• Finding life/work balance as freelancer

    WELCOME back to another episode of Freelancing in Orbit City. This week we meet up with Megan Lovino, owner of Golden House Creative, LLC.

    This episode is PACKED with actionable steps that you can immediately apply to your design and or freelance journey!

    -Should you try and charge a retainer fee?

    -Work/life balance or Life/work balance

    -Website design secrets and tips

    -Examples of bad outbound dm's I received from LinkedIn and MORE


    Megan Lovino

    Company IG @goldenhousecreative

    Company website https://www.goldenhousecreative.com/


    Host - Eugene Calhoun

    IG: @eugene3614

    email: eugene.calhoun@tasksaver.co

    TaskSaver Academy : tasksaver.co

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    1 時間 18 分
  • Is having a "Plan B" holding you back from your success moment?

    It's another beautiful day in Orbit City and we welcome you back to Freelancing in Orbit City! Today we meet with Connor Williamson founder of All Bikes All Day apparel.

    Talking with Connor is like talking to an old friend. We apologize now for getting off track. Today we chat about:

    1. Should you have a plan b before you start freelancing or business building?

    2. What are you willing to sacrifice and what you shouldn't sacrifice.

    3. The power of authenticity

    It was incredibly fun to meet with Connor and I am excited to bring him back for the weeks to come.


    Connor's links:



    Instagram @AllBikesAllDayNWA @NTXTaco


    Eugene - TaskSaver - Orbit City

    Twitter @eugene3614

    email - eugene.calhoun@tasksaver.co

    Apply to TaskSaver Academy today! www.tasksaver.co

    Virtual Workspace: https://workfrom.com/@eugenecalhoun

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    55 分
  • You're a COACH not a MENTOR!

    It's another beautiful day in Orbit City! Thanks for coming to listen to the Freelancing in Orbit City podcast. This episode is all about mentorship and coaching.

    We dive into the difference between the two; responsibilities of mentees, and of course, I go into a heated rant about why YOU SHOULD NOT BE CHARGING FREELANCERS FOR MENTORSHIP!


    If you want to join the show reach out to me on

    Twitter https://twitter.com/Eugene3614

    Virtual Office at https://beta.workfrom.coffee/@eugenecalhoun

    Find a freelance coach here: https//tasksaver.co

    Let's dive in :)

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    36 分
  • Working in silence is for the birds!!

    Welcome back to another episode of Freelancing in Orbit City.

    I wanted to take time to talk about "working in silence" and how the negatives dramatically outweigh the positives.

    Don't let lack of confidence or fear of the unkncown stop you from doing what you know you need to do.

    Working in public might just be the one thing that pushes you the fastest towards Life/work balance and any other goal along the way!

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    43 分
  • How to stay a freelancer for life w/ Mike Donnell, 30 year freelance vet.

    WELCOME BACK to another episode of Freelancing in Orbit City.

    Today, we look back at an interview I had with Mike Donnell, a 30-year freelance/independent vet!

    Sit back and enjoy learning

    how things were,

    how things are,

    and how we move freelance forward.


    If you want to join the show reach out to me on Twitter @ eugene3614 or my Virtual Office at https://beta.workfrom.coffee/@eugenecalhoun Let's dive in :)

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    47 分
  • What Instagram didn't tell you about "Write-offs", tax payments, and staying in your lane!

    Welcome back to another episode of Freelancing in Orbit City! In this episode, we talk about finances as a freelancer, independent, or solopreneur. Basically, if you're 1099 you need to be here!

    We jump back in time to April 29th, 2022 when I met with Robert Carper, a Finacial Advisor who helps me understand why I need a CPA quick!

    There are gold nuggets sprinkled throughout as we talk about what to do with receipts, what exactly a write-off is, and how you probably should be paying QUARTERLY TAXES!

    If you want to join the show reach out to me on Twitter @ eugene3614 or my Virtual Office https://beta.workfrom.coffee/@eugenecalhoun

    Let's dive in :)

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    39 分
  • Take the $5 gig first and choose comfort over riches when starting freelance
    Welcome back to another episode in Orbit City. Listen as I interview Maxime a creative Social Media Manager who is obsessed with freelancing and the freedom that comes with it! We dive into her freelance journey and she shares her tips on how to best get started with freelance. From the type of jobs to the best beginner mindsets, Max is a rockstar at leaving gold nuggets for beginners. Let's get going and if you want to learn more or chat with like-minded freelancers, join us in Orbit City's virtual world! https://beta.workfrom.coffee/@o5gvp4
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    33 分
  • A freelancers $6,000 tax bill became an "I've made it" moment
    In this episode, we join Elizabeth in Orbit City to discuss how her $6,000 tax bill became her "I've made it" moment and how she is creating her own path towards d fulfillment.
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    25 分