• Beyond Numbers: The Power of Joy in Financial Advising (With Larry Sprung)

    Improving your marketing, attracting higher net worth clients, and growing your business are all fine and dandy… until you realize you’ve created a monster that devours your time and joy.

    What if there was another way to approach your financial advice business that scaled your joy without sabotaging your growth?

    Well, that’s exactly what Larry Sprung, CFP, author, and owner of Mitlin Financial did a few years ago. And since he made this decision, his firm has grown 650% more than the average financial advisor firm.

    And in this special episode, Larry reveals his secrets to using joy to grow a healthier and wealthier business with fewer concerns over competitors.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • How an authentic origin story behind why you became an advisor gives you an unfair advantage that your competitors can’t mimic (2:47)
    • The trick for naming your firm in a way that magnetizes your ideal clients (here’s how Larry did it for his firm) (4:43)
    • The “Joy Factor” secret that responsible for Larry’s firm growing by 15% per year when most firms are happy to reach 2% per year (9:29)
    • How “budget shaming,” a common habit of financial advisors, makes your best clients jump ship to your competitor (10:43)
    • A few simple questions to “hack” into prospective clients’ minds and figure out exactly what they need to recommend you to all their friends (14:40)
    • How to grow your business by traveling and sharing it on social media (24:03)
    • The weird and fun “hockey arena” content creation secret that made Larry Sprung live rent-free in my mind until this episode (25:56)

    Want to figure out how to unlock the secrets to a joy-driven practice? Well, Larry’s created a webinar about this idea called The Power of Positive Money Conversations that’s so popular he had to create a waitlist for it! Join the waitlist here: https://joyfuladvisor.com

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    38 分
  • Advisors: Stop Doing This If You Want To Succeed Faster

    One subscriber to my Inner Circle Newsletter, while he cared about his clients and helped grow their wealth, struggled with a mental block that robs more advisors every day than I can keep track of.

    The mental block?

    Needing permission to do, well, any action that could grow your business by a scary amount.

    These advisors are waiting for a golden ticket. They think the universe will see all their hard half-work they didn’t finish and reward them with entry into the knighthood of the wealthiest advisors.

    And so, they sit around, and wait. And wait. And wait.

    Until one day, many years later, they wake up from this stupor and realize that a “hope and pray” marketing strategy is good for one thing: Bankrupting your business.

    If that sounds like you, don’t worry. Today’s show will help you remove this mental block before it suffocates your advisory business.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The insidious “prospecting reluctance” trap advisors fall in that destines them to a mediocre business (3:12)
    • The #1 biggest obstacle to your success (and it’s not your market, your competitors, or your current clients) (4:28)
    • How to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams when a guru hasn’t blessed your strategy, you don’t have a fancy title, and you lack real experience (4:51)
    • Why seeking credentials, while important for credibility, becomes a crutch to feed your procrastination (5:02)
    • The emotional mindset shift that’s the main difference between an advisor worth $10 million and one worth $50,000 (7:45)
    • The “ACR” secret from psychology that shows you how to be wealthy, fulfilled, and happy—at the same time (12:57)
    • The 3 most common signs you’re subconsciously seeking permission (19:24)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    21 分
  • How Advisors Can Get To $500,000 Per Year And Beyond

    Making low six figures as an advisor, while it may impress your family, isn’t all that impressive. And it doesn’t make you real wealth like other advisors enjoy.

    Even making $300,000 per year isn’t enough to create a legacy for your family. But I have good news:

    If you’re making between $150,000-$300,000, I know the exact steps you need to take to reach $500,000 per year. And I reveal each of the four steps in detail in this episode.

    Best part?

    Since this idea started as a LinkedIn post, I also share four bonus tips with you that explain how to take your business from $500,000 to 7 figures.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The biggest problem that affects financial advisors who make less than $150,000 per year (and what to do about it) (1:41)
    • The “add, not replace” method for boosting your conversion rates and doubling or tripling your business (4:13)
    • How marketing costs increase for financial advisors over time (and the best way to prevent this) (5:50)
    • Why advisors who haven’t figured out how to convert more clients per hour will never make $500,000 a year (7:07)
    • The weird way to grow your business faster by firing some clients (11:50)
    • The 4-step process to go from making $150,000-$300,000 a year to $500,000 a year (13:29)
    • The “broken slot machine” secret only advisors who make 7 figures a year use or even know about (14:49)
    • Why doing a distraction audit can triple your productivity by this time next week (20:41)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    24 分
  • How Financial Advisors Actually Get Clients, Backed By Data (With Michael Kitces)

    Today’s guest, Michael Kitces, recently released an 108-page study called, “How Financial Planners Actually Market Their Services.”

    Michael and his team have done all the hard work for you to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, how to actually get clients from your marketing.

    I don’t say this lightly, but this might be the best podcast episode ever for financial advisor marketing.

    Not only will you realize what’s working (and more importantly, what’s not working), but you’ll leave this episode with a plan to dominate 2025 and beyond.

    Listen now for an absolute gold mine of financial advisor marketing backed up and proven by hard data.

    Show highlights include:

    • This 108-page financial space marketing report will show you with crystal clear certainty how to actually get clients from your marketing (0:33)
    • Why financial advisors are sometimes spending up to $10,000 per client (and how to get this cost lower while landing more clients) (5:11)
    • The insidious “anti-scale” trap most advisory firms find themselves in that slowly bankrupts their firm (6:19)
    • How building a faster, sales-based approach to business development gets you up and running but also plants the seeds of destruction in your firm (and the two-track approach to use instead) (13:20)
    • The success rates of the most successful marketing strategies for financial advisors backed by hard data (14:58)
    • The sneaky “Transfer of Trust” secret that fast tracks your sales pipeline and can result in several new clients each month (27:17)
    • Who wins in a battle of generating more clients: Podcasts or video marketing? (31:13)
    • 3 things every piece of your marketing must do or it will fall on deaf ears (34:13)
    • Why you only need 50 great clients to run a wildly successful advisory firm that rivals even corporate behemoths like Merrill or Morgan (47:05)
    • The single most important marketing lesson every advisor needs to hear based on hundreds of hours of hard data and research (50:14)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    54 分
  • Why You Should Get Rid Of Certain Prospects ASAP

    Most marketing advice is all about drawing people in. And for good reason: Your business can’t exist without clients.

