• History of the Atlantic World

  • 著者: Big Heads Media
  • ポッドキャスト

History of the Atlantic World

著者: Big Heads Media
  • サマリー

  • Host Jesse Wuest weaves a tale spanning more than 500 years that begins with Christopher Columbus and ends with the modern world. Main topics include conquistadors, revolutionaries, escaped slaves, and pirates.
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Host Jesse Wuest weaves a tale spanning more than 500 years that begins with Christopher Columbus and ends with the modern world. Main topics include conquistadors, revolutionaries, escaped slaves, and pirates.
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  • 100 Years of Failure
    This episode details the entradas of Juan Ponce de León, Pánfilo de Narváez, Hernando de Soto, Tristán de Luna y Arellano, Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, Castaño de Sosa, Antonio Gutiérrez de Humana and Francisco Leyva de Bonilla, Juan de Oñate, Cabeza de Vaca, Esteban de Dorantes, and more. The episode concludes with the creation of two backwater colonial outposts, Santa Fe and St. Augustine - and a North American apocalypse.Please Support the people who support this show! Check out the Retro Late Fee Podcast on the Big Heads Media Network.SourcesLatin American CivilizationOne Vast Winter CountEurope and the People without HistoryThe Spanish Borderlands FrontierThe History of Latin AmericaThe Martyrs of FloridaImperial Spain's Failure to Colonize Southeast North AmericaFlorida Indians and the Invasion from EuropeEmpires of the Atlantic WorldThe Last ConquistadorThe Spanish Frontier in North AmericaNarrative of the Coronado ExpeditionKnights of Spain, Warriors of the SunThe Southern VoyagesChronicle of the Narvaez ExpeditionFrontiers: A Short History of the American WestPATREON Thank you for your support! ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    5 時間 3 分
  • The Corsairs of Saint-Malo: Interview with Henning Hillmann

    Jesse speaks with Dr. Henning Hillmann, author of The Corsairs of Saint-Malo. Dr. Hillmann has some very interesting things to say about the connections between privateering and capitalism.


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    58 分
  • The Conquests of New Spain
    LIST OF TOPICS: Intro, Whose Conquest?, Building Mexico City, Life in Early New Spain, Reasons for Expansion, Cristobal de Tapia, Gonzalo de Sandoval, Conquest of Chiapas, Conquest of Oaxaca, Conquest of Michoacan, Conquest of Colima, Francisco de Garay and the Conquest of Panuco, Pedro de Alvarado and the Conquest of Guatemala, Cristobal de Olid and the Conquest of Honduras, Pedrarias Davila and the Conquest of Nicaragua, Francisco de Montejo and the Conquest of the Yucatan, the Rise and Fall of Nuno de Guzman, The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico, the Mixton War, ConclusionVoice From the Underground Presents: Dig On America PodcastLiam's Warrior BrigadeSOURCESThe Broken SpearsVictors and VanquishedThe ConquistadorsYucatan Before and After the ConquestIndian ConquistadorsRereading the ConquestThe Nahuas After the ConquestThe War for Mexico's WestNuno de Guzman and PanucoThe Golden EmpireThe Conquest of MichoacanThe Spiritual Conquest of MexicoConquest of the SierraProvinces of Early MexicoStrike Fear in the LandAmbivalent ConquestsThe Early History of Greater MexicoLatin American CivilizationThe History of Latin AmericaThe Course of Mexican HistoryMexico and the Spanish ConquestHistory of the Conquest of MexicoThe Memoirs of the Conquistadhor