• From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure

  • 2025/02/21
  • 再生時間: 18 分
  • ポッドキャスト

From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure

  • サマリー

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-21-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo vzduchu Tatranskej Lomnice bolo cítiť zimnú sviežosť.En: In the air of Tatranská Lomnica, there was a sense of winter freshness.Sk: Okolitý les bol pokrytý snehom ako z rozprávky.En: The surrounding forest was covered with snow like something out of a fairy tale.Sk: Fašiangy prilákali mnoho návštevníkov, a ulice ožili hudbou a smiechom.En: The carnival had attracted many visitors, and the streets came alive with music and laughter.Sk: Marek, uprostred toho všetkého, pociťoval vzrušenie i strach.En: Marek, in the middle of it all, felt both excitement and fear.Sk: Stál pred obchodom s turistickým vybavením, odhodlaný zvládnuť zimnú túru, ktorú si so svojimi priateľmi, Ivanou a Petrou, naplánoval.En: He stood in front of a store with tourist equipment, determined to tackle the winter hike he had planned with his friends, Ivana and Petra.Sk: "Marek," ozvala sa Ivana, keď ho našla pri regáloch so zimnými bundami, "máš už všetko?En: "Marek," Ivana called out when she found him by the racks of winter jackets, "do you have everything?"Sk: " Petra sa k nim pridala a povzbudivo sa usmiala.En: Petra joined them and smiled encouragingly.Sk: "Bude to zábava, uvidíš.En: "It will be fun, you'll see."Sk: "Marek, aj keď nebol rád, že si musí požičať vybavenie, prikývol.En: Marek, even though he wasn't happy about having to rent equipment, nodded.Sk: "Áno, ešte potrebujem len mačky a čelovku.En: "Yes, I just need crampons and a headlamp.Sk: Čítal som, aké je to dôležité pre bezpečnosť.En: I read how important it is for safety."Sk: "Petra zdvihla palec.En: Petra gave him a thumbs up.Sk: "To je skvelé, Marek!En: "That's great, Marek!Sk: A nezabúdaj, že to nie je závod.En: And don't forget, it’s not a race.Sk: Spolu to zvládneme.En: We’ll handle it together."Sk: "Po kúpe všetkého potrebného vybavenia sa rozhodli vyraziť na druhý deň ráno.En: After buying all the necessary equipment, they decided to set off the next morning.Sk: Noc bola pokojná, a Marek, unavený prípravou, zaspal s pocitom neistoty aj vzrušenia.En: The night was calm, and Marek, tired from the preparation, fell asleep with a feeling of uncertainty and excitement.Sk: Ráno dorazili na začiatok turistickej trasy.En: In the morning, they arrived at the start of the hiking trail.Sk: Hory boli zahalené v bielom šate, majestátne a fascinujúce.En: The mountains were shrouded in a white outfit, majestic and fascinating.Sk: Cítili, ako im ľadový vietor fúka do tváre, keď začali stúpať.En: They felt the icy wind blowing in their faces as they started climbing.Sk: Marek si pripomínal všetko, čo sa naučil na rýchlokurze.En: Marek reminded himself of everything he learned during the quick course.Sk: Pomaly nadobúdal istotu, keď sa jeho nohy hlboko zapichovali do snehu.En: He slowly gained confidence as his feet sank deeply into the snow.Sk: V polovici cesty, neďaleko od Chatu pri Zelenom plese, prišla nečakaná zmena.En: Halfway through the journey, not far from the Chatu pri Zelenom plese, an unexpected change occurred.Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a zasypal ich prudký sneh.En: The sky turned cloudy and they were engulfed by a heavy snowfall.Sk: Vietor zosilnel a chlad prenikal až ku kostiam.En: The wind grew stronger and the cold penetrated to the bones.Sk: "Ivana, Petra, musíme nájsť úkryt," zakričal Marek, snažiac sa prekričať vietor.En: "Ivana, Petra, we have to find shelter," shouted Marek, trying to be heard over the wind.Sk: Mračno snehových vločiek obmedzilo výhľad, a každý krok sa stal veľkou výzvou.En: A cloud of snowflakes limited visibility, and every step became a huge challenge.Sk: Marek použil svoje novonadobudnuté schopnosti s mapou a kompasom.En: Marek used his newly acquired skills with the map and compass.Sk: Po útrapnom boji našli útočisko v malej horskej chatke.En: After a strenuous struggle, they found refuge in a small mountain hut.Sk: Bolo to miesto na odpočinok a bezpečie pred búrkou.En: It was a place for rest and safety from the storm.Sk: Vo vnútri bolo príjemne teplo.En: Inside, it was pleasantly warm.Sk: "Si hrdina, Marek," povedala Ivana s úľavou v hlase, keď sa posadili k prenesenému ohňu z krbu.En: "You’re a hero, Marek," said Ivana with relief in her voice as they sat by the fireplace's transported warmth.Sk: Petra mu poklepala na plece.En: Petra patted him on the shoulder.Sk: "Na chvíľu som si myslela, že to nezvládneme.En: "For a moment, I thought we wouldn't make it.Sk: Ale vďaka tebe sme v bezpečí.En: But thanks to you, we're safe."Sk: "Marek usmial sa nový vnútorný pokoj.En: Marek smiled with a newfound inner peace.Sk: Ukázal, že získať rešpekt a dôveru priateľov ...
