In this episode we discuss everything gym etiquette. Some of these are fairly obvious, but I guarantee there will be some that you haven't heard of before. We start out with some rapid fire ones that are more typical. For example, wiping down your equipment, when you should film yourself, how to use chalk and more.
Then we deep dive into some more nuanced topics of gym etiquette, which is the part where you really get some bang for your buck. I think a lot of these topics are supposed to be "unwritten rules" of the gym, but if you are new or generally inexperienced it could take you years to pick up on them.
Like we mention in the episode if you have an obvious gym etiquette rule that we missed we would love to hear about it.
If you learned something from this episode leave us a comment! We are looking to shout out the community in upcoming episodes, so stay tuned because you could get lucky.