Discovering Truth with Dan Duval

著者: Discovering Truth w Dan Duval
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  • Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY
    Copyright Daniel Duval (C/O Blogtalkradio)
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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY
Copyright Daniel Duval (C/O Blogtalkradio)
  • California Fires, Nimrods Tomb, and Things to come with Dave Bryan
    In this episode, Dan welcomes Pastor Dave Bryan of Glad Tidings Church in California. The conversation covers a wide array of topics, including the impact of California's fires, conspiracy theories, and spiritual warfare. Pastor Dave shares his perspectives on demonic influences, the significance of portals and supernatural beings, and his experiences with military operations involving high strangeness. Covered in this episode: California Fires and Conspiracy TheoriesDemonic Influence and Fire MismanagementInner Earth and Supernatural BeingsThe Catholic Church and Cosmic BrotherhoofNimrod's TombDeliverance Ministry InsightsProminent Figures and Spiritual InfluenceChild Trafficking and Rescue EffortsThe Role of the Church in Modern Times Now we ENCOURAGE you to do 4 QUICK THINGS!! 1. Sign up to be a podcast member 2. Be sure to check out and like our new Facebook page: 3. Subscribe to the new podcast YouTube Channel: 4. AND Subscribe to our Rumble Channel, where we will post all of our interviews that are TOO HOT for YouTube! DiscoveringTruthNetwork (
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    1 時間 20 分
  • Svali on Delta Programs, Immortals, and Elemental Programs
    In this episode, Dan brings back Svali, an ex-Jesuit Father who has courageously defected from the Jesuit order and survived it. Svali discusses her three-part autobiography, 'Never Give Up,' which chronicles her life from before birth to her escape and deprogramming. Covered in this episode: Understanding Jesuit and Illuminati ProgrammingThe Role of Delta ControllersThe Immortals and Jesuit TheologyThe Creator and Internal ProgrammingDeception and Programming ThemesThe Elemental Kingdom and Jesuit PracticesEncounters with Demonic EntitiesBreaking Free and Finding HopeThe Power of Testimony and AwakeningAnd much more Now we ENCOURAGE you to do 4 QUICK THINGS!! Sign up to be a podcast member Be sure to check out and like our new Facebook page: to the new podcast YouTube Channel: AND Subscribe to our Rumble Channel, where we will post all of our interviews that are TOO HOT for YouTube! DiscoveringTruthNetwork (
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    1 時間 17 分
  • Robert and Esther discuss the Illuminati, CERN, Jesuits, and Aliens
    In this episode, guest speakers Robert Vandriest Harrington and Esther Ford delve into their traumatic experiences as survivors of sinister projects conducted in deep underground military bases. They discuss their encounters with powerful Illuminati families like the Rothschilds, interactions with non-human entities, and the intricate web of councils such as the Knights of Malta and Jesuit Order. Covered in this episode: Unveiling the Council: Rothschilds and IlluminatiRobert's Experiences with the RothschildsEsther's Journey and Rothschild MemoriesKnights of Malta, Jesuit Order, and CERNRoyal Families and Hidden ChildrenGeneva, Switzerland, and Genetic EngineeringPower Play and Biblical ConnectionsHollywood and Elite Rehabilitation CentersDutch Royal Family and Child Hunting PartiesOff-Planet Operations and Alien EntitiesPre-Adamic Age and Human SpiritAlien Abductions and Mind ControlFaith and Overcoming Darkness Now we ENCOURAGE you to do 4 QUICK THINGS!! Sign up to be a podcast member Be sure to check out and like our new Facebook page: to the new podcast YouTube Channel: AND Subscribe to our Rumble Channel, where we will post all of our interviews that are TOO HOT for YouTube! DiscoveringTruthNetwork (
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    1 時間 45 分

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