Join Dr. Heather in this EXTRA SPECIAL Edition of The Deep Space with Dr H Podcast:
Eclipse Season is here and the New Moon in Taurus Partial Solar Eclipse kicks off April 30, 2022. The Pleiadian Portal is official open, YAS GAWD!
In this intergalactic episode made from the soul for the soul we will be activating and discussing the highest vibrational energies related to:
*The Quantum Field & Starseed Activation Meditation
*Anchoring in to the Sovereign Earth Grids & The Pleiades Star System
*The Pleiadians - one of many Multidimensional Star Families
*The Pleiadian Alignment in May
*The current Lunar Nodes in Taurus (North Node) & Scorpio (South Node)
*Your natal Lunar Nodes, Nodal Returns and Nodal Reversals
*How to look up your natal Lunar Nodes and Asteroids in your chart
*What are eclipses and how to work with this energy
*Current Transits Conjunct this New Moon in Taurus
*Current Asteroids of Interest
*And so much more...
Looking forward to connecting with you in this sacred container infused with Pleiadian. LOVE & Gratitude.
For more information about Starseed Galactic Origins Readings and ALL OF Dr, Heather's offerings visit: https://linktr.ee/DrHeatherLemuriaStar