Woodward goes to Japan...
Tant-Brown goes to Gibraltar...
and Towells goes to Wales.
It's Football Manager 2024 release day, and you know what that means - it's time to start a brand new save! Alex, Alex & Alex have selected 5 teams each to give you 15 great save ideas for FM24.
Are you using one of our save selections? Have you some great save ideas of your own? Let us know by contacting us on twitter!
Pod's Twitter: @1000HoursFM
Towells' FM Twitter: @FMTowells
Towells' Normal Twitter: @AlexTowells
Tant-Brown's Twitter: @alextantbrown
Woodward's Twitter has been deleted, because Woodward doesn't use it.
Thank you to Zealand for our intro - recorded live at the home of Taunton Town.
Our theme tune is "Shaving Mirror" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.