And have you ever felt just inexplicably tired, even after a full night's sleep? That's fatigue – your body’s way of saying it's overworked and desperately needs a breather. There are also signs that are less spoken about, such as stomach issues. Stress can trigger spasms in your gut and modify your appetite. You might experience bouts of constipation or diarrhea, or find yourself reaching for food for comfort rather than hunger. Even your skin might betray stress, with flare-ups like acne or eczema. And let's not forget the rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms, clear signs of the body’s emergency mode kicking in. If you notice these symptoms, it could be your body waving a flag, telling you it's time to slow down and breathe. It’s crucial to recognize these signals early on and begin stress management strategies that work for you. Remember, acknowledging these physical signs is the first step in taking control of your stress, instead of having your stress take control of you.