Before Columbine and Sandy Hook there was Thurston High School. A 15-year-old male born and raised in Springfield, Oregon killed his parents in cold blood in their home, and then gathered up guns and ammunition to take to his school the next day. On May 21, 1998, 15-year-old Kip armed himself with more than 1000 rounds of ammunition, 3 guns (a .22 caliber semiautomatic Ruger rifle, his father’s 9mm Glock pistol, and a .22 caliber Ruger semiautomatic pistol), and a hunting knife, taped to his leg. Then he started firing into the cafeteria of Thurston High. In total, Kip killed 4 and injured 26. He received 111 years behind bars with no possibility of parole. What makes this shooter different than the rest? He had two loving parents who did nothing but support him. He had a loving sister (who was thankfully away at college when the shootings took place) and a huge support network of friends. However, due to his struggle with mental illness, and his inability to cope with his own frustrations of feeling like a failure, he changed not only his life but the lives of his family and Thurston High School forever. Please get ready to unravel the life of a school shooter Kipland “Kip” Kinkel