• EDT117 Accessibility Tools with Adam Juarez and Katherine Goyette; MagicSchool, Goblin Tools, Diffit, Perplexity, SchoolAI, and more
    How can we create more flexible, accessible, and differentiated learning experiences? In this episode, I chat with Adam Juarez and Katherine Goyette (husband and wife duo AdaKat) about tools and strategies to make learning more inclusive. We explore MagicSchool, Quizizz, Mote, Immersive Reader, Goblin Tools, MirrorTalk, Factors Education, Helperbird, Google Docs Voice Typing, and more. Plus, we dive into AI-powered tools like Perplexity AI, Diffit, and SchoolAI and creative solutions like image generators in Canva and Adobe Express. I also share updates on interactive charts in Canva, new Pear Deck certified content, and the launch of Google Vids for Google Workspace for Education. #EduDuctTape Episode 117 Today's SponsorSwivl - bit.ly/reflectwithjake SoapBox Moment - “Don’t Forget to Look in the Rearview Mirror””Today’s Guests: Adam Juarez and Katherine Goyette, co-authors of The Complete EdTech Coach: An Organic Approach to Supporting Digital Learning.Adam is an Educational Technology & Integrated Studies Consultant for Tulare County Office of Education. He supports teachers through individualized coaching, demo lessons and professional development. Adam is a Google Certified Trainer and Innovator, CUE Board Member, and 2022 ISTE Featured Voice. @techcoachjuarez on X, Bluesky, TikTok and IG. techcoachjuarez.com. ajuarez@techcoachjuarez.comKatherine is an author, learner and educational leader who advocates for inclusive educational opportunities for all students within the communities they reside. She was the primary writer for California’s inaugural Computer Science Standards. Katherine has been a keynote speaker, featured presenter, and panelist for organizations across the globe on a variety of educational topics. @katgoyette.bsky.social, @kat_goyette, @katgoyette on IG The EdTech Newlywed GameAdam’s “Hashtag Learning” Blog post - techcoachjuarez.blogspot.com/2020/11/hashtags-reflection-review-real-life-to.html Educational Duct Tape Question: What tool or strategy would you use to create a more flexible, accessible (UDL), and differentiated learning experience?Google Docs Voice Typing - jakemiller.net/voice-typing-in-google-docsQuizizz Accessibility Features - quizizz.com/home/accommodationsMote - mote.comGoogle Search for Pronunciation - youtube.com/watch?v=TK_6-mtJE-k&t=29sClosed Captioning in Google Slides - support.google.com/docs/answer/9109474Goblin Tools - goblin.toolsMagicSchool - magicschool.aiFactors Education - factors.worldImmersive Reader - onenote.com/learningtoolsHelperbird - helperbird.comMirrorTalk - mirrortalk.aiPerplexity AI - perplexity.aiDiffit - web.diffit.meImage Creator in Canva - canva.com/ai-image-generatorImage Creator in Adobe Express - adobe.com/products/firefly/features/text-to-image.htmlGoogle’s Teachable Machine - teachablemachine.withgoogle.comSchoolAI - schoolai.comBrisk - briskteaching.com Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:Canva Levels Up Data Viz with Interactive Charts - canva.com/newsroom/news/droptober-education-2024New Math and ELA Pear Deck Certified Content - peardeck.com/product-updates/new-math-and-ela-pear-deck-certified-contentGoogle Vids is now available for Google Workspace for Education - workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/11/google-vids-now-generally-available-for-edu.html
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    1 時間 9 分
  • EDT116 - Parents & Teens' AI Awareness, Google Classroom Groups, Canva Teacher Work Kit, Pear Deck, Feedback Friday, and Unconditional Positive Regard

    In today’s episode, I kick things off with a Soapbox Moment relating to a new CommonSense Media report about the gap between the AI-awareness of teens and their parents—and what that means for us as educators. Then, we’ll explore five updates! We’ve got a game-changing differentiation feature in Google Classroom, an time-saving resource in Canva’s Teacher Work Kit, an upgrade to Pear Deck with Graded Mode, a great learning opportunity from Google, and a powerful classroom culture strategy called Feedback Friday.

