• Why Shavuot is Important - Messianic Teaching • Shabbat Livestream

    Shavuot: A Harvest Celebration and More

    Significance of Shavuot in the Old Testament

    Shavuot is one of the three pilgrimage feasts in the Old Testament, along with Passover and Sukkot.

    It is celebrated 50 days after the first day of the barley harvest, known as First Fruits.

    During this festival, the Israelites would bring offerings to the Lord, including two loaves of leavened bread made from the new harvest. This offering symbolized gratitude for God's blessings and represented a new gift in its final form.

    Beyond its religious significance, Shavuot was also a time of great joy and festivity in ancient Israel.

    Historical writings and Jewish commentary suggest a lively atmosphere, with music, dancing, and possibly even acrobatic performances. The festival attracted both Jews and Gentiles, making Jerusalem a popular travel destination during that time.

    Shavuot in the New Testament: Pentecost and the Holy Spirit

    In the New Testament, Shavuot takes on a new meaning with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus.

    This event, known as Pentecost, occurred 50 days after Jesus' resurrection, while his followers were gathered in Jerusalem for Shavuot.

    The sound of rushing wind, tongues of fire, and the ability to speak in other languages marked the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

    This event is interpreted as the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, particularly those in Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 36, and Joel 2, which foretold the coming of the Holy Spirit.

    The Significance of the Holy Spirit

    The Holy Spirit's arrival is described as a transformative event, bringing a "new wind" and a "new spirit" to the hearts of believers.

    This new spirit enables believers to overcome sin and live out the ethic of God's kingdom.

    It is the same spirit that resided in Jesus and empowers believers to be a reflection of him to the world.

    Luke, the author of the Book of Acts, intentionally draws parallels between Jesus' ministry and the ministry of his followers after Pentecost.

    He highlights similarities in their actions, experiences, and even the opposition they faced, emphasizing that the Holy Spirit equips believers to continue the work of Jesus and spread the gospel.

    The Call to Action

    Shavuot, particularly in light of Pentecost, calls believers to be ambassadors of God's justice and righteousness in the world.

    It emphasizes the importance of caring for the poor and marginalized, as exemplified by the command to leave the edges of the fields unharvested for the poor and foreigners.

    The outpouring of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to act justly, speak against oppression, and show God's love to the world.

    The speaker challenges believers to examine their lives and consider whether they are living out the transformative power of the Holy Spirit as described in the Book of Acts.

    Shavuot's Message of Renovation and New Creation

    Shavuot also carries a message of new creation and the renovation of the world.

    The speaker draws connections between the Holy Spirit hovering over the waters in Genesis 1 and the Holy Spirit empowering believers at Pentecost.

    The arrival of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a new creation, where God's kingdom is made manifest in the lives of believers.

    This new creation is characterized by justice, righteousness, and the absence of violence, ultimately leading to a new heaven and a new earth.

    Believers are called to participate in this new creation by embodying God's kingdom and bringing heaven to earth.

    The speaker uses examples like the establishment of public hospitals and the care for abandoned children by early Christians to illustrate the transformative impact of the Holy Spirit on society.

    The ultimate question posed is whether the Book of Acts describes the lives of those who claim to follow Jesus, urging them to embrace the power of the Holy Spirit and live as agents of God's kingdom in the world.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link https://foundedintruth.com/give.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com

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  • The Woman's Place - In the Ancient World and In Scripture

    The Woman's Place - In the Ancient World and in Scripture The Woman's Place - In the Ancient World and in Scripture

    This teaching by Matthew Vander Els at Founded in Truth Fellowship examines the dynamics between husbands and wives. Contrary to the modern assumption that women in ancient Near Eastern cultures, including those depicted in the Bible, were oppressed and lacked rights, the speaker suggests that women held a different but equally important role. Vander Els stresses that, biblically, a husband should see his wife as his most prized possession, similar to how a father views his daughter in ancient cultures.

    The Importance of a Husband's Prayers

    Just as Isaac prayed for Rebecca's fertility, husbands should intercede for their wives, recognizing their needs and petitioning God on their behalf. Vander Els underscores this responsibility by mentioning a verse he considers "convicting": "And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was barren, and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived".

    Shift in Responsibility, Not Ownership

    When a woman marries, her husband assumes a responsibility akin to a father's. This transition, often symbolized by the giving away of the bride in wedding ceremonies, is a contract of care and provision.

    Mutual Respect and Support

    Drawing on scriptural examples like Psalms 128, Vander Els emphasizes that a wife's well-being and joy are directly linked to her husband's reverence for God. This isn't to say women can't be spiritually strong on their own, but it highlights a husband's primary duty to lead his family with righteousness, setting a worthy example for his wife and children.

