
  • How Refusing to Compromise Accelerates Business Growth

    ~ How Refusing to Compromise Accelerates Business Growth ~

    Today on the EWC podcast we dive into one of my favorite topics - refusing to compromise as the deepest act of love. We look at how my unwillingness to compromise even one inch of my vision produced a best-selling book as well as countless other manifestation of service and abundance in my business.

    You’re about to learn:

    ✨How to bring a greater level of consciousness to not compromising - and how this can uplevel your relationships, your business and your money

    ✨How to truly honor your own rhythms as a path to accelerated success

    ✨The story of how I went from cosmic download sessions of dream-sourced poetry to writing one of the most sought-after books on manifestation today

    Thank you so much for listening. If you loved this episode, you can go deeper by ordering your copy of my new book, Being Medicine, via this link (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHNC2YS1). Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss a drop of this abundance goodness!


    Juliet xx

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    27 分
  • What My Daughter’s Near Death Experience Taught Me About Surrender

    What My Daughter’s Near Death Experience Taught Me About Surrender

    In today’s episode, I pull back the curtain on one of the most raw initiations I’ve ever gone through. I often say that building a magical AF, multi-million-dollar business was easy. And that’s true. Nearly losing my child and navigating a legal and medical system that shut me out as a parent - that qualified as hard. 

    You’re about to learn:

    • How poetry was the only way I could process the unprecedented level of emotion and stripping away of my identity that happened at that time.
    • The true nature of ‘karma’ and how skillfully absolving it can bring incredible levels of meaning and success - even in the most profoundly painful moments of life
    • How my daughter’s experience ended the trance we had fallen into as a family and served as a catalyst for one of the biggest manifestations we’ve ever actualized

    If you loved this episode, I encourage you to grab a copy of my new book, Being Medicine. It’s filled with life-shifting poetic transmissions, guided ritual to help you stay the course and deep trainings on the core practices that make your manifestations inevitable - even in the face of death. And remember to subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode!

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    29 分
  • Poetry as the Deepest Self-Care for High-Level Entrepreneurs

    ~ Poetry as the Deepest Self-Care for High-Level Entrepreneurs ~

    In today’s episode, we lean allllll the way into the true essence of self-care: practices of resistance that actively confront what kills our minds, bodies and spirits. Self-care at this level is a form of spiritual activism, not a way to holistically check out. And for high-level entrepreneurs who exist to birth a new reality into being, this level of self-care is a must. And poetry is the most radical and freeing self-care of all. 

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    ✨Why I chose to let life into the episode rather than creating a noise-sterile environment

    ✨How you can access secret troves of power, agency and creativity by searching for what you are trivializing within yourself

    ✨The power of poetry to access deeper wells of feeling, and why this is crucial for those who are building million-dollar ecosystems

    Thank you for listening my love! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with someone who you know would be turned on by this transmission. I can’t wait to see you in our next episode!


    Juliet xx

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    Pre-order my debut book, and receive this now!!!✨

    Pre-order here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHNC2YS1

    AFTER pre-ordering, come here and snag your FREE VIP TICKET: https://juliettrnka.com/book-ceremony

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    20 分
  • How to Instantly Create More Space, Time + Freedom

    ✨ Are you a YES to taking a quantum journey to move from 6 to 7 figures? 

    Watch my FREE training below!✨

    Register here: http://juliettrnka.com/consciousness

    - - -

    ~ How to Instantly Create More Space, Time + Freedom ~

    In today’s Embodied Wealth Consciousness episode, I’ll share with you one of my most beloved tools for instantly creating more space, time and freedom.

    I’ll share with you:

    ✨The three phases of personal power - and why working with these is crucial to living and manifesting on your terms

    ✨An example from my own business where I made an instant shift that put me back into joyful flow and put multiple six figures into my bank account

    ✨ + Why ‘getting it done’ and productivity techniques don’t work in creating a life of true abundance - and the one decision that will

    Thank you so much for tuning in. 

    As an act of expansion, if you loved this episode, share it! 

    You can share on your social media (I’d love it if you tagged me!) or even just send it to someone you know who wants to live a life of radical abundance and joyful manifestation. 

    And make sure you subscribe so that you know when we unleash another manifestation medicine bundle!


    Juliet xx

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    25 分
  • Client Case Study: Living Off the Grid + $30K Months

    ~ Client Case Study Living Off the Grid ~

    In today’s episode of the Embodied Wealth Podcast, I’m introducing you to one of my clients who actualized her dream of living off the grid - while also scaling her business to $30K months, as a practicing shaman.

    Inside this episode you’ll learn:

     • Why going for what seems reasonable, versus the dream that seems impossible, is keeping the door closed to a quantum leap

     • Why an apparent crisis can be your greatest opportunity

     • Why simplicity will always create more revenue flow in business than complexity

     • The creative power that is unleashed when we let go of ‘have to’ as magical and transformative leaders

    I’m so excited to dig into this magic with you!


    Juliet xx

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    Additional Resources:

    ✨Turned On, The Feminine Wealth Activation EVENT! [FREE BONUS!!!]✨

    Click here: https://juliettrnka.com/turned-on-sm

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

    #embodied #wealth #consciousness #entrepreneurlife #authenticity #transformation #clientstestimonial #realstory #podcastforwomen #podcastshow #shamanism

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    14 分
  • Falling Out of Alignment

    If You Keep Falling Out of Alignment, You Must Listen to This…

    Do you remember that time when there were so many synchronicities unfolding, miracles occurring and goals actualizing that you feel like you could hardly keep up? All the money, opportunity, ideas and fun experiences seems to simply show up?

    And are you feeling the stress and frustration of not feeling that right now, wondering how to ‘get back’ to that flow and bliss? 

