Department of Deceptions

著者: Shelby Ryan & Anna Christine
  • サマリー

  • Department of Deceptions is a podcast focusing on the scams and true crimes of incarcerated individuals scamming people behind bars, romance scams happening everywhere around us and an occasional murder to add the cherry on top of the deception! Okay maybe an inmate taking advantage and scamming a love one out of THOUSANDS of dollars isn't a crime but... maybe it should be!
    Join Shelby Ryan and Anna Christine as they dive deep into new stories weekly, if you're obsessed with true crime (like Shelby) or new to this world (like Anna) this podcast may be for you. 

    © 2023 Department of Deceptions
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Department of Deceptions is a podcast focusing on the scams and true crimes of incarcerated individuals scamming people behind bars, romance scams happening everywhere around us and an occasional murder to add the cherry on top of the deception! Okay maybe an inmate taking advantage and scamming a love one out of THOUSANDS of dollars isn't a crime but... maybe it should be!
Join Shelby Ryan and Anna Christine as they dive deep into new stories weekly, if you're obsessed with true crime (like Shelby) or new to this world (like Anna) this podcast may be for you. 

© 2023 Department of Deceptions
  • Gypsy Rose Part Two!

    We're back with part two of Gypsy Rose and trigger warning guys because we're talking about some hard things in this one! The trial, the sentencing and what we do and DONT agree with! This whole case was a wild ride and we're excited to wrap it all up in this episode!

    Find us on all the Socials!

    Facebook! & Instagram!

    *If you or someone you love is dealing with an incarcerated individual, you believe they are being scammed  and you want your story to be shared please contact us on any of our socials! 

    Sources For Gypsy Rose Eps!


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    24 分
  • Gypsy Rose: Part 1

    Guys! We're talking about Gypsy and while a lot of you may know this story Anna didnt and her reaction is worth the listen! Join us as we dive deep into the lives of Deedee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy Rose! Though a well known case this is an episode you won't want to miss! I mean we're going deep! Did you see the part 1 in the title? If you didn't, you did now! 

    Follow us on our socials to stay updated with all the things we're doing!


    *if you or someone you love is involved with an inmate and you think they're being used reach out to us on our socials! We'd love to tell your story!*

    Dont forget to leave a rating/review wherever you listen! <3

    Sources for Episode here!


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    43 分
  • AAPI HERITAGE MONTH: The Murder of Vincent Chin

    "Its not fair." are alledgedly the last words Vincent Chin spoke before his life was taken far too soon by an act of hate towards the Asian American community in Highland Park, Michigan  in 1982 . Join us this week as we dive into the life and death of Vincent Chin and honor him this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. 

    "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill.


    If you or someone you love is a victim of AAPI hate, help and resources are available to. you! HERE


    Resources for the episode!


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    36 分

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