It’s National Mental Health month so what better time to address the upcoming holiday season. The holidays can be a wholesome time of building memories, indulging in your favorite foods and feeling the love of your family and friends but it can also be a tumultuous time for those who don’t have family nearby, have experienced a recent loss, are in the midst of a financial struggle. The reality is that the holidays can bring on a level of stress that may make us all in need of a mental health check but let’s discuss some thoughts on how to keep it as stress free and fulfilling as possible.
- Who wins when you blend family traditions in a new marriage?
- State the potential problem
- Family personalities influencing decisions – guilt, anger, stubbornness, passive aggressive comments from family
- Real and deeply held religious beliefs
- Practical problems such as travel, same day events
- Desire to start own tradition
- Our traditions and what we have blended and why
- What has been successful
- We benefit from having in-laws and extended families that enjoy being with each other.
- Shared faith
- We have been pretty firm in what we want to do and communicating our plans
- What has been successful
- Examples
- Christmas Eve
- Food traditions – mixing it up
- Switching b/t Christmas and Thanksgiving based on everyone’s schedules/family situations
- We’ve held events at our home over the years because it’s an easier hub to blend both families with space and location.
Tips for a win/win experience in blending traditions and culture
- Discuss +/- of each and determine what is important to honor each side of family and balance that against your own nuclear family
- Plan ahead
- Be open to compromise
- Include an activity – a game, a craft, whatever it is just avoid idle time
- Effectively communicate your decisions to your respective families
- Be patient with one another when adapting to the other’s traditions
- Have realistic expectations
- Keep conversations that could pose as a land mine off limits
- Create a budget
Importance of Creating Your Own traditions - From the site artofmanliness.com
- Provide Source of Identity
- Stengthen the family bond
- Offer comfort and security
- Teach values
- Add to the rhythm and seasonality of life
- Pass on cultural and religious heritage
- Connect generations
- Create lasting memories