“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
- Henry Ford
In this episode we continue our series of episodes dedicated to Mastering Ourselves, and more specifically, the value of life long learning.
Key Points Discussed:
- Renaissance man Concept
- Benefits of life-long learning
- More opportunity
- Better Solutions
- More flexible mindsets
- Separates you from the pack
- Health Benefits
- Improves cognition, memory
- Improves brain elasticity
- Different types of learning:
- Reading
- Traveling
- Social activities
- Creative approaches to learning:
- Workshops, Seminars, online classes
- Free/inexpensive e-learning (Coursera, iTunes university)
- Podcasts, Documentaries
- Social Groups (Skills, clubs, gyms) (Learn physical skills)
- Hobbies
- Books, magazines, and blog feeds
- Audiobooks
- Youtube
- Volunteering
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