This episode of Ridiculous Momversations will cover:
- The fancy new sign & update on how the show is doing!
- Justin Timberlake—now or then?
- Shopping with face masks
- Follow us on social media for bonus content! Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, & LinkedIn
- Contest update—where is the butter knife now? What's the next big giveaway?
- Check out the Ridiculous Moversations official merch
- Vanessa's addiction to Tik-Tok and baby tortoise videos
- Being the family "expert"—toilet seats, wolves, & more
- Bad hair days—just say no to at-home perms
- 3 things that make you "old"
- Life as a mom—the 25/75 rule
- Impressing teenagers with Spanish
- Registering for VPK/Kindergarten—why is it so hard?
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