
  • Episode 13: Emotionally Intelligent Business Leader (Part 3/3)

    This conversation with Ali is all about what it takes to be a business leader with a strong need (not desire) for a business model with emotional intelligence! It's also the first time that Ali talks to us about his very EQ saavy business, Mandeleo! His story of trials and triumphs has so much wisdom we  can all learn from, whether we are business leaders or quite simply consumers of everyday business. 

    In 2021, we are being urged to look at the businesses around us and to be mindful of their intentions, ideas, products, and delivery. It's about time we ask for businesses that are authentic, empathetic, and fearless. 

    This episode is 3/3 of the the leadership series. 

    Tune in and enjoy! Share the word on Fearless Knowledge. 

    Tania & Ali

    Copy Right: Fearless Knowledge 2021

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  • Episode 12: Leadership & Gender - Fearless Feminine or Fearless Masculine? [Part 2 of 3}

    Hi beautiful friends, this episode is the second in our three part leadership series and a controversial but important one about being female and being male and whether [emotionally intelligent] leadership is gendered? 

    I won't say anymore and leave you to listening, sharing and commenting below! ;)

    Stay tuned and share this episode with all the men and women you love! 

    Fearlessly yours, 
    Tania & Ali

    Copy rights: Fearless Knowledge 2021
    Music: Unknown
    Sound Editor: Lukas Stainmaier

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    37 分
  • Episode 11: Understanding Leadership in 2021 [Part 1/3]

    So, already in January 2021, the world is buzzing with conversations on leadership. And it's ABOUT TIME! Because leadership is one of the most important topics of emotional intelligence! This episode is the first of 2021 but also the 1st part of a series to come on leadership, which also happens to be shared on the inauguration of US President, Joe Biden and days after the attack on the US Senate. 

    Ali and I ask tough questions here as we explore becoming clear on what leadership truly means and why we may lack many "good leaders". We think 2021 is calling on each and every one of us to look internally and act externally with a clear and complete understanding of leadership, especially as we head slowly out of the pandemic and return to 'normal'. Can we look forward to leadership grounded in emotional and social intelligence? 

    *WARNING: Profanity alert! Ali and I swear a fair bit here as we record absolutely live and unedited. You get to hear the real and passionate Ali and Tania ;) 

    Thank you for listening, following, and sharing this episode and podcast series. 
    Made for you, with love! 

    Fearlessly yours, 
    Tania & Ali

    Copy rights: Fearless Knowledge 2021
    Music: Unknown
    Sound Editor: Lukas Stainmaier

    #Podcast #Fearlessness #EmotionalIntelligence #Storytelling #Leadership #USelections #LeadershipPodcast #SimonSinek #BreneBrown #Daniel Goleman #SelfDevelopment #Society #Politics #Trump #Biden #Politics #COVIDtimes #2021

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    46 分
  • Episode 10: Fearless Growth, 9 Steps to Egolessness

    Growth, true personal growth, is a big life long fear that connects to many of our other fears - the fear of abandonment, fear of failure, fear of success and more. But as you all know by now, Ali and I are big advocates of becoming *comfortable with our fears and understanding fear*. Fear after all is our most important emotion. It is there to protect us so we can survive – but like an over-protective parent, it can also sabotage our development by making us afraid of our true potential and growth. The ego, which I often synonymously call fear, operates in a similarly limiting way and it needs to be understood and overcome too.
    Prof. Jane Lovinger, a brilliant development psychologist I’ve recently been researching on seems to have done really unique work on the study of the evolution of the ego…. In fact, she outlines 9 specific stages on how we can rise above the primitive stages of ego (which we can get stuck in) into a state where the ego eventually dissipates into egoless-ness.
    If I apply these 9 stages in becoming egoless instead as 9 tangible steps for us to use and climb as individuals, perhaps we’ll all collectively grow from a place of fear into fearlessness.

    During yet another COVID lockdown, the US elections and its aftermath, and the various crises in the world, Ali and I think, it's time to get growing! 

    This episode is personal and political and for all of us! 

    Thank you for listening! Follow and share the good word and link here on fearlessness.

    Fearlessly yours, 
    Tania and Ali

    Copy right: Fearless Knowledge
    Music: Unknown 
    Editor: Lukas Steinmeir

    #FearlessKnolwedge #EmotionalIntelligence #Podcast #Podcastseries #USElections #Psychology #Ego #Egoless #Fearlessness

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    51 分
  • Episode 9: Fear of Joy?

    In this episode, Ali and I, who share the same birthday in October, talk about our fears of joy! While the being afraid of joy sounds counterintuitive and irrational, as you’ll see from our shared stories in childhood and beyond, the fear of joy and happiness is very much a real and profound thing. 

