
  • Don't You Care? : Dealing With Life's Distractions- REPLAY

    Ever feel like no matter how hard you're trying, you just seem to come up short? There's always one.more.thing. Oh, and you probably need to drink more water too. I hear ya.

    Know you're not alone in your to-do's and distractions as Stacy offers some Luke 10 encouragement from Mary and Martha. Spoiler-alert: She's Team Martha.


    "Interestingly, the original Greek word here means “dragging around all that is distracting.” Yep, that pretty much defines me. I’m guessing it may define you too. Dragging around your distractions: your priorities, your jobs, your worries. Oh, man, can I relate to this image. Like a ball and chain, I sure can drag around my distractions like a profession."

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  • Eat That Up: The Names We Call Ourselves- REPLAY

    Do you ever call yourself names? Yep, me too. Maybe you call yourself something like: Stupid. Boring. Chunky. Cowardly. Ugly. Worthless. Insignificant.

    It matters the names we call ourselves. If you're like me, the negative ones seem to stick around longer. Let's practice calling ourselves names that reflect His heart as Stacy peeks at Jeremiah 15:16.


    "When we’re born, we’re given a name, but we also learn a name. You see, leaning and living into a name- well, that’s a learned thing. The more I sit with the Word, the more I “eat it” so to speak, the more I learn about what my name means."

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  • Say That: Why Your Voice Matters- REPLAY

    Ever feel insecure and more-than-a-little terrified for the next chapter in your story? Find out why your voice matters more than you know. You're in good company as Stacy invites courage from Luke's Gospel.


    "The reasons Luke shouldn't have written a Gospel tell us far less about Luke and far more about God...and His invitation. Luke wasn't one of the inner 12 that had instant credibility. He wasn't even Jewish. Okay. But that alone tells us so.much.more about God the Father. God did not discount Luke based on what he lacked."

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  • 26- That's a Wrap: Summer of Sabbath Finale

    Twelve. It’s the number of conversations we’ve had about Sabbath. I gotta admit, I’m not hating that. But total honesty? Sabbath sometimes feels like a lot of work, and that’s exactly why I’ve saved Hebrews 4:9 until our final chat.

    So, let’s pour one last cup of coffee and talk about how we can possibly add one.more.thing (Sabbath) to our plates. (Spoiler alert: It’s not really an add-on.) Join me for a final chat in our Summer of Sabbath series.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "A Sabbath-rest in Hebrews 4:9 is a finished, completed, “no assembly required” rest, as in salvation. A Sabbath-rest absent of earning-potential. A “Jesus Paid It All” rest. Where God’s work stops, ours doesn’t begin.”

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  • Making Things Mean Something They Don't: Sabbath Identity

    My “to-do” list is currently winning the war against my “done” list. You too? It’s tempting in these moments to criticize and berate myself, as if my entire value is tied to a Post-It note of crossed-off priorities. Lord, help us!

    We might as well talk about it because we all do it. Yep, we attach our value to what we do, our identity to our work. Join me in our “Summer of Sabbath” where we'll chat about our identity rooted in rest, not work. We’ll peek at the dream and reality of Genesis 1-3 in an episode titled: Making Things Mean Something They Don’t: Sabbath Identity


    Here’s a small excerpt: "It’s a temptation to turn away from our God-given identity as a human BEING in exchange for our man-made identity as a human DOING. And we’ve been hard at work ever since trying to convince ourselves and the world around us that we’re valuable, important, and worth it.”

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  • Sounds Boring: Sabbath (Empty) Spaces

    What’s your go-to boredom buster? Let me guess, you don’t have time to be bored! Oh, but Friend, we do and we are.

    Boring spots? Yep, these are the empty spaces, the gaps, between our flurry of activities. We’re not exactly comfortable with boring, empty spaces…in our schedules or our hearts. Cue Sabbath!

    Join me as we chat through our discomfort and desperate desire to cram life full-to-the-brim! We’ll settle in and sit still with Psalm 46:10.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "Sabbath allows the luxury of discomfort in those empty spaces, allows room for boredom to bubble up. What might God uncover in us if we stopped covering up all the empty spaces…even for one day a week?”

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  • Play Your Way Through: Sabbath Playing

    Are you in a challenging season that just won’t quit? I hear you. Life sure can knock us down. I know my tendency is to lean in and pray harder. But what if there was another way?

    Join me as we continue our “Summer of Sabbath” with a Biblical strategy for those rough patches. We’ll team up with Nehemiah 8 and a counterintuitive way through darker days.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "I remember thinking if I just worked harder and prayed more, I’d get through. And then I became the honored guest at my teething toddler’s dinner party. In that time, I clearly heard deep down, “Stace, sometimes you’ve got to play your way through.” Huh? Play. Surely that was “Pray your way through.” Nope, again, I heard it so clearly in 2010, “Play your way through.”

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  • Guarding Your Hedges: Sabbath Observing

    Does this sound familiar? “Ugh! I’m terrible at Sabbath. Great, another place I’m failing.”

    Oh, good! I thought I was the only one.

    So, let’s chat about when our Sabbath goes off the rails and AWOL, my Friend. Listen in for a raw look at my family’s Sabbath last week. We’ll also check in on Moses, Deuteronomy 5, and what it actually means to “observe” the Sabbath.

    www.glordinary.com Here’s a small excerpt: "We’ve been practicing this rhythm for several years now, but we’re not masters at it. If we skip a Sabbath day, we notice it! And if we don’t contend for Sabbath, if we don’t protect it with that figurative thorny hedge, our whole family feels it. Our bodies notice it. Our minds. Our spirits.”

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