On this episode Julia outlines her journey with Type 1 Diabetes. From a scary start to learning how to live a life with a defective pancreas. Julia shares an honest look at her chronic illness and how it effects her every day life.
Use this link for more information on Type 1 Diabetes: https://www.diabetes.org/diabetes/type-1
If you are looking for support, check out Beyond Type 1: https://beyondtype1.org/
If you are looking for affordable insulin, Beyond Type 1 has created a website to help: https://getinsulin.org/ Individuals can also go to the manufacturer of the insulin they take: ie: Lilly or Novo Nordisk or Sanofi or Viatris.
Julia uses an insulin pump made by Tandem. The technology is called Control IQ along with the CGM (continuous glucose monitor) to create an "artificial pancreas"
For more information on this technology, follow these links: https://www.tandemdiabetes.com/landing-pages/x2-pediatric/?utm_source=BeyondType1&utm_medium=dgital_ad&utm_campaign=pediatric&utm_term=ML-1007983_A&utm_content=
If you would like to reach out to Julia, please contact the zebrachronicles via Instagram @ zebra_pod or via email at kathaleen.d@gmail.com