    But there’s a problem with attraction marketing…

    If you attract the wrong people into your business, then you might create a business that pays you well but creates a life you despise. That’s why repulsion marketing, the exact opposite of attraction marketing, is often a more powerful marketing strategy.

    Not only does it tend to be more profitable, but it also ensures that your clients are of the highest quality. That means they happily pay you more, don’t think they’re entitled to your time, and don’t cause endless frustrations.

    In today’s show, you’ll discover a few simple ways to add repulsion marketing into your campaigns and create a more successful and fulfilling business as a result.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why attracting your ideal clients isn’t nearly as profitable following this overlooked “Gold Prospector” method (0:53)
    • This seemingly innocent thought has crippled more financial advice businesses than perhaps any other thought in human history (6:08)
    • A bulletproof way to weed out entitled freebie seekers from the people who make great clients (7:02)
    • The magic ingredient you need to actually build a business that lets you spend as much time as you want with your kids (15:31)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    19 分
  • How To Sell Ongoing Financial Advice

    Many financial advisors squirm about the idea of selling ongoing financial advice.

    For some reason, they think it’s a scam—and this comes across when they’re selling it to prospective clients.

    The result?

    Banging your head against the wall because without a new source of prospective clients, you’ll be out on the streets.

    But here’s the thing:

    In many cases, ongoing financial advice is not only an easier way to sell your services, but more honorable too.

    In today’s show, I’ll give you my step-by-step playbook for selling ongoing financial advice, making your clients more money, and making yourself more money too.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The single most important fundamental thing you need in order to successfully sell your financial advice (1:22)
    • 2 beliefs you must have in order to outsell any of your competitors (1:45)
    • How to improve almost every aspect of your business overnight by committing to “psychological alignment” (3:35)
    • The religious argument for why you should charge more for your services (Best part? You don’t have to be religious to do this!) (6:37)
    • Why financial advisors who worry about what constitutes “value” are always less successful than those who ignore it (8:49)
    • How thinking like a lawyer or doctor can triple your business by this time next year (10:29)
    • 4 key features that make your clients happy to fork over absurd amounts of money for your financial advice (12:48)
    • The subtle, yet critical language tweak that makes ongoing financial advice more desirable by your ideal clients (16:06)
    • 4 of the most common objections to ongoing financial planning—and how to conquer them to win clients (19:02)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    24 分
  • How To Sell One-Time Financial Plans

    While one-time financial plans aren’t as attractive to prospective clients or your financial advice business, there’s still a place for them.

    Some people will prefer a one-time plan, and others might see it as a way to take your services for a test drive before committing to a long term relationship.

    But most financial advisors aren’t good at helping their prospective clients see the value of one-time financial plans. And this flaw nukes your conversion rates.

    So, in today’s episode, I’m going to share the biggest obstacles prospective clients will have to buying a one-time financial plan. And how you can overcome each one to improve your sales process and remove the barriers to working with you.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The almost-too-obvious, yet wildly effective way to convert more people into paying clients (6:51)
    • One skill financial advisors must master to overcome the psychological “temporal discounting” glitch your clients will have to your one-time financial plan (12:10)
    • How to make your clients sell themselves on buying a service with a delayed payoff (even when it goes against their natural psychology) (12:38)
    • 3 things you must emphasize when selling to prospective clients who have the “DIY Mentality" (14:40)
    • How to help your clients feel more empowered when buying a one-time financial plan (this boosts conversions) (17:50)
    • The “Future Relationship" positioning trick that turns one-time financial plans into recurring revenue (19:45)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

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    24 分
  • The Secret Behind My Best Content Marketing Campaigns

    My track record of successful content marketing campaigns rivals anyone who specializes in helping advisors with their marketing. In fact, I don’t know if there’s anyone who has a more successful track record than myself in this niche.

    And today, I’m revealing the secret to why my content marketing campaigns have been so wildly successful. I’m not sharing this to brag, but to show you how simple it can be when you do it right.

    The problem is, 99% of financial advisors approach content marketing in the exact opposite way as I teach. That’s why your lead magnets, blogs, ads, and other forms of content marketing fall on deaf ears.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way once you listen to today’s episode.

    Show highlights include:

    • How applying the lesson from my grip strength story to your financial advice business will make 2025 your most profitable year yet (3:29)
    • Why this specific type of lead magnet attracts higher quality leads and clients than any other type (8:58)
    • The overlooked, yet only proven way to create high performing content that makes your prospects only want to hire you (10:08)
    • Here’s the brutal truth about why 99% of content financial advisors create falls flat and leads to no new business (10:19)
    • Why November, December, and January are the 3 most important months for determining how successful you’ll be (12:01)
    • The 4-step lead magnet creation process that will help you create a wildly successful lead magnet that turns strangers into your best clients (14:09)
    • How thinking of your marketing as an army of gatekeepers not only attracts higher quality clients, but also frees up your time without sacrificing your wealth (19:31)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    If you’re serious about making 2025 your most profitable and successful year yet, I created a new guide to help you accomplish that. It’s called 5 Marketing Moves Financial Advisors Should Make In 2025 and you can get it for free at https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/moves.

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