are. And then only you can be loved fully for who you are because you all being seen fully. When you truly realise that you are never going to look and feel like you do right now in this moment - you tend to grab the moment and hold on tight. Honesty. Oneness. Freedom. Awakening feeling tumultuous ups and downs. The highest highs and lowest lows. Fluctuations of energy. I had only just met my twin flame and I was feeling something crazy. Something different. Couple weeks after meeting my twin flame I am day dreaming about a life with him... already telling myself to stop thinking about him. Wearing my heart on my sleeve. I saw a future that I hadn't seen before. I saw him and I saw my purpose. That was the purpose of the Twin flame awakening for me. Trust the universe ✨️ 🙏 He was waking up a part of me. This amazing, empowering part of myself. Because I finally felt like it was okay to just be me. Like I could be all of myself and it was okay. It was the first time I had ever felt that before. Because his soul woke me up to my truth. A soul that knew my soul from past lives. Our souls have history. He woke my soul up. The twinflame experience is beyond the mind. Society tells us not to share our emotions. But that's how we learn and grow about ourselves and the world. We see the world through reflections of ourselves. If we don't express ourselves we will never see the world and the world will never see us. To be seen we must be heard, and to be heard, we must speak. If we want to be understood, we must speak our truths. We live in a world of frequencies. People vibrate at different frequencies. Certain frequencies resonate and vibrate at the same levels. That's our energies. And only when we are vibrating at the frequencies of our truths can we attract towards us those with a similar vibration. Our soul tribe. In order to be heard we must sing our soul song. We must share ourselves in our authenticity. Women expect men to behave in certain ways and do things, but we aren't clear about what we want. This actually works in all relationships, all spheres and all sexes. I speak only from this perspective because I am a women. I know specifically of how women's and men's minds work slightly differently, so maybe your girlfriend understands how you think and what you want, but your husband doesn't. We need to be open and honest and communicate our thoughts and needs. Express yourself. Love Yourself.
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    26 分
  • 8. Ho'oponopono

    Jamie here aka. Forest River - taking you on my journey of awakening. Because it is the most beautiful journey and I want to capture every moment. And share it with anyone who wants to hear. Sometimes I feel like it is "AWAKENING FOR DUMMIES" - Because I had no idea what was going on with me. I have learnt a lot as I realised my truth and fallen madly and deeply in love with myself, my life and everything and everyone around me - because I feel a connection deeper than that which we see with our eyes.

    My truth is your truth, there is a connection between our souls, the earth and indeed the entire cosmos. Our own truth shines uniquely but all connected... it took me a minute to understand what was happening to my body, mind, and soul, to realise I was having an awakening. To know that there is something bigger than me and I am a part of it, that it is within me, and you. To let go and surrender... It is a constant conversation between the ego and the soul.

    Life is a journey of awakening.

    We ought to learn that we do not need validation in order to exist fully. We have within us the group mentality whereby we long to be accepted and therefore we hide parts of ourselves away for fear of being rejected. But if we hide ourselves away we can never be fully accepted and loved, from ourselves or others. When we lose our minds, we remove the judgement we have for ourselves and the worlds. We understand the subconscious biases and ideologies - we understand that what we think is malleable. We empower ourselves to reconfigure your biases and beliefs.

    If we can, we must travel, to understand that our perspective is not the only one. That there are a multitude of stories and a multitude of truths. The world is a rainbow, different colours, different religions and different stories. We must read and watch and learn with open minds. We will come to understand that it's not about your god’s name, it is about what your God teaches you and it is about how you interpret gods lessons. If the message is love, keep listening...

    Anger and judgement will never fix the problem, it will store up in your body and cause physical problems. We must realise that we are not our emotions or thoughts, instead we are the conscious observers thereof. We can transmute negative energies and not let them overcome our lives.

    What exists only exists because of our conscious awareness of it. We are in control of our minds.

    People are going to judge you and not understand you. That's just the way it goes. Don't let that stop you.

    Song: The Anxiety- Meet me at our spot

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    19 分
  • 7. Feminine Power 🔋 💪Connect with your Pu55y - LIVE YOUR TRUTH
    The twinflame awakening is a gold mine. People pay big money for this... search forever to have a spiritual awakening. Just meet your twin flame. Lol. Awakening to the connectedness of yourself and the world. The oneness, the unity. It is the most beautiful feeling. When you ground yourself in your heart chakra, it feels so good to be alive. It feels good to breathe. Morning routines. Thinking about your dream ✨️ messages from your dreams. Visualising. Manifesting. Breathing. Connecting. Doing yoga. Practising gratitude. Becoming the conscious observer of your thoughts. Feeling gratitude for sadness. Understanding the beautiful lessons on your journey. Vagina Awakening story ! Life changing experience 😌 release, let go, de armour, and move into your truth and authenticity. Pu55y Power 🔋 💪 releasing trauma! Self-expression is so important. If you have it , it's a gift 🎁 Break free from the restraints of society and move into your authenticity! Move away from materialised masculine mind and remember the divine feminine intuition. Open your energy centres. Connect to your energy centres. Connect to your truth. Women experience and hold onto so much trauma. We must accept and release this. De armour ourselves and open our energy pathways. Be proud of the blood between your legs. Connect with your root chakra, your pu55y, and open your throat chakra. Move into your truth. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Speak your truth. Stand up for yourself. Say no. Let your voice be heard and seen. The emotions we hide and the truths we hide because we are too afraid to speak blocks up in our bodies and manifest into physical ailments. F_ck what they think! Not everyone has to get you! Live in your truth! When you live in your truth, you can fully love yourself and be fully loved by others. For all of you. Put your pleasure first. When you fill your cup, you can share. Keep going ! You got this 👍 So much love to you, my love ❤️
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    27 分
  • 6. Who farted? Why do we hide the human condition 😕
    We have come so far away from nature that we somehow think we are separate from it. We have created images that are not sustainable for us, and then we hate ourselves for not being good enough. We hide ourselves away for fear of rejection. We try to attain perfection and hide the human condition. We need balance. We need freedom. We need to accept our human condition and connect with our beautiful, brilliant bodies. We must connect with nature and remember that we are indeed nature. And it is infact the most wonderful experience. We have forgotten how to just "be" - a human being. We need to be who we are. Be true to our souls.
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    17 分