    #EduDuctTape Episode 116

    • Today's Sponsor
      • Short Answer - myshortanswer.com use code jakemillerwrites
    • SoapBox Moment - ““Skibidi What? AI, the Generational Divide, and John Wooden”
      • “The Dawn of the AI Era: Teens, Parents, and the Adoption of Generative AI at Home and School” - commonsensemedia.org/research/the-dawn-of-the-ai-era-teens-parents-and-the-adoption-of-generative-ai-at-home-and-school
    • Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:
      • Introducing Student Groups in Google Classroom - workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/08/student-groups-in-google-classroom.html
      • Teachers Work Kit - canva.com/work-kits/teachers
      • Pear Deck Graded Mode, Submit Button, and Locks - youtu.be/G7hpt8vtZHk?si=H33qulwg--JIBMea&t=227
      • Google for Education Product Training Series - educationonair.withgoogle.com/events/product-training-series-h2-2024?tab=emea-sessions
      • “Soliciting Weekly Student Feedback” - edutopia.org/article/soliciting-weekly-student-feedback
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    22 分
  • EDT115 Adam Sparks Part 2 - Teaching Writing in the Age of AI, Short Answer, SchoolAI, Pear Deck, MagicSchool, Screencastify Submit
    Adam Sparks is back to continue our conversation about writing instruction in the age of AI. We’re diving into even more actionable strategies, from using tools like ShortAnswer to embedding more writing across the curriculum to help students recover those lost writing reps. Plus, we tackle big-picture topics like teaching students to use AI effectively, leveraging AI in scoring state-level assessments, and being intentional about making learning relevant. And stick around for updates from Pear Deck, MagicSchool, and Screencastify Submit. #EduDuctTape Episode 115 Today's SponsorSwivl - bit.ly/mirrortalkjake SoapBox Moment - “Cholesterol, Cheating, and Heartaches from AI-Detection Tools”President John F. Kennedy’s Address at Rice University on the Nation’s Space Effort - jfklibrary.org/learn/about-jfk/historic-speeches/address-at-rice-university-on-the-nations-space-effort (Copyright Status: Public Domain) Today’s Guest: Adam Sparks taught for 7 years before recently finishing his Masters in Learning Design and Technology at Stanford. At Stanford, Adam designed a writing tool called Short Answer that he now builds full time. As a part of his work with Short Answer, Adam leads PD with schools across the country on adjusting writing instruction in the wake of AI.Contact Info: Email: adam@myshortanswer.com, Website: myshortanswer.com, Twitter: @mrsparkstweets Bluesky: @adamsparks.bsky.social Educational Duct Tape Question: How should educators teach & assess writing in the age of AI?Step 1: Clear classroom policies (see the previous episode)Step 2: Shortform, formative, targeted, in-class writing (starts in the previous episode)Dylan WilliamShort Answer - myshortanswer.comDylan Wiliam webinar recording: myshortanswer.com/webinar-recording-for-ai-k12-assessment-a-conversation-with-dr-dylan-wiliam Step 3: More writing across the curriculumMaking up for lost writing repsThe Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Clearinghouse - wac.colostate.edu/repository/teaching/intro Step 4: Teach kids to use AI effectivelyOpenAI blog post - “A Student’s Guide to Writing with ChatGPT” - openai.com/chatgpt/use-cases/student-writing-guideBrainstorm, research, debate partner, organize writing…SchoolAI - schoolai.com Step 5: More state level assessments relating to writing instructionMore urgency around the “and write” part of literacy is about how “to read and write”Leveraging AI in the scoring of these assessmentsComputers in education journal - "Can AI provide useful holistic writing instruction?" - sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666920X24000584"Comparing the quality of human and ChatGPT feedback of students’ writing" - sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959475224000215 How to de-emphasize the desire to cheat: Be intentional about the relevance of learningArran Hamilton, Dylan William, & John Hattie article - “The Future of AI in Education: 13 Things We Can Do to Minimize the Damage” - osf.io/preprints/edarxiv/372vrLiteracy as a predictor of health & well-beingAbility to communicate as important in all walks of lifeAuthenticity of writingCarrie Spector’s article with Denise Pope & Victor Lee - “What do AI chatbots really mean for students and cheating?” - acceleratelearning.stanford.edu/story/what-do-ai-chatbots-really-mean-for-students-and-cheating Short Answer Mailing List - us21.list-manage.com/contact-form?u=4c662a781896ad760601bc399&form_id=43697352749ef4d4954f28529a0593f4 Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:Pear Deck Adds Auto-Graded Questions - youtu.be/G7hpt8vtZHk?si=RRtfJCJEXyMRhfT_&t=83Customize Tools in MagicSchool - youtube.com/watch?v=A13c9rYytUQNew Screencastify Submit Features
