
  • Learning God's Voice | David Dwight | When God Speaks
    Learning God’s Voice | When God Speaks | Part 3 In this week’s message, Senior Pastor David Dwight continued our When God Speaks series with a powerful and practical teaching. Drawing from 1 Samuel 3:1-20, we see how the Lord calls Samuel to speak truth to Eli. Yet, at first, Samuel doesn’t recognize God’s voice. Like Samuel, many of us are still learning how to discern when God is speaking. So, how can we better understand His voice? How do we sense what He’s calling us to—whether in a specific moment or over the course of our lives? The key is remaining deeply rooted in Scripture and persistent in prayer. Above all, we are first called to an intimate relationship with God. From that place of closeness, we begin to recognize His voice more clearly. If you missed this message, we encourage you to watch it online at / hopechurchrva or click the link in our bio.
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  • What's Your Name? | David Dwight | When God Speaks
    What’s Your Name? | When God Speaks | Part 2 We continued our sermon series, When God Speaks, with a message from Senior Pastor David Dwight. In Exodus 3:7-15, God commissions Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity and into the promised land. Seemingly overwhelmed by the enormity of the task, Moses protests, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God’s response is profound, though not what we might expect. He doesn’t reassure Moses by addressing his doubts or limitations. Instead, God makes a promise: “I will be with you.” He then reveals His name, “I AM WHO I AM.” In Scripture, names carry deep meaning, often reflecting one’s essence. Here, God is revealing His character — boundless, all-powerful, ever-present, and existing beyond the limits of time. Like Moses, we often feel immobilized by our own fears, anxieties, and perceived inadequacies. Yet, in His grace, God lifts us beyond the tyranny of self-focus. He invites us to shift our gaze to Him — the God who was, who is, and who will always be — and to invest our energy in cultivating an intimate relationship with Him.
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  • The God Who Asks & Seeks - David Dwight | When God Speaks
    The God Who Asks + Seeks | When God Speaks | Part 1 This morning, Senior Pastor David Dwight kicked off our new sermon series, When God Speaks, with a message on Genesis 3:6-11. Have you ever wanted God to speak to you personally? To speak into your life and your circumstances? The Bible tells us that our God speaks to us and that His word is powerful and personal. He listens, asks, and seeks us out like a loving father would his child. We invite you to join us for the next four weeks as we explore the times throughout scripture when God speaks! Join us on Sundays at: West Creek at: 8 | 9:30 | 11:15am The Lodge: 9:30 + 11:15am Livestream: 9:30 + 11:15am
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  • Esther - Pete Bowell | Walk On
    Esther | Walk On | Part 10 Senior Associate Pastor Pete Bowell concluded our Walk On sermon series with a powerful message on the life of Esther — an ordinary woman used by an extraordinary God. Though God’s name isn’t mentioned in the entire book of Esther, His providence is evident. Through Esther, God worked to protect His people in a time of darkness and brokenness. With her Jewish heritage hidden, she was elevated from orphan to royalty and made queen to the king of Persia. After an order to kill all the Jews in Persia is enacted, she is faced with a conflict that would impact herself and her entire family. In her pivotal moment, Mordecai’s words still resonate today: “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” — Esther 4:14 (NLT) As God’s handiwork, we too were made for such a time as this. Right here, right now, with the gifts and talents God has entrusted to us — He is weaving a story of restoration in our broken world. There’s a purpose behind where He’s placed each of us. As we often remind one another at HOPE, “You go nowhere by accident.” God isn’t sending Esther, Daniel, or Moses back to accomplish His work in 2024. Today, He’s calling you and me — with Christ alive in us — to step into this moment. To be agents of reconciliation in a world that longs for healing and to bring glory to Him alone. So rise up, church, and walk on. We were made for such a time as this.
