著者: Edward Thomas Sanjna Hegde Vaibhava Rajesh youth leadership institute goodforMEdia
  • サマリー

  • Social media has shaped us in so many ways unimaginable, especially young people who become online at an early age. The HOPE Podcast centers on our lived experiences, and with every issue, we imagine how we can design social media platforms to meet the needs of young people online. The HOPE Podcast is created by Edward Thomas, Sanjna Hedge, and Vaibhava Rajesh, three youth activists discussing the positive and negative aspects of social media and exploring their own relationship with technology.
    2024 Youth Leadership Institute
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Social media has shaped us in so many ways unimaginable, especially young people who become online at an early age. The HOPE Podcast centers on our lived experiences, and with every issue, we imagine how we can design social media platforms to meet the needs of young people online. The HOPE Podcast is created by Edward Thomas, Sanjna Hedge, and Vaibhava Rajesh, three youth activists discussing the positive and negative aspects of social media and exploring their own relationship with technology.
2024 Youth Leadership Institute
  • Elevating Youth Voice

    In the final episode, HOPE Podcast explores their journey to advocacy for safer online spaces. Youth brings a unique perspective to online safety and ethics as they have become digital natives. Social media can be used as a tool to amplify youth voices on policy development. Learn how to get involved with #GoodforMEdia and Youth Leadership Institute's HOPE Campaign.

    Website: https://www.goodformedia.org/, https://www.youthforhope.org/

    Host: Edward Thomas, Rushil Ladhawala, Sanjna Hegde, Vaibhava Rajesh
    Audio Engineer: Gabriella Frenes, Rushil Ladhawala

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  • How Parents and Adult Allies Can Support Youth in Digital Wellness featuring Joann Bogard

    In this episode, Sanjna and Vaibhava share the insights of an interview with Joann Bogard, an activist and prominent advocate for internet safety. Joann raises awareness about the dangers of viral online challenges and has been instrumental in pushing for legislation to protect children. She played a key role in passing the 'Mason's Education Act' in Indiana, which promotes internet safety education in schools

    Joann Bogard is a co-chair and Founding Member of the Online Harm Prevention Work Group. Her 15-year-old son, Mason, passed away after he participated in a social media trend called “the Choking Game” in 2019. Joann’s goals include spreading awareness, educating others, holding tech companies accountable for designing their products with kids in mind and advancing state and federal legislation. She has a Facebook page to spread awareness about the latest trends and tips for parents (Mason’s Message).

    Host: Sanjna Hegde, Vaibhava Rajesh
    Audio Engineer: Gabriella Frenes, Rushil Ladhawala

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  • Designs and Algorithms featuring Vaishnavi J.

    Do you ever wonder how social media platforms can be designed for young users? In this episode, Rushil and Edward unpack the insights of Vaishnavi J, founder of Vyanam Strategies. Vaishnavi's team partners with companies, civil society, and governments to responsibly design products that safeguard the safety, privacy, and well-being of children and teens online. Explore how youth can be drivers of change on platforms.

    Host: Edward Thomas, Rushil Ladhawala
    Audio Engineer: Gabriella Frenes, Rushil Ladhawala

    Find out more information on youthforhope.org and goodformedia.org

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