    Are you in that place where you ‘know intellectually’ that it’s all here now, but you’re 






    One of the most frequent questions I receive from my clients is how to stay in that state of alignment and flow - and how to reclaim it when it’s seems to have disappeared somehow.

    Tune into our most recent (and newly relaunched!) episode of the Embodied Wealth Consciousness Podcast, where I unpack the truth about what’s going on when you’re out of alignment and how to embody your natural birthright of creative bliss.

    Here’s a look at what you’ll learn:

    • Why the desire to live in alignment is not a spiritual bypass, but the unfolding of your dharma
    • What ‘alignment’ actually is and how to know when you’re in it
    • The incredibly simple way to stay in your authentic alignment
    • A simple two-step process to get ‘back in’ when you feel out of sorts and wobbly
    • How these practices can help you open to the natural and beautiful variability of life, so that you live a life of adventure and love, rather than a life of obstacles.

    I can’t wait to share this medicine with you!

    And remember, if you are ready to retell the story of your life, start living your yes without compromise, and exalt your business to the 7-figure realm, you can connect with us at www.getlifemastery.com to learn how.

    - - -

    Additional Resources:

    ⚡ The 4 Spiritual Practices That Bring in More Clients + Money, While Increasing Time, Energy and Freedom: https://joinnow.live/s/lAZ2IH

    ⚡ Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    ⚡ Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

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    24 分
  • Client Case Study: Double Monthly Revenue + a $30K Sale

    ~ Client Case Study: Double Monthly Revenue + a $30K Sale ~

    What would your first impulse be if someone handed you a check for $30K? 

    What is the vision that forms when you think about that happening over and over and over?

    And what if that kept happening because you kept being who the f*uck you are?

    This week I’m taking you behind the scenes in our first-ever client case study. The shamanic path of #manifesting your vision is very different from conventional coaching or even conventional manifestation work. 

    Creating $30K months through radical #authenticity is possible for you. Just as it was possible for my amazing client who doubled her monthly revenue and made her first $30K sale in less than 12 weeks of our work. She didn’t do this by building a funnel or becoming an influencer. 

    //She did it by surrendering to her authenticity//

    Tune in to learn:

    • How she created lightning fast shift by tuning in to her joy and genius rather than doing what she thought she ‘had to’ to create a high-level client
    • How she created a powerful shift in consciousness that activated her inner genius and delight
    • Where the Wheel of Manifestation supported her the most in creating this incredible result

    Everything you want is already here. 

    Learn the specifics of shamanic medicine paths to open to it now.


    Juliet xx

    - - -

    Additional Resources:

    ⚡ Learn how I Manifested a 3.5 Million Dollar Shamanic Coaching Business: https://juliettrnka.com/consciousness

    ⚡ Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    ⚡ Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    - - -

    Embodied Wealth Consciousness is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

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    14 分
  • The Healing Power of Visibility with Mikki Gaffen Stone: It’s not hard to be seen; it’s hard to hide

    So many things that feel deeply important are in fact, only momentary. What matters, in the end, is the degree to which you can reflect back and say, I have been who I came here to be.

    My beloved client, Mikki Gaffen Stone, is a brilliant coach who has lived a vivid and exciting life - serving her clients powerfully, cultivating a beautiful marriage with her husband, raising two incredible children, living transatlantically, earning no less than four degrees - and yet inside of all of this, managed to hide her deepest essence for much of her adult life and career.

    When Mikki first came to work with me, she was already having a tremendous impact and was well-established in supporting parents and families. Yet she was feeling stuck inside of all-to-common questions of how to raise her rates, shift her work out of what she thought people would invest in and what she really wanted to do, and how to find her ideal clients.

    Inside our work, I didn’t help her to answer those questions - I helped her to *see* that they were too small for her.

    The transformation this woman has undergone is remarkable. 

    Mikki has now taken the stage back (listen to the episode to see what I mean). She has spoken at MIT and Oxford, is being featured as an expert in a global network of transformative thinkers, and is about to launch her own television show!

    This episode is not a rundown of our coaching work. This episode is strictly for Mikki’s transmission. I wanted to give her ALL the space she deserves. 

    Listen to her first-person perspective of the journey from successful-but-hiding to living in her full radiance.

    - - -

    Mikki is a Human Behavior Expert, Born in England, a lifelong learner, and nomad. Having lived in eight countries to date, Mikki considers herself to be a Global citizen – where she comes from is a story, not a place. Home is wherever she is, right now. Today she facilitates the shedding of ‘old skins’, enabling others to let go of old identities that no longer serve them while embracing and creating the new. Mikki blends Human Design, Polyvagal Theory, and IFS with the science of behavior change and other modalities.

    Human Design came into her world at a crucial moment, proving to be a game changer. She learned what worked for her and what didn’t, in a powerful way that she could feel and experience for herself. She believes knowing how she is designed to optimally function in the world is priceless knowledge.

    - - -

    Key Takeaways:

    Mikki's Journey (03:18)

    The Act Of Visibility (09:49)

    Human Design x Projectors (17:07)

    The Power Of Ease (24:54)

    How Scripts Play A Role In Our Lives (32:30)

    Sales And Scripts Don't Work Together (48:54)

    There Is Plenty Space For You To Shine (57:10)


    Additional Resources:

    Learn more about my work here: https://juliettrnka.com/

    Follow me on Instagram here: http://instagram.com/juliet_trnka

    Learn more about Mikki Gaffen Stone:

    Check out Mikki Gaffen Stone's website here: https://www.gaffenstone.com

    Follow Mikki Gaffen Stone on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/mikkigaffenstone/

    - - -

    The Seer’s Edge is a podcast for leaders who want to unlock their full potential professionally and spiritually.

    Follow us on your favorite platform so you never miss an episode!

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