ContextFor those taking Thesis Seminar.Talking points* Educational platforms: Capacities and Microsoft Teams* For those who have a working version of a literature review (e.g., )from Academic Writing).* Review research questions to see how they align with potential participants: Situational questions when doing research and Finding participants.* Determine where a survey, interview, or focus group is needed to get more information about potential participants - to inform research questions and any changes needed to the literature review.* Make necessary changes to literature review.* Review Narrowing down a topic, Organizing an effective argument: Methods and examples, & Organizational Patterns - Text Structure* Review Unit I Module in Teams: Thesis statement and skeleton outline & Problem Statement.* Begin focusing on each evidence sentence in each body paragraph to assure you have enough examples, facts, statistics, etc. that will provide points of comparison when it comes to presenting your findings.* For those who are beginning a new topic* As you are drafting a Problem Statement and Thesis statement and skeleton outline, begin thinking about potential participants (See Finding participants and Situational questions when doing research). Our first discussions in our first few tutoring sessions will be about potential participants who will likely be able to answer your research questions.* Review also Narrowing down a topic, Organizing an effective argument: Methods and examples, & Organizational Patterns - Text Structure* Review Unit I Module in Teams: Thesis statement and skeleton outline & Problem Statement. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit benjaminlstewart.substack.com