Allow yourself to be a clearer channel for higher energies! GOD is telling us the time has come to close what no longer serves our purpose and to make room for the new! True wisdom is not just in knowledge but by compassion and the ability to look at others with LOVE and to act with KINDNESS! The snake, a symbol of transformation, intuition, and wisdom, teaches us the importance of shedding the old skins that no longer belong to who we are! TRANSFORMATION requires COURAGE, FAITH, and to fully TRUST in GOD'S DIVINE PLAN! We should act with GENEROSITY not only in great gestures but also in the small action of everyday life, a smile, a word of COMFORT, an act of KINDNESS, all of this has the power to TRANSFORM lives! Live in TRUTH! This will be a year in which many hidden TRUTHS will come to light! GOD will illuminate everything revealing what was hidden both in the world around us and within ourselves! The light of TRUTH shows us not only what is good but also what needs to be corrected, healed and set FREE! As this year continues and you see a collective madness, REMEMBER, to anchor more POSITIVE LIGHT! ASCENSION is an ongoing process of expansion beyond your familiar dimension into higher frequencies of AWARENESS! Today in these times streams of cosmic light weave themselves into the Earth's grid with growing intensity as this influx propels you onto distinct energetic trajectory! FREE WILL is one of the most precious laws of this universe! It is through FREE WILL that you decide how to respond to the COSMIC INVITATION to ASCEND!