Today, Andrew is joined again by his long-term friend and Mental Performance Coach Riley Jensen to discuss the power and importance of body language. Contrary to being an old wives tale, how we stand, hold our heads, and present ourselves has a measurable impact on our well-being - and performance. This conversation is a great reminder to check in on ourselves and ask “How am I holding myself - and is this serving me in a positive way?”.
ORDER Andrew’s New Book, LAUNCH: https://a.co/d/e5FE5JZ
Andrew Taylor Website: Octagonmentoring.com
Riley Jensen | RJ Performance Group: https://rjpg.net/meet-riley
Pure Unadulterated Guts by Riley Jensen: https://a.co/d/8yPEJF9
Amy Cuddy TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/amy_cuddy_your_body_language_may_shape_who_you_are?subtitle=en
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