The holidays can be a challenging time of year for someone who has lost a loved one. Whether that loss was this year or four years ago, the holidays can be hard. My guest, Tricia Roos, is no stranger to grief and she shares her story of the loss of her daughter, Annabelle. She discusses with me what it looks like to walk through both grief and the holidays and how the holidays can be a triggering time for someone who has experienced a loss. She gives practical ways we can be sensitive and thoughtful during the holidays to our friend who has experienced a loss. When we don't acknowledge our friend's loss, we can come off as being insensitive or like we don't care. That very often is not the case. The reality is that grief can be uncomfortable and many times we may feel like we do not know the right thing to say or do. After this conversation with Tricia, I pray that you walk away from it feeling more comfortable and better equipped to be supportive during the holidays for a friend after a loss.
Tricia also shares about her new book called "When Wishes Change." This book is an open-eyed look at blind trust and is a lesson for all ages that hardship can end in hope. This book is for anyone who has had to surrender their dream of what they wanted their life to look like for the life that is God's plan. We know that surrendering our dreams can be hard, but we also know that God's plan and way is always best.
Book Link: Click Here to purchase When Wishes Change
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Website: www.whenwisheschange.com
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Facebook: Connecting in the Chaos
Instagram : @heather.oncken
Email : heather@connectinginthechaos.com
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