• 1. Paul, a Missionary To the Gentiles (Romans 1:1-32)

    Paul was chosen for God’s gospel. Who could be chosen to preach God’s gospel? If anyone thinks that he was chosen as a servant of God without knowing the gospel of God’s righteousness, he is only fooling himself. If you do not know this gospel of God’s righteousness, and yet you believe you were called by God, this is a delusion. One is called by God only after he comes to know His righteousness and believes in it. How could one ever be called His servant if he is completely ignorant of the gospel of the righteousness of God? No one can be called like this.


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  • 2. To Those Who Band Together to Stand against God (Romans 2:1-29)

    This is what the Apostle Paul said to the legalists among the Jews. Before God, those who judge others are bound in their own sins, because they have not received the remission of their sins. Such people try to become righteous by not committing sin. Because their hearts are bound by sin, they judge and condemn other sinners as if they were God’s delegates.


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  • 3. In What Respect Are Jews Better Than Gentiles? (Romans 3:1-31)

    The Jews, the descendants of Abraham, had a big advantage over the other nations. The Jews were the people who had received a lot of spiritual teaching from God and their parents’ lives and they also grew up watching God’s work personally. They were people who had received the circumcision of the flesh as the sign of the covenant and as God’s people. As such, they were people who had received a lot of blessing from God because they were God’s people who received the covenant through the Word.


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  • 4. The Righteousness of Man Is Nothing to Be Proud of (Romans 4:1-25)

    Even Abraham, the father of faith, was really a weak man in the flesh. His flesh could not wait for the promise of God, and so he took Hagar, his wife’s maidservant, to bear a child, who later stood against God. In his flesh, Abraham had nothing to be proud of. Out of the weaknesses of his flesh, he had betrayed his wife to save his own life. He had done what he should have never done as a husband. Given this, what could he boast of his flesh before God? There was nothing to be proud of in his flesh.


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  • 5. Together with God (Romans 5:1-21)

    The Book of Romans makes it clear that it is not by the righteousness of man that one receives the remission of sin, but it is by believing in the righteousness of God that his faith is approved. That is why here in chapter 5 Paul explains that we have peace with God by believing in His righteousness. When God has saved us from our sins through His righteousness, it makes no sense for us not to attain peace by failing to believe in God’s righteousness on our part. The Bible tells us that one is saved from all his sins by believing in God’s righteousness. This is the peace that is obtained when one places his faith in the righteousness of God.


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  • 6. We Can No Longer Continue in Sin (Romans 6:1-23)

    The “grace” here that the Apostle Paul is speaking of refers to the salvation from sin that is especially attained by believing in the righteousness of God.
    What Paul emphasized particularly in Romans chapter 6 is the faith that believes in the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist, His death, and His resurrection. Referring to sin, Paul asks rhetorically here whether we who had died to sin with Jesus Christ, should continue to dwell in sin and commit it so that grace may abound even more. This question is aimed to those who may say rather ridiculously, “Hey, isn’t Paul saying that we should commit more sins since we have been remitted from all our sins once for all by believing in the righteousness of God?” There are those who wonder, as mentioned in Romans chapter 1, “If I have been remitted from all my sins once for all, then I can sin even more with impunity.” To resolve those people’s question, in chapter 6 Paul makes his final explanation as to how the believers in the righteousness of God should live their lives of faith.


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  • 7. The Law That Has Dominion over Man (Romans 7:1-25)

    The Apostle Paul is discussing the Law’s function. He says that the Law of God continues to have dominion over a sinner only as long as he is alive.
    That the Law has dominion over a man only as long as he is alive is because of the particular characteristics of the Law. The function of the Law of God is to render judgment according to the rule that “the wages of sin is death.” Because this is a statute, regardless of who might be standing before the Law, if he has sin, there is no way he can avoid death.


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  • 8. People to Whom There Is No Condemnation (Romans 8:1-39)

    In the Word of God in the Bible, each and every conjunction and modifier holds a great amount of truth. The word, “therefore,” used in this verse by the Apostle Paul is a conjunction used to speak of how great God’s righteousness is in reference to people’s things of the flesh.
    The Apostle Paul saw that his flesh was following sin. Also, he found that in his heart there was a heart following the flesh besides the heart walking according to the righteousness of God. Therefore, as he saw his soul getting eroded into the lusts of the flesh, he is praising the righteousness of God shown in Christ. Although Paul was a believer of the righteousness of God, because he had experienced agony due to his flesh, the righteousness of God was the Truth worthy of eternal praise for Paul. Thus, he is witnessing how great the power of the gospel of the water and the Spirit is, which is the righteousness of God.


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