This week Dr. Keith O'Neal begins his new series, Faith that Stands the Test with a message entitled Facing the Golden Image. This sermon series is designed to help our faith grow and subsequently please God at a new level. Here are a few key points
- If we cannot please God without faith, then we must exercise our faith muscles to grow and mature in our walk with God
- As part of this process, we ALL have to face the Golden Image in our lives
- This Golden Image is not the same for all of us
- It also changes during the course of our walk with God
- Your Golden Image will likely be different than mine, but it must be faced and conquered if we want to fully please God
- For the purposes of this message, the Golden Image is anything that challenges God’s voice, commands, scripture, or His principles
- It is that thing we face that puts us at odds with the will of God
- Jesus often spoke in parables and stories so people could make comparisons and understand what He meant
- I like to use examples so you can find yourself in the story and know the right response