Michael Wilkinson, an attorney and adjunct professor at Trinity Law School, joins Jonathan and James for an engaging discussion about his new book, Crowned with Glory and Honor: A Chalcedonian Anthropology. Michael’s primary assertion is that Jesus Christ is the definitive revelation of what it means to be human.
Jesus is the only man who was ever purely human in the unalloyed sense of being not corrupted in his mind or his will. In that respect, if we want to look for a blueprint of what is true man and then also what true man ought to be, then he is right, we ought to be looking to Christ for that. – James Dolezal
Michael purports that Chalcedonian Christology offers a unique perspective on human ontology, distinguishing itself from other anthropological models. This episode offers a fresh perspective on human nature, challenging contemporary models and inviting us to look to Christ for clarity.
Thanks to the generosity of Lexham Academic, we are pleased to award two copies of Crowned with Glory and Honor: A Chalcedonian Anthropology by Michael Wilkinson to our listeners. Congratulations to John R. from Winoka, MN and Kevin E. from Edison, NJ!