When's the best time to sell your lower-middle-market company and how do you even do it? Chris and Matt interview Dan Sundin; a husband, father, dog lover, and tech nerd who started, grew, and sold his successful technology company.
Dan grew up in less than desirable conditions and started his career at 12 years old, lugging around golf bags at Golden Valley Country Club. He had a passion for technology, and his grit and determination pushed him eventually start his own venture. It didn't happen right away, however. For 10+ years he waited tables, and worked jobs at various tech companies before he decided to make the jump.
In 2004, Dan and his two partners founded Innovative Technology Partners. After 19 years of pouring everything they had into the business, they decided it was time to explore their options. In November 2023, the company was sold.
Connect with our hosts: Chris Jones - CEO and co-owner, andMatt Silasiri - Vice President of Business Development atTrue North Mergers & Acquisitions andSunbelt Business Advisors.