    Redefining "Submission"

    Vander Els argues that modern interpretations of wifely submission, particularly in Colossians 3:18, often miss the nuance of the original Greek word. Instead of a military-style subservience, he suggests it implies a voluntary and collaborative approach where the wife actively shares the burdens and responsibilities of the household as her husband's helpmate.

    Women as Equals, Not Objects

    Vander Els seeks to dismantle the notion of women as mere possessions in a marriage. He points to the Hebrew word for "helpmate," arguing that it denotes an equal and powerful counterpart who supports and defends her husband, particularly in times of vulnerability. He uses the analogy of a soldier needing backup to illustrate the strength and protectiveness this term implies.

    Applying the Teaching to Everyday Life Husbands:
    • Regularly pray for your wives, seeking God's blessings upon their lives and recognizing your responsibility to support them spiritually.
    • Treat your wives with honor and respect, understanding that you are entrusted with their well-being. Remember the value placed upon a daughter in ancient cultures and extend that same esteem to your wife.
    • Strive to lead your families in righteousness, setting a godly example that your wife and children can willingly follow.
    • Embrace the true meaning of "helpmate" by recognizing and appreciating your wife's strength, support, and partnership in marriage.
    • Support your husbands and assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities as spiritual leaders in the home.
    • Pray for your husbands and your families, seeking God's guidance and blessing on your household.
    • Genesis 25:21: "And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife because she was barren, and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived".
    • Psalms 128
    • Colossians 3:18
    • 2 Corinthians 5:21
    • Proverbs 31
    • Hebrews 11:7

    Note: This summary reflects the perspective presented by the speaker in the provided source. Other interpretations of scripture and historical contexts regarding the role of women in ancient Near Eastern cultures may exist.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link here.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 Founded in Truth Fellowship Website

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    1 時間 1 分
  • The Image of God - Humans, Mission, and Jesus • What does it mean to be the image of God? Imago Dei

    The Image of God - Humans, Mission, and Jesus • What does it mean to be the image of God? Imago Dei

    **Introduction to Imago Dei**

    This teaching from Founded in Truth Fellowship, led by Matthew Vander Els, explores the concept of **Imago Dei**, the image of God in humans, and its implications for our mission and purpose in the world. The teaching emphasizes that all humans, regardless of their background or abilities, are created in the image of God and are called to reflect His character and creative power in the world.

    **Key Points of the Teaching**
    • **Humans as Rulers and Co-Creators:** Humans were created to rule over creation and be co-creators with God, reflecting His care and dominion over creation.
    • **The Breath of Life and Divine Speech:** God's breath of life into Adam symbolizes the power of divine speech, enabling humans to speak life into creation.
    • **The Responsibility of Image Bearers:** Christians are called to bring life, reconciliation, and justice through their words and actions.
    • **Responding to Current Issues:** The teaching urges believers to address societal issues like the overturning of Roe v. Wade with empathy and action.

    **Application to Everyday Life**
    • **Seeing the Image of God in Others:** Recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
    • **Speaking Life with Our Words:** Use words to build others up and bring life.
    • **Taking Action for Justice and Reconciliation:** Strive to create a just and compassionate world.
    • **Supporting Life in Tangible Ways:** Support life through practical actions like foster care and adoption.

    • Genesis 1:26-28: Humans are made in God's image to rule over creation.
    • Psalm 8:3-8: Humanity's place in God's creation and dominion over it.
    • Habakkuk 2:18, Jeremiah 10:3-5: Warnings about trusting in idols and false images.
    • Genesis 2:7, 2:18-23: The creation of humans and the breath of life given by God.
    • Numbers 12, Isaiah 6, Jeremiah 1:9, Ezekiel 2-3, James 3:10: God's direct communication through words and speech.
    • Matthew 25, Ephesians 1:9-10: Living out the image of God through service, justice, and unity in Christ.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link here.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com

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    1 時間 4 分
  • What is the Gospel? • Messianic Livestream | What Does the Gospel Mean in the Bible? The Good News

    What is the Gospel? • Messianic Livestream | What Does the Gospel Mean in the Bible? The Good News

    The Gospel: A Story of Reconciliation

    God's original design was a unified Heaven and Earth, where humanity lived in His presence, stewarding creation as His image bearers.

    Sin shattered this harmony, causing suffering, violence, and a growing chasm between humanity and God. Mankind's selfish desires created a "hell on Earth."

    The Old Testament narrative charts God's promise to repair the brokenness. He chooses Abraham and Sarah, leading to the formation of Israel, a "kingdom of priests," meant to mediate between Heaven and Earth.

    Jesus came to fulfill God's promises, reconciling Heaven and Earth through His sacrifice on the cross. His life and ministry exemplified the Kingdom ethic, demonstrating God's power to heal and restore.

    Through Jesus, the Kingdom of God—a reality where God's will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven—is established. This Kingdom is not a future event but an ongoing inbreaking of God's presence and power.

