Dancing in the grey area of intuition
How does your intuition call to you? What does it feel like in your body?
Allowing intuition to come through can often involve deep listening, slowing down and carving out space to respond.
I relay a recent, scary and edgy experience and how to tell the difference between a “no, this feels too scary” or a “no, this doesn’t align”… hint: it can be very subtle ..
I cover the importance of meeting people, face to face, in a time of social isolation, digital meet ups and screen connections i.e. The desire of the body to be around other bodies.
I touch on the challenges of being mixed-race; the constant feeling of not belonging and the importance of time to yourself, without judgment in order strengthen your ability to listen to the Soul.
Finally, as we wrap up the Gregorian calendar year 2024, an opportunity to reflect:
What are the stories you’ve been telling yourself that are no longer serving you?
What stories will you be re- writing for yourself in 2025?
How does your intuition call to you? What does it feel like in your body?
Allowing intuition to come through can often involve deep listening, slowing down and carving out space to respond.
I relay a recent, scary and edgy experience and how to tell the difference between a “no, this feels too scary” or a “no, this doesn’t align”… hint: it can be very subtle ..
I cover the importance of meeting people, face to face, in a time of social isolation, digital meet ups and screen connections i.e. The desire of the body to be around other bodies.
I touch on the challenges of being mixed-race; the constant feeling of not belonging and the importance of time to yourself, without judgment in order strengthen your ability to listen to the Soul.
Finally, as we wrap up the Gregorian calendar year 2024, an opportunity to reflect:
What are the stories you’ve been telling yourself that are no longer serving you?
What stories will you be re- writing for yourself in 2025?