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    56 分
  • EDT114 Adam Sparks Part 1: Should we use AI-Detection tools?
    Adam Sparks joins the show to convince every educator to ditch AI-detection tools and focus on what really matters: the writing process. We discuss alternatives to AI-detection like Brisk, Draftback, revision history tracking, and Short Answer and share actionable strategies to teach writing effectively in the age of AI. From fostering transparency with students to leveraging powerful tools for formative assessment, this conversation is packed with insights to elevate your writing instruction. Plus: Instant Pear Decks, Canva Dream Lab, and new Google Forms Settings. #EduDuctTape Episode 114 Today's SponsorsVIZOR - vizor.cloud/jakeSwivl - MirrorTalk.ai SoapBox Moment - “Cholesterol, Cheating, and Heartaches from AI-Detection Tools”“The Basement Tapes” from the Revisionist History podcast by Malcolm Gladwell - pushkin.fm/podcasts/revisionist-history/the-basement-tapesAdam Spark’s blog on AI Detection - adamsparks.substack.com/p/ai-detection-doesnt-work-heres-the Today’s Guest: Adam Sparks taught for 7 years before recently finishing his Masters in Learning Design and Technology at Stanford. At Stanford, Adam designed a writing tool called Short Answer that he now builds full time. As a part of his work with Short Answer, Adam leads PD with schools across the country on adjusting writing instruction in the wake of AI.Contact Info: Email: adam@myshortanswer.com, Website: myshortanswer.com, Twitter: @mrsparkstweets Bluesky: @adamsparks.bsky.social 2 Truths & 1 Lie“Everything works somewhere; nothing works everywhere.” - Dylan William in his book Creating the Schools Our Children Need Educational Duct Tape Question: How should educators teach & assess writing in the age of AI? Also, should we use AI-Detection Tools?First, why not use AI Detection tools?NAEP ScoresAdam’ blog on AI Detection - adamsparks.substack.com/p/ai-detection-doesnt-work-heres-theDebora Weber-Wulff’s article - arxiv.org/abs/2306.15666U of Maryland study - “Is AI-Generated Content Actually Detectable?” - cmns.umd.edu/news-events/news/ai-generated-content-actually-detectableOpen AI blog post - help.openai.com/en/articles/8313351-how-can-educators-respond-to-students-presenting-ai-generated-content-as-their-own Free AlternativesRevision HistoryDraftback - chromewebstore.google.com/detail/draftback/nnajoiemfpldioamchanognpjmocgkbg?hl=en-US&pli=1Brisk - briskteaching.com/ai-tools/inspect-writing Clear classroom policiesAI Assessment scale webinar with Leon Furze & Mike Perkins: myshortanswer.com/assessing-writing-in-the-age-of-ai-the-case-for-assessment-scalesAI use scale (red, yellow, green, for example)“Everything works somewhere; nothing works everywhere.” - Dylan William in his book Creating the Schools Our Children NeedAnna Mills on Blue Sky - bsky.app/profile/annamillsoer.bsky.socialAcademic integrity Shortform, formative, targeted, in-class writingDylan WilliamShort Answer - myshortanswer.comDylan Wiliam webinar recording: myshortanswer.com/webinar-recording-for-ai-k12-assessment-a-conversation-with-dr-dylan-wiliam Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:AI-Generated Lessons in Pear Deck - Stacey Roshan’s tutorial - youtu.be/G7hpt8vtZHk?si=5qdVPI41pofK-LHh&t=42Canva Dream Lab - canva.com/newsroom/news/droptober-education-2024New Google Forms Control Options - workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/12/add-granular-control-to-google-forms.html
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    1 時間 12 分
  • EDT113 5 Edu News Items including Updates from Canva, Edpuzzle, and Gemini in Google Classroom

