Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Joy and Simplicity at the Festive Wàitān Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2025-02-23-23-34-01-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 外滩灯火辉煌,彩灯高挂,照亮冬日。En: The Wàitān was brilliantly lit, with colorful lights hanging high, illuminating the winter days.Zh: 人群熙熙攘攘,商店林立。En: The crowds bustled, and shops lined the streets.Zh: 空气中弥漫着街头小吃的香味,还有欢庆的声音。En: The air was filled with the scent of street food and the sound of celebrations.Zh: 梅和健在这里。En: Méi and Jiàn were here.Zh: 梅是一个周到细致的人。En: Méi is a thoughtful and meticulous person.Zh: 这次,她想给家人买完美的春节礼物。En: This time, she wanted to buy the perfect Chūnjié gift for her family.Zh: 健则乐观,喜欢享受节日的活力。En: Jiàn, on the other hand, was optimistic and loved to enjoy the festive energy.Zh: "今天真热闹!"健兴奋地说。En: "It's so lively today!" Jiàn exclaimed excitedly.Zh: "是啊,可这么多人,我怎么找合适的礼物呢?"梅有些担心。En: "Yes, but with so many people, how can I find the right gift?" Méi said, a little worried.Zh: 她们在商店间穿梭,店里人头攒动。En: They weaved through the shops, which were crowded with people.Zh: 梅从这个架子看到那个架子,挑来选去。En: Méi looked from one shelf to another, picking and choosing.Zh: “别太紧张了,梅。”健拍拍她的肩膀,“节日就该享受。”En: "Don't be too stressed, Méi," Jiàn patted her shoulder, "Festivals are meant to be enjoyed."Zh: “可是,我一定要找到让家人满意的东西。”梅说。En: "But I must find something that satisfies my family," Méi said.Zh: “有时候最简单的才是最好的,不如我们先去河边走走。”健提议。En: "Sometimes the simplest things are the best. How about we take a walk by the river first?" Jiàn suggested.Zh: 梅点头,En: Méi nodded.Zh: 虽然心里不大情愿,但她接受了健的建议。En: Although somewhat reluctant, she accepted Jiàn's suggestion.Zh: 她们走到黄浦江边,灯光在水面上闪烁,别有一番美。En: They walked to the edge of the Huángpǔ Jiāng, where the lights flickered on the water, creating a unique beauty.Zh: “看到这灯光,心情好很多。”梅说,微笑浮上脸庞。En: "Seeing these lights, I feel much better," Méi said, a smile appearing on her face.Zh: 她们坐在长椅上,欣赏着眼前的美景。En: They sat on a bench, appreciating the beautiful view before them.Zh: 梅忽然意识到,也许节日的意义不在于礼物,而在于和家人共度的时光。En: Méi suddenly realized that perhaps the meaning of the festival was not in the gifts but in the time spent with family.Zh: “我决定了,就买这些小饰品给家人。”梅笑着说道,“简单而美好。”En: "I've decided, I'll buy these little trinkets for my family," Méi said with a smile, "Simple and beautiful."Zh: 健点点头,“你看,这不就很好吗?”En: Jiàn nodded, "You see, isn't this great?"Zh: 最后,梅轻松了许多。En: In the end, Méi felt much more relaxed.Zh: 虽简单,但每个礼物都饱含心意。En: Though simple, each gift was full of thoughtfulness.Zh: 她明白,家人的快乐源于彼此相伴,而不是礼物的贵重。En: She understood that the family's happiness came from being together, not from the price of the gifts.Zh: 她决定享受这个时刻,不再过分追求完美。En: She decided to enjoy the moment and stop pursuing perfection excessively.Zh: 外滩的灯光依然耀眼,梅和健在欢声笑语中,度过了一个温暖的夜晚。En: The lights of Wàitān were still dazzling, and Méi and Jiàn spent a warm night laughing and chatting.Zh: 梅学会了放松,享受,这才是新年最美的礼物。En: Méi learned to relax and enjoy, which was the most beautiful gift of the new year. Vocabulary Words:brilliantly: 辉煌illuminating: 照亮meticulous: 细致crowded: 人头攒动thoughtful: 周到lively: 热闹exclaimed: 兴奋地说weaved: 穿梭reluctant: 不大情愿flickered: 闪烁unique: 别有appreciating: 欣赏trinkets: 小饰品pursuing: 追求excessively: 过分dazzling: 耀眼relaxed: 轻松hectic: 熙熙攘攘scent: 香味festive: 节日的sat: 坐在bench: 长椅realized: 意识到festivity: 欢庆smile: 微笑suggested: 提议nodded: 点头enjoy: 享受happiness: 快乐cheap: 简单