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  • Daniel - Kyle Freedman | Walk On
    Daniel | Walk On | Part 9 This morning, Worship + Family Ministries Pastor Kyle Freedman delivered a poignant message on the life of Daniel — a Hebrew exile in Babylon. The story of Daniel showcases a man, who even in exile, stayed faithful to God in a nation that desperately needed to see + experience Him. In fiery trial with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, he miraculously withstood the flames, confidently displaying God’s rescuing grace to the king. In the lion’s den, Daniel trusted God to keep him safe and by morning, emerged unscathed, impressing the king to decree that all should fear and revere the living God. Daniel embraced the circumstances he was placed in and allowed God to use him to reach the people of Babylon. He stood confidently in his beliefs, but built bridges, not walls, along the way. Through deep relationships and genuine connection, the impact of his testimony spread far and wide. Like Daniel, we can stand confidently on the promises of the Lord and trust Him in any circumstance. We can embrace our circumstances and display the love and character of God within them. Like Daniel, we can build bridges, share our story, bless those around us, and represent the Lord well where He’s placed us.
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  • Elijah - Matt Hartman | Walk On
    This morning, Missional Pastor Matt Hartman continued our sermon series, Walk On, with a message on Elijah – a prophet called to lead the people of Israel back to the Lord. During Elijah’s time, civil war had divided Israel and the hearts of many had wandered and began to worship different gods and idols. Elijah, called by God, challenged the people for their divided loyalties and urged them to return to the Lord. Their pursuit of multiple gods left them aimless, hopeless, and without clear purpose. Rather than relying on the Lord, they placed their trust in idols and their self-sufficiency—seeking from themselves what only God could provide. It is not so different for us. How often do we turn inward to ourselves instead of upward towards God? How often do we allow our attention to drift and linger on earthly things instead of the things of above? How often do we place our trust and rest our security on things that will tarnish and fade? Just as God used Elijah to turn Israel’s hearts back to Him, He worked through Jesus to do the same for us. He restores us, often disrupting our path to redirect our hearts towards Him. He finds us in our darkness and our sin and because of His great love and mercy, makes us new through the blood of Christ.
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  • Ruth - Catherine Turner | Walk On
    Ruth | Walk On | Part 7 The story of Ruth, set against a backdrop of both spiritual and physical famine, is a powerful picture of redemption—a vivid snapshot of the gospel message. It reminds us how God often uses the most unlikely individuals to demonstrate faithfulness in the face of uncertainty. Amid grief and despair, Ruth became a source of hope and strength for her mother-in-law, Naomi, whose heart was broken by loss. Despite the unknowns that lay ahead, Ruth walked forward in obedience, embracing Naomi’s God as her own and journeyed to a foreign land. Her faithfulness and trust in God as her sustenance were richly rewarded. Today, we may find ourselves in a season of spiritual famine, navigating through a wilderness of uncertainty. Yet, the only true sustenance for us in the midst of our hardships—and our victories—is Jesus, the bread of life. Discipleship Pastor Catherine Turner offers a simple “bread recipe” to help us return to the basics in these times: Be anchored in Biblical truths. Recognize your need. Eat His words daily. Align your will to His. Do the next thing.
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  • David - Wes Peterson | Walk On
    The story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17 offers a powerful illustration of how God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people. David, just a 15-year-old shepherd, found himself on the frontlines of battle after consistently saying yes to the tasks laid before him. With unwavering courage and faith, he defeated Goliath using only a sling and a stone—a mighty act that showcased God’s glory. But before this remarkable moment, David's life was filled with the simple, everyday responsibilities of a shepherd. David’s daily life involved tending a flock of sheep, a task far removed from battling giants. He had no idea that such a challenge awaited him — he was simply being obedient to the duties before him. Through his routine, he cultivated a deep relationship with God, drawing nearer to Him in the quiet moments of his life. Executive Pastor Wes Peterson reminded us this morning that there is profound purpose in the ordinary. Just as David’s faithfulness in the small things grew his relationship with the Lord and prepared him for a great challenge, our daily tasks offer us the opportunity to grow closer to God. He calls us to engage with Him — not someday, not later, but right now. Through David’s story, we learn the importance of loving God and tending to the “sheep" entrusted to us. Jesus asks us to be faithful in the everyday moments, trusting that our obedience, even in the mundane, opens the door for Him to work in extraordinary ways
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