    This episode features 5 education updates including new features from Canva, Edpuzzle, and Google Classroom, a really cool new edtech tool, and my very favorite article ever written.

    #EduDuctTape Episode 113

    • Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:
      • Canva and Affinity - canva.com/newsroom/news/affinity
      • Edpuzzle adds Teacher Assist - support.edpuzzle.com/hc/en-us/sections/14355696963981-Teacher-Assist
      • Grouper - grouper.school
      • Gemini in Google Classroom - workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/09/gemini-education-tab-in-google-classroom.html?ck_subscriber_id=1727952374
      • Developing "Assessment Capable" Learners - ascd.org/el/articles/developing-assessment-capable-learners
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    14 分
  • EDT112 Dan Stitzel - AI Generated Review Games, BlueSky, and More!
    Dan Stitzel joins me to explore ways to turn whole-class review games into engaging formative assessments by using generative AI to build custom question sets for Jeopardy, Quizizz, and beyond. We also dig into the latest AI features in Quizizz and discuss Gimkit, Blooket, and Quizlet. Plus, I share about Blue Sky, Canva Magic Studio, Google Forms’ new star rating, and MagicSchool’s Presentation Generator. #EduDuctTape Episode 112 Today's Sponsor - Short Answer - myshortanswer.com, code jakemillerwritesSoapBox Moment - “BlueSky is the New Adjacent Possible!”1) Create your account - https://bsky.app2) Follow me, @JakeMillerEdu.3) Fill out the EduSky Form - tinyurl.com/EduSkyForm4) Use the StarterPacks - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-5yMDbXCShYEsEGSckmVlo9pHAnMB0_ldn5Joo81sOY/edit?resourcekey=&gid=1348428220#gid=13484282205) Check out the list of EduChats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-5yMDbXCShYEsEGSckmVlo9pHAnMB0_ldn5Joo81sOY/edit?resourcekey=&gid=1429248465#gid=14292484656) Post about the podcast on BlueSky with the hashtag #EduDuctTape, and I’ll add you to a dedicated listener list. Today’s Guest: Dan Stitzel has worked for the Streetsboro City Schools for 15 years as a classroom teacher, District Technology Coach, and now as the Director of Technology. Through these years, Dan has had the chance to present at the district, local, state, and national level on various tech integration tools and strategies. Dan's current tech obsessions are generative AI and Computer Science!Contact Info: Email - dnstitzel@gmail.com2 Truths & 1 LieEducational Duct Tape Question: What tool or strategy would you use to do a whole class review game with formative assessment included? Ask a generative AI tool to create a gamified set of questions for a specific standard or topic with point or monetary values that reflect the depth or challenge level of the specific question.Use that set of questions for a Jeopardy game, in a Google Form, or in another platform like Quizizz.If you have it organize the questions, answers, and point values correctly, you can easily turn them into a spreadsheet upload for Quizizz or Blooket.Quizizz - use AI features to generate questions from topics, uploaded documents, articles, etc or use the AI feature to change questions to being a “real-world scenario.”Gimkit - gimkit.comQuizlet Live - quizlet.com/liveKahoot - kahoot.comQuizlet - quizlet.comBlooket - blooket.comSave your generative AI prompts so that you can copy and paste them and continue refining them! Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:Canva Magic Studio - canva.com/newsroom/news/what-happened-at-canva-create-2024Google Forms’ new star rating - workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2024/10/ask-responders-for-rating-in-google-forms.htmlMagicSchool’s Presentation Generator - youtu.be/omZx3vVnPig?si=3tmAOe8b0fNYCgsY
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    54 分
  • EDT111 Amy Storer, Jamboard Alternatives, FigJam, Padlet Sandbox

    Amy Storer joins me to explore creative tools to replace Google Jamboard, including FigJam from Figma and Padlet Sandbox, as well as the more robust Figma for Edu. We also dive into digital calming rooms and I share about Canva’s Magic Media for generating custom visuals and Padlet’s new auto-captioning feature for videos and audio that enhances accessibility for all learners.

