
  • Friend Your Sins Are Forgiven (Luke 5:17-26)

    In Luke 5:20, before healing a paralytic, Jesus said to him, "Friend your sins are forgiven." Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. If you've received Jesus for salvation, you have complete forgiveness in Him. As you rest in your forgiveness and allow Him to express His life through you, He'll use you to share the gospel with others so that He can declare to them, "friend, your sins are forgiven as well!"

    #luke5 #forgiveness #jesusforgives


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  • Luke 5:12-16 (If You Are Willing)

    Jesus reaches toward people who are untouchable, invisible, or on the outside looking in. As He expresses His life through us, He will do the same thing through us today.

    In Luke 5:12, a man with leprosy asks Jesus, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." He has faith in Jesus' ability to heal, but he is not sure if He is willing (probably because he doesn't feel worthy). In Luke 5:13, Jesus says, "I am willing!"

    Luke 5:12 - While Jesus was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. e When he saw Jesus, he fell with his face to the ground and begged him, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”

    Luke 5:13 - Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

    #luke5 #leprosy


    Luke 5:12-16 Sermon

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  • Luke 5:1-11 (Calling On Your Life)

    What is your calling in life? Do you have a calling on your life? In Luke 5, we see Simon Peter receive his calling from Jesus to fish for people. You have a unique calling on your life as well which reflects how Jesus will express His life through you as you!

    #lifecalling #luke5


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  • Luke 4:38-44 (Meet Needs or Share the Gospel?)

    Should we meet people's needs or share the gospel with them? Sometimes people will say things like, "Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words," but what we see from Jesus is that words are necessary! In Luke 4:43, we see Jesus say that He must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. But we also see that Jesus took time to serve people and meet their needs. Jesus provided tangible help and eternal hope, and as Jesus expresses His life through us, we can expect Him to use us to both meet people's needs and to share the good news of the kingdom of God with them!


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  • Luke 4:31-37 (Jesus, Demons, and Authority)

    In Luke 4, Jesus is teaching in the synagogue with authority, but He encounters a demon who is exercising his authority over another man. It's good vs. evil. One authority vs. another authority. Who will win and what does it mean for us today?


    #luke4 #demons #authorityinchrist

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  • Luke 4:14-30 (Jesus' Purpose & Your Purpose)

    What is your purpose? Your purpose is related to Jesus' purpose. Jesus expresses His life through you, so the more you know about Jesus' purpose, the more you'll know what your purpose is and what He will do through you. In Luke 4:18-19, we see what Jesus' purpose is, and that summarized is to selflessly serve needy people. Jesus continues that mission today. He selflessly serves needy people through you and those in His Church. We are instruments in the Master's hands.


    #luke4 #jesus #purpose #mission

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    35 分
  • Luke 1:1-4

    The Christian life is all about new life in Christ, life with others, and life expressed. Jesus puts His life in us and then begins to express His life through us. As we begin to study the gospel of Luke to discover more about this "expressed life," we look at the introduction (Luke 1:1-4) and see how and why Luke wrote this gospel.



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  • Born of God Meaning (John 1:12-13)

    What does John mean when he says that those who become children of God are born of God? John tells us that those who receive Jesus by believing in His name, are given the authority to become children of God. He doesn't say they get some stamp of approval. They receive a new nature that gives them the spiritual DNA of God and makes them part of His family.

    #john1 #bornofgod #childrenofgod


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