I talk to Hannah Woodhead, Associate Editor of film magazine - Little White Lies. We chat about her early day's of watching movies taped off the TV (via her grandmother), to the joys of charity shop buys and of course, the pure cinematic powerhouse of what is Adam Sandler's back catalogue.
Links To Bits We Discussed
Little Nicky
Finding Nemo
DVD / Blu-ray
Mean Girls
Marie Antoinette
Twin Peaks (Boxset)
David Lynch: Collection
Just Go With It
Belle De Jour (50th Anniversary)
The Heiress (Criterion)
Raising Cain (Arrow)
Raw: Limited Edition (Second Sight)
Black Swan (Art Cards)
How the Criterion Collection Crops Out African-American Directors (New York Times Article)
Production - Andy Neilson
Music - Ventsislav Lalev
Artwork - Matt Pro
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