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Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-02-21-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vo vzduchu Tatranskej Lomnice bolo cítiť zimnú sviežosť.En: In the air of Tatranská Lomnica, there was a sense of winter freshness.Sk: Okolitý les bol pokrytý snehom ako z rozprávky.En: The surrounding forest was covered with snow like something out of a fairy tale.Sk: Fašiangy prilákali mnoho návštevníkov, a ulice ožili hudbou a smiechom.En: The carnival had attracted many visitors, and the streets came alive with music and laughter.Sk: Marek, uprostred toho všetkého, pociťoval vzrušenie i strach.En: Marek, in the middle of it all, felt both excitement and fear.Sk: Stál pred obchodom s turistickým vybavením, odhodlaný zvládnuť zimnú túru, ktorú si so svojimi priateľmi, Ivanou a Petrou, naplánoval.En: He stood in front of a store with tourist equipment, determined to tackle the winter hike he had planned with his friends, Ivana and Petra.Sk: "Marek," ozvala sa Ivana, keď ho našla pri regáloch so zimnými bundami, "máš už všetko?En: "Marek," Ivana called out when she found him by the racks of winter jackets, "do you have everything?"Sk: " Petra sa k nim pridala a povzbudivo sa usmiala.En: Petra joined them and smiled encouragingly.Sk: "Bude to zábava, uvidíš.En: "It will be fun, you'll see."Sk: "Marek, aj keď nebol rád, že si musí požičať vybavenie, prikývol.En: Marek, even though he wasn't happy about having to rent equipment, nodded.Sk: "Áno, ešte potrebujem len mačky a čelovku.En: "Yes, I just need crampons and a headlamp.Sk: Čítal som, aké je to dôležité pre bezpečnosť.En: I read how important it is for safety."Sk: "Petra zdvihla palec.En: Petra gave him a thumbs up.Sk: "To je skvelé, Marek!En: "That's great, Marek!Sk: A nezabúdaj, že to nie je závod.En: And don't forget, it’s not a race.Sk: Spolu to zvládneme.En: We’ll handle it together."Sk: "Po kúpe všetkého potrebného vybavenia sa rozhodli vyraziť na druhý deň ráno.En: After buying all the necessary equipment, they decided to set off the next morning.Sk: Noc bola pokojná, a Marek, unavený prípravou, zaspal s pocitom neistoty aj vzrušenia.En: The night was calm, and Marek, tired from the preparation, fell asleep with a feeling of uncertainty and excitement.Sk: Ráno dorazili na začiatok turistickej trasy.En: In the morning, they arrived at the start of the hiking trail.Sk: Hory boli zahalené v bielom šate, majestátne a fascinujúce.En: The mountains were shrouded in a white outfit, majestic and fascinating.Sk: Cítili, ako im ľadový vietor fúka do tváre, keď začali stúpať.En: They felt the icy wind blowing in their faces as they started climbing.Sk: Marek si pripomínal všetko, čo sa naučil na rýchlokurze.En: Marek reminded himself of everything he learned during the quick course.Sk: Pomaly nadobúdal istotu, keď sa jeho nohy hlboko zapichovali do snehu.En: He slowly gained confidence as his feet sank deeply into the snow.Sk: V polovici cesty, neďaleko od Chatu pri Zelenom plese, prišla nečakaná zmena.En: Halfway through the journey, not far from the Chatu pri Zelenom plese, an unexpected change occurred.Sk: Obloha sa zamračila a zasypal ich prudký sneh.En: The sky turned cloudy and they were engulfed by a heavy snowfall.Sk: Vietor zosilnel a chlad prenikal až ku kostiam.En: The wind grew stronger and the cold penetrated to the bones.Sk: "Ivana, Petra, musíme nájsť úkryt," zakričal Marek, snažiac sa prekričať vietor.En: "Ivana, Petra, we have to find shelter," shouted Marek, trying to be heard over the wind.Sk: Mračno snehových vločiek obmedzilo výhľad, a každý krok sa stal veľkou výzvou.En: A cloud of snowflakes limited visibility, and every step became a huge challenge.Sk: Marek použil svoje novonadobudnuté schopnosti s mapou a kompasom.En: Marek used his newly acquired skills with the map and compass.Sk: Po útrapnom boji našli útočisko v malej horskej chatke.En: After a strenuous struggle, they found refuge in a small mountain hut.Sk: Bolo to miesto na odpočinok a bezpečie pred búrkou.En: It was a place for rest and safety from the storm.Sk: Vo vnútri bolo príjemne teplo.En: Inside, it was pleasantly warm.Sk: "Si hrdina, Marek," povedala Ivana s úľavou v hlase, keď sa posadili k prenesenému ohňu z krbu.En: "You’re a hero, Marek," said Ivana with relief in her voice as they sat by the fireplace's transported warmth.Sk: Petra mu poklepala na plece.En: Petra patted him on the shoulder.Sk: "Na chvíľu som si myslela, že to nezvládneme.En: "For a moment, I thought we wouldn't make it.Sk: Ale vďaka tebe sme v bezpečí.En: But thanks to you, we're safe."Sk: "Marek usmial sa nový vnútorný pokoj.En: Marek smiled with a newfound inner peace.Sk: Ukázal, že získať rešpekt a dôveru priateľov ...

From Carnival to Courage: Marek's Snowy Adventureに寄せられたリスナーの声