    Are you also afraid or ashamed of truly feeling and receiving the kindness and joy around you, especially in the current sad climate of COVID? Is the fear of joy holding you back somehow from all that you can become? Are we afraid of joy because it will lead to happiness which will then make us too “powerful”? 

    The alternative here is of course fearless joy! But what does that look like? 

    Stay tuned to find out! Share this episode. 

    Much love and joy to you, friends! 

    Tania & Ali

    Copy right: Fearless Knowledge 
    Music: Unknown
    Editor: Lukas Steirmeir

    #Podcast #Podcasters #EmotionalIntelligence #Fear #Fearlessness #Joy #FearlessJoy #BreneBrown  #FearlessKnowledge

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    43 分
  • Episode 8: Fear of Love: Fiction, Attachment, Reality

    "In this episode, I'll be sharing an interesting story on how I ran into Jason Silva, the popular American-Venezuelan modern philosopher and social media speaker on Amsterdam's streets! Our conversation on the fear of abandonment led me to ask whether the fear of love has become an epidemic in our modern Western societies? Or perhaps fearful love has reached a climax since the advent of marriage for love in the Victorian period? Maybe fearful love is what Jane Austen was actually talking about in the under layers of her characters, disguised as 'pride' and 'prejudice'. 

    Lately, I've been doing a crash course in a psychology theory called Attachment Theory, which aims to answer why we may become fearful of love and intimacy. So, just for fun, I examine a few of Jane Austen's characters from this lens. 

    And Ali, in his usual deep metaphorical and political style, makes the connection between attachment theory and Austen's characters and asks whether we see the 'avoidant' Mr. Darcy everywhere in our corporate, political and professional spaces! 

    And ultimately, how does one become a secure or 'fearless lover' in all aspects of life?

    Enjoy and share the word about Fearless Knowledge! 

    Fearlessly yours, 
    Tania and Ali

    ***This podcast series is inspired by Tania Khojasteh's workshop training series for children and professionals in intersectional emotional intelligence. 
    © Fearless Knowledge 2020.

    *Music has unknown composer and no copy rights.
    *Sound Editing by Lukas Steinmaier

    #Podcast #Fearlessness #Fear #EmotionalIntelligence #Storytelling #FearofLove #FearlessLove #AttachmentTheory #JasonSilva #ThaisGibson #JohnBowlby #JaneAusten #PauloFreire #SelfDevelopment

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    46 分
  • Episode 7: "Aggressive Mediocrity"

    "Aggressive Mediocrity"! What a term right? All credit goes to the political-legal-EI genius, Ali Khan, for this one as he sits in the hot seat of being my interviewee in this episode. This is a very real and raw conversation on what it means to live a life based on 'aggressively mediocre' values! And what does it have to do with being afraid?
    If we don't live a life of mainstream aggressive mediocrity, then what is the alternative? 

    Fearlessly yours, 
    Tania and Ali

    ***This podcast series is inspired by Tania Khojasteh's training and workshop series for children and professionals in intersectional emotional intelligence. 
    © Fearless Knowledge 2020.

    *Music has unknown composer and no copy rights.
    *Sound Editing by Lukas Steinmaier

    #Podcast #Fearlessness #Fear #EmotionalIntelligence #AggressiveMediocrity #KindestAptitude #Egonomics #SelfDevelopment #PostCOVIDworld 

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    51 分
  • Episode 6: The "Integrated Mind" [Empathy Movement, Part 2]

    This episode is part 2 of Ali and I's conversation on empathy during the current crises. We explore the range of our emotional reactions after a crisis has shocked millions into empathy, such as the tragic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon recently. Lebanon here stands symbolically for all the crises we face of course, one after the other. I also share a couple of intimate stories of my childhood, growing up in some explosions and warfare and the impact it has had on my career in emotional intelligence.

    Is it okay to feel fear and anger during tragedy? What do we do with our subdued desire for empathy after anger, that fiery emotion, turns into a sad melancholy? Have the hit after hit of crises made our generation crises junkies?  We defer to to the Emotional Intelligence experts once again.  Is an 'integrated mind' as neuroscience experts like Daniel Siegel the solution to how we process crises and empathy?  

    Fearlessly yours,
    Tania and Ali

    ***This podcast series is inspired by Tania Khojasteh's training and workshop series for children and professionals in intersectional emotional intelligence.
    © Fearless Knowledge 2020.

    *Music has unknown composer and no copy rights.
    *Sound Editing by Lukas Steinmaier

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    39 分