• Episode 403: The Suffering of the King

    Scripture Outline (Mark 15:1-20)

    1. Jesus delivered to Pilate.
      1. Pilate questions Jesus.
      2. The chief priests accuse Jesus of many things.
      3. Pilate questions Jesus again.
      4. Jesus remains silent.
    2. Jesus delivered to be crucified.
      1. Pilate tries to release Jesus.
      2. The crowd calls for him to release Barabbas.
      3. The crowd calls for Jesus to be crucified.
      4. Pilate gives in to the crowd and has Jesus scourged.
    3. Jesus is mocked.
      1. The Roman soldiers clothe Jesus as a parody of a king.
      2. They mockingly salute and pay homage to Him.
      3. They lead Him out to be crucified.
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    40 分
  • Episode 402: Peter's Denial

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:66-72)

    Peter Follows Jesus into the High Priest's Courtyard. (vs. 66-72)

    a. a Servant girl accuses Peter of being connected to Jesus.

    i. Peter makes his first denial.

    ii. The rooster crows the first time.

    b. The servant girl points Peter out to the crowd.

    i. Peter makes his second denial.

    c. The crowd recognizes Peter is a Galilean, like Jesus.

    i. Peter makes his third denial even more strongly.

    d. The rooster crows a second time.

    i. Peter remembers Jesus' prediction and is distraught.

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    38 分
  • Episode 401: Agony In The Garden

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 32-42 but the weekly reading covers verses 32-50. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:32-42)
    1. Jesus and the disciples enter the garden called Gethsemane (vs. 17-21).
    a. Jesus instructs Peter, James, and John to pray.
    i. Jesus goes a little farther and prays alone.
    b. Jesus finds the three sleeping.
    i. Jesus implores them to watch and pray.
    c. Jesus prays again.
    i. Jesus finds the three sleeping again.
    d. Jesus comes to them a third time.

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    32 分
  • Episode 400: The Last Supper

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:12-31)

    1. Jesus Shares the Passover Meal with His Disciples (vs. 17-21).
    a. Jesus predicts His betrayal.
    i. The disciples ask which of them it might be.
    ii. Jesus clarifies it is one of the twelve.
    b. Jesus is not caught by surprise.

    2. Institution of the Lord’s Supper (vs. 22-25).
    a. Jesus has them take the bread as His body.
    b. Jesus has them drink the cup as His blood.

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    31 分
  • Episode 399: Beginning of Betrayal

    Scripture Outline (Mark 14:1-11)

    1. Chief Priests and Scribes are Plotting to Kill Jesus. (Vs. 1-2)

    2. Jesus is Anointed at Bethany. (Vs. 3-9)
    a. A woman anoints Jesus with perfume.
    b. Some of the disciples are upset at her wastefulness.
    c. Jesus rebukes the disciples, who are upset with her.
    i. Jesus honors her act of extravagance.
    ii. Jesus interprets her act to relate to his impending death.

    3. Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus. (vs. 10-11)

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    34 分
  • Episode 398: Stay Awake

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 32-37 but the weekly reading covers verses 28-37. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

    Scripture Outline (Mark 13:32-37)

    1. Jesus Reveals Only The Father Knows the Day of the Hour (vs. 32)

    2. Jesus Implores His Audience to Be on Guard. (vs. 33-37)
    a. Jesus uses a parable to describe his instructions.
    b. Jesus reminds his audience to remain awake.

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    47 分
  • Episode 397: The End of the Age

    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 1-13 but the weekly reading covers verses 1-27. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

    Scripture Outline (Mark 13:1-13)

    1. Leaving the Temple (vs. 1-2)
    a. A disciple remarks about the beauty of the temple.
    b. Jesus pronounces final judgment on the temple.

    2. Jesus speaks with some disciples on the Mount of Olives (vs. 3-13)
    a. They ask Jesus for specific signs of the end.
    i. Jesus tells them of the early signs.
    ii. Jesus speaks of troubles for those who follow Him.
    iii. Jesus encourages them to endure.

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    37 分
  • Episode 396: Love The Lord, Your God

    Scripture Outline (Mark 12:28-34)
    Grace Baptist Church August 3 & 4
    *Please note that this week's sermon will only cover verses 28-34 but the weekly reading covers verses 28-44. Throughout the series we will read through the entire book of Mark, but the sermons might not cover every verse.

    1. A Scribe Asks Jesus a Question About the Law (vs. 28).
    a. “Which Commandment is the most important of all?”

    2. Jesus Responds to the Scribe’s Question (vs. 29-31).
    a. The first command is a quote from Deuteronomy 6.
    b. The second command is from Leviticus 19:18.

    3. The Scribe Recognizes the Truth in Jesus’ teaching (vs. 32-34).
    a. Jesus tells the scribe he is not far from the kingdom of God.

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    39 分