    #EduDuctTape Episode 111

    • Today's Sponsor - VIZOR - vizor.cloud/jake
    • SoapBox Moment - “Walking Toddlers, Driving Teenagers, and AI Integrating Teachers”
      • Gayle Smerdon, PhD’s LinkedIn Post - linkedin.com/pulse/effortful-effortless-stages-how-we-learn-gayle-smerdon-phd
      • Jen Sincero - You Are a Badass - a.co/d/01e4NLb
      • Link to the SoapBox Moment on YouTube -
    • Today’s Guest: Amy Storer - Amy, a Lead Learning Guide at friEdTech, is a Google & Microsoft Certified Educator and Trainer whom is known for her exceptional teaching skills, meaningful use of tech in education & her love of connected classrooms. She inspires & pushes others to explore avenues outside traditional teaching methods, making learning engaging & “sticky”.
    • Contact Info: @techamys (X, IG, TikTok), amys@fried.tech, friedtechnology.com
    • 2 Truths & 1 Lie
    • Educational Duct Tape Question: What tool or strategy would you use to replace Google Jamboard?
      • never-ending canvas whiteboard, build sections like frames, mimics one-stop shop
      • Timers, youtube videos, google docs, dice, spinners, connect four, images, links, audio
      • Widgets (we) - Polaroid, Voice Memo
      • and plugins (me)
      • Digital calming room
      • Templates
      • Free for teachers or students, contact figjam team, accounts are required, though there’s a 24-hour version that doesn’t require login, Microsoft or google SSO
      • FigJam (from Figma) - figma.com/figjam
      • Students have access to Figma for Edu - figma.com/education
      • Padlet Sandbox - padlet.com/site/sandbox
    • Amy’s sister Dyann Wilson:
      • dwilson@willisisd.org, @techcarewilson
      • Wakelet Calming Rooms (click Calming Room on the left) - wakelet.com/@techCAREWilson#5fvPPNPm8C2vdggEXvoMPJ7510cbf0
      • Google Side Digital Calming Room - sites.google.com/willisisd.org/bms-calming-corner
      • FigJam Digital Calming room - figma.com/board/sGdIqFJObOhRs3EnNk6lUa/duplicate
    • Edu News I’ve Got My Peepers On:
      • Canva Magic Media - canva.com/ai-image-generator
      • Padlet Captioned Videos - padlet.blog/auto-captions-for-video-uploads
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    54 分
  • EDT110 - Dan Fitzpatrick - "The AI Educator" - Using AI for Efficiency - MagicSchool, SchoolAI, Diffit, Brisk, Gamma.app, ChatGPT, and Large Language Models

    Dan Fitzpatrick, the author of the bestselling book The AI Classroom joins Jake to discuss frontier AI tools like ChatGPT and Gemini, as well as some special educational AI tools including MagicSchool, SchoolAI, Diffit, Brisk, and Gamma.app. Dan also shares PREPARED Framework for generative AI and Jake shares about the CIA Coaching Model (Control, Influence, Accept & Adapt). Plus, updates from Canva and Padlet.

    #EduDuctTape Episode 110

    • Today’s Sponsor - VIZOR - vizor.cloud/jake
    • SoapBox Moment - Dr. Strange and the CIA
      • The Critically Reflective Practitioner by Sue Thompson, Neil Thompson - a.co/d/gDn997W
    • Today’s Guest: Dan Fitzpatrick
      • Bio: Dan wrote the bestselling book "The AI Classroom." He has helped countless educators worldwide navigate AI. Dan’s purpose is simple: to help keep educational systems relevant, so that all learners are prepared for success in a rapidly changing world. He also writes weekly for Forbes on educational transformation for educators, parents and entrepreneurs.
      • Contact Info: theaieducator.io, X - @theaieducatorx
      • 2 Truths & 1 Lie
      • Educational Duct Tape Question: What tool or strategy would you use to . . . complete "teacher tasks" more efficiently?
        • “Don’t think of AI as a technical tool.”
        • Start with a “Frontier AI Tool” like ChatGPT
        • 3 Pillars that educators bring to discussions with AI: Knowledge of your subject, knowledge of pedagogy, knowledge of your students
        • Steve Jobs - “Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do.”
        • MagicSchool - magicschool.ai
        • SchoolAI - schoolai.com
        • Diffit - creating differentiated resources - web.diffit.me
        • Brisk - briskteaching.com - works with Google products
        • “Outsource your doing, not your thinking.”
        • Gamma.app - creating presentations
        • Aieducator.tools
        • PREPARED Framework to help focus the generative AI - Propose, Role, Explicit Instructions (general instructions, subject knowledge, pedagogy, knowledge of students), Presentation, Ask, Rate, Emotions, Diversity)
    • Edu News that I've got my eye on:
      • Canva's UI Upgrade - canva.com/newsroom/news/what-happened-at-canva-create-2024
      • Canva Courses- canva.com/newsroom/news/what-happened-at-canva-create-2024
      • Padlet - Video Comments - padlet.blog/add-videos-to-comments

    Share! - EduDuctTape.com/Padlet or EduDuctTape.com/SpeakPipe

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    1 時間 16 分