• Toxic Relationship Series: Understanding Toxic Relationships With Shannon Kaiser

    Our relationships with others all reflect the relationship we have with ourselves. Kristine sits down with bestselling self-love teacher, Shannon Kaiser to discuss how we can cultivate our inner world so we receive better treatment from others. Learn how to stop being an enabler, how to set healthy boundaries, and how to foster the fulfilling connections you deserve.

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    36 分
  • Toxic Relationship Series: Letting Go of the Victim Mindset with Elle Russ

    Is a victim mentality destroying your relationship? World-renowned expert thyroid expert and bestselling author of The Paleo Thyroid Solution and Confident As Fu*k, Elle Russ joins Kristine on the show. She shares how we can use ancestral health wisdom to help us move on from a victim mindset in our most important connections.

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    38 分
  • Toxic Relationship Series: Mindfulness and relationships with Hunter Clarke-Fields

    Peace begins within. Kristine sits down with mindfulness mentor Hunter Clarke-Fields to uncover how we can manage our own stress and anxiety so we bring our best to the world. Learn the proven practices that will help you foster harmony in your most important relationships.

    Hunter Clarke-Fields is the host of the Mindful Mama Podcast (Top 0.5% podcast ), global speaker, # 1 bestselling author of Raising Good Humans and Raising Good Humans Every Day, mindfulness meditation teacher and creator of the Mindful Parenting Course and Teacher Training.

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    41 分
  • Toxic Relationship Series: Reclaiming Yourself After Heartbreak

    So you’ve decided to leave your toxic relationship. What now? Kristine shares 3 self-love practices to help you rebuild and renew your spirit after walking away from an unhealthy connection. These exercises will help you along your path from heartbreak to wholeness, as you shift from victimhood to being the hero in your own story.

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    14 分
  • Toxic Relationship Series: When to Stay - When to Walk Away

    Can a toxic relationship be healed into a healthy one? Yes, but only under certain conditions! Kristine shares 3 factors to help you determine whether transformation is possible in your relationship. Listen in and explore your next steps forward to living your most fulfilled life.

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    16 分
  • Toxic Relationship Series: Identifying A Toxic Relationship

    When it comes to relationships, it can be all too easy to ignore red flags – but at what cost? Over time, unhealthy relationships take a significant toll on our mental, physical, and even spiritual health. Kris reveals the warning signs of a toxic relationship that you shouldn’t ignore, and how to identify if you’re in one. She shares her best wisdom to help you protect your self-worth, so you focus on nurturing positive connections with yourself and others.

    If you or someone you love is experiencing abuse of any kind, contact the National Domestic Abuse hotline here: https://www.thehotline.org/ Everyone deserves healthy relationships.

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    19 分
  • Fill Your Own Well

    We’ve all heard the expression, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” But why is it so hard to put ourselves first? Kristine shares what it’s like to be in the “sandwich generation”; that is, caring for aging parents and children at the same time. She reveals the daily rituals that help her unwind, relax, and reconnect to herself.

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    19 分
  • What's Your Number this Year? With Numerologist, Michele Landers - Part 2

    You know your zodiac sign, but do you know your personal year number for the year ahead?

    In this two part series, Kristine sits down with professional numerologist Michele Landers to uncover the secrets behind this ancient mystical science.

    Listen in and learn how to use this sacred “self-help tool”, so you uncover the deeper meanings that numbers have in your life - shaping your personality, life path, and even your destiny!

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    38 分