    Living Out the Gospel Today:

    • Rethinking Salvation:

      Moving beyond a fear-based view of salvation to embrace the present-day reality of God's Kingdom. Eternal life begins now, not just after death.

    • Kingdom Ethics in Action:

      Embracing the values of God's Kingdom by actively pursuing justice, mercy, and grace in everyday life. This includes advocating for the vulnerable, opposing oppression, and showing tangible love to others.

    • Confronting Hell on Earth:

      Recognizing the "fires of hell"—the destructive consequences of sin and self-serving agendas—and actively standing against them. This requires confronting injustice and speaking out against harmful actions and systems.

    • Ambassadors of Heaven:

      We are called to represent Heaven on Earth, embodying the reconciled life Jesus offers and extending forgiveness, hope, and reconciliation to others.

    Scriptural and Literary References:

    • Key Bible Passages: Mark 1:14-15, Colossians 1:19-20, Matthew 28, Ephesians 1:9, Revelation 11:15, Psalm 115:16, Isaiah 40:22, Genesis 11:2, Amos, Isaiah, Matthew 23, Psalm 89:14, Matthew 12:28, Luke 17:20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Ezekiel, Jeremiah
    • Recommended Books: "Divine Conspiracy," "Surprised by Hope," and "The Mission of God"

    Vander Els' teaching reframes the Gospel as a powerful call to action. It challenges listeners to move beyond a passive anticipation of heaven and engage in the transformative work of bringing Heaven to Earth. It emphasizes that we are not simply waiting for eternal life; we are called to live it out now, as ambassadors of God's Kingdom.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link https://foundedintruth.com/give.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com

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  • What Does 666 Mean? • Messianic Teaching | Revelation Study | What is the Mark of the Beast?

    Founded in Truth Fellowship

    **Biblical Teachings**

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is dedicated to providing in-depth Biblical teachings that focus on the Word of God and the life and ministry of Yeshua. Our teachings are rooted in a Messianic perspective, blending the rich traditions of the Torah with the teachings of the New Testament.

    **Fellowship and Community**

    At Founded in Truth Fellowship, we value the power of community and fellowship. We create a space where believers can gather to worship, share, and grow in their faith together. We believe that strong relationships help believers to live out their faith in meaningful ways.

    **Resources for Biblical Studies**

    We offer a variety of resources to assist you in your study of the Bible. Whether you are a new believer or a seasoned student of Scripture, our materials are designed to guide you in understanding the deep truths found in the Bible and to help you live out your faith daily.

    **Support the Ministry**

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you.

    If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link https://foundedintruth.com/give.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com

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  • Paul's Yoke - Finding Peace From Uncertainty
    Paul's Yoke - Finding Peace From Uncertainty

    **Application to Everyday Life**

    **Recognize that difficult circumstances are part of God's plan for your life.** Just as Paul faced imprisonment, beatings, and accusations, believers today will also face challenges. These challenges are not meant to define you, but to prepare you for the mission God has for you.

    **Stay focused on your mission.** Despite the chaos and uncertainty around him, Paul remained focused on sharing the Gospel. Believers today should similarly prioritize their mission of proclaiming and living out God's Kingdom.

    **Find strength in God's faithfulness.** Paul's journey was marked by God's constant presence and provision. Even in the midst of a shipwreck, Paul was able to encourage those around him because of his faith in God's promises.

    **Seek help when needed.** The teaching acknowledges that everyone struggles with vices, emotions, and dark places. It encourages believers to reach out for help when they need it, recognizing that there is no shame in doing so.

    **Practice gratitude.** Paul's example of giving thanks to God even while facing a shipwreck demonstrates the importance of cultivating a grateful heart in all circumstances.

    **References** **Book of Acts**

    The teaching draws heavily on the story of Paul's journey to Rome in Acts 27, highlighting his unwavering faith in the midst of a storm.


    The teacher mentions that the next week's teaching will focus on Jesus' words about taking up His yoke in the Gospel of Matthew.

    **Story of Joseph**

    The teaching uses the story of Joseph as an example of how God can use difficult circumstances to fulfill His purposes.


    The Greek word for "giving thanks" is discussed in relation to Paul's actions on the ship.

    **Commentary by Pete Wilson**

    The teaching quotes from Pete Wilson's commentary on Acts 27, emphasizing that God is in control and that Paul's journey to Rome was part of God's plan.

    **Commentary by Dr. Craig Keener**

    The teaching quotes Dr. Keener's statement that Paul's story is not about quieting the storm, but about persevering through testing.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com


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    37 分
  • The Restored Temple in the End Times

    The Restored Temple in the End Times


    This teaching by Matthew Vander Els at Founded in Truth Fellowship focuses on the true meaning of Hanukkah and how it points to Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of the restored temple. The teaching explores the historical context of Hanukkah, the rededication of the temple, and how this event foreshadows the greater restoration found in Jesus.

