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Shaytan is your sworn enemy and every time you think of doing something noble for a good cause…
He’ll be the first one to oppose, to plot against you, and try everything in his power to break you down.
And one way he can do this (already does actually) is fear, fear of the unknown, fear of making mistakes that might cost you your “image”.
See, mistakes are how you learn. Small slip-ups are crucial for your growth, nobody has it easy.
But when we fear making too many mistakes, then we’re bound to make them sooner or later.
“What if I say the wrong thing to a client?”
“What if I come off as a non-professional or incompetent?”
What if I make mistakes that the client regrets ever hiring me?”
“What if…What if…What if…”
There’s a concept I’m sure you’re familiar with - The Learning Curve…
And it applies differently to everyone. So, making mistakes, especially as a new coach, is part of your journey…
But what does the Islamic perspective say about that?
What are the Islamic teachings on learning from errors and the value of humility and continuous improvement?
That’s the topic of this podcast: “Embracing Learning: Overcoming Fear of Errors in Coaching”...
…where we’ll get to know why making mistakes should never be frowned upon…
…how can we work our way up the ladder without letting Shaytan make us walk with shame and regret…
…and how can we use inspiration from our Deen to be openly ready and confident to make mistakes and embrace our learning journey.
Watch the FREE TRAINING: "Is Islamic Coaching Your Calling?"
Join the Adwam School of Life Coach Training & Certification or book a consultation here.