
  • Episode 7: Stop the Drama

    Dependent upon the situation, we show up in the role of persecutor, victim, or rescuer, which can lead to conflict. How do we escape these roles, and transition to the role of encourager, coach or survivor?
    Quiz link: https://cdn.website-editor.net/848c74c539684751972b4649bf55aae7/files/uploaded/Drama%2520triangle%2520quiz.pdf

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    24 分
  • Episode 6: This Can't be Normal-Dysfunctional Family Roles

    Description-Conflict, poor communication and abuse contribute to family dysfunction. We often overlook the role we play in the dysfunction and adopt unhealthy interactions with family as our norm.

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    26 分
  • Episode 5- Can We Talk: Communication Styles

    This episode highlights four styles of communication. What's your primary style of communication, and how does it help or hurt your relationships with others?

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    27 分
  • Episode 4: I Can't Make You Love Me: Lopsided Relationships

    Oftentimes in relationships, one person is investing more time, effort, emotions and even finances. What role do you play in the relationship?

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    25 分
  • Episode 3: My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me: Negative Thought Patterns

    Often our thoughts are negatively biased, irrational;, skewed, and inaccurate, which indicates they are not based on facts and/or supported by evidence.

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    28 分
  • Episode 2: The Great Divide in Relationships-Differences in Values & Beliefs

    This episode highlights how differences in values and beliefs often cause conflict and disagreements in relationships.

    Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast.

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    20 分
  • Trailer
    2 分
  • Episode 1: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, but You Can’t Make it Drink!

    Internal vs External Factors (Stress Management)

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    27 分