    **Jesus as the Fulfilled Temple**
    • The teaching highlights how John, in his Gospel, intentionally connects Jesus with the fulfillment of three major Jewish feasts: Passover, Tabernacles (Sukkot), and Hanukkah.
    • Just as the temple was rededicated during Hanukkah, Jesus, through his ministry, death, and resurrection, becomes the ultimate restored temple, the meeting place between God and humanity.
    • Matthew 12:6 is cited, where Jesus says, "Something greater than the temple is here," emphasizing his role as the true temple.
    **Believers as Temples of the Holy Spirit**
    • The teaching draws parallels between the restored temple and believers in Jesus.
    • Just as God's presence dwelt in the temple, the Holy Spirit dwells in believers, making them "God's temple." (1 Corinthians 3:16)
    • This concept is further emphasized through passages like 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 1 Peter 2:5, which describe believers as temples of the Holy Spirit and living stones being built into a spiritual house.
    **Living Out the Rededication**
    • The teaching encourages listeners to examine their lives and consider what needs to be rededicated to God.
    • It acknowledges that life's challenges and distractions can hinder spiritual growth and the need for a renewed commitment to God.
    • The speaker urges the audience to be the "temple," allowing God's love, justice, mercy, and grace to flow through them into the world.
    • John 2:19 (Jesus predicts the destruction and raising of the temple in three days)
    • John 6 (Jesus as the Bread of Life, connecting him to Passover)
    • John 7 (Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles, emphasizing living water)
    • John 10 (Jesus at Hanukkah, claiming to be the Good Shepherd)
    • Matthew 12:6 ("Someth
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    47 分
  • The Dark Side of Psalm 119
    The Dark Side of Psalm 119


    This Bible teaching from Founded In Truth Fellowship, led by Matthew van der Els, explores the complexities and "dark side" of Psalm 119. While often seen as a celebration of God's law (Torah), the Psalm also reveals a deep struggle with suffering and a longing for God's promised blessings. The teaching emphasizes that the true revelation of God is not found in the written word alone, but in the person of Jesus Christ, who embodies and fulfills the Torah.

    Key Points
    • Psalm 119 is unique in its structure and content, lacking a clear narrative or resolution. It's essentially a "circular rant" where the author repeatedly praises God's Torah, cries out in distress, and reaffirms his commitment to God's teachings.
    • The Psalm expresses raw emotions of anxiety, frustration, and even anger towards God. The author feels he is faithfully following God's law but is not experiencing the promised blessings. Instead, he faces suffering, persecution, and a sense of abandonment.
    • The teaching highlights the danger of focusing on external obedience to rules without pursuing a genuine relationship with God. It warns against making the Bible an idol and relying on it for salvation instead of seeking God himself.
    • The teaching emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God and the fulfillment of the Torah. The entire Old Testament points to him, and he is the source of true joy and salvation.

    Applications to Everyday Life Acknowledge and process difficult emotions

    The Psalm gives permission to honestly express feelings of frustration, doubt, and even anger towards God. It's okay to wrestle with these emotions in prayer.

    Seek a relationship with God, not just rule-following

    Focus on developing a personal connection with God rather than simply adhering to a list of rules. True obedience flows from a loving relationship.

    Find hope and joy in Christ

    Recognize that Jesus is the ultimate source of hope and joy, even in the midst of suffering. He is the fulfillment of God's promises and the one who brings true peace.

    Avoid idolizing the Bible

    While the Bible is God's inspired word, it should not be worshipped or treated as an end in itself. It points to Jesus, who is the living Word of God.

    • Psalm 119: The entire Psalm is referenced throughout the teaching, with specific verses highlighted to illustrate the author's emotional state and struggle.
    • John 1:1-4: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind."
    • Luke 24:44-47: "He said to them, 'This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.' Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, 'This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.'"
    • John 5:39-40: "You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."
    • Isaiah 2:3: "Many peoples will come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.' The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
    • Commentaries: John Calvin and C.S. Lewis's differing views on Psalm 119 are mentioned.
    • Scholarly Works: N.T. Wright's interpretation of John 1:1 and Pete Enns's understanding of the Old Testament's purpose are cited.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship is a Messianic Fellowship in Rock Hill, SC that provides Biblical teachings, fellowship, and resources for Biblical studies. Founded in Truth Fellowship is able to spread the gospel and the word of Yeshua because of supporters like you. If Founded in Truth has been a blessing to you or your family, we ask that you would give so that the same messages can bless others. To give to Founded in Truth Fellowship, click this link https://foundedintruth.com/give.

    Founded in Truth Fellowship 1689 Springsteen Rd, Rock Hill, SC 29730 (803) 627-8623 https://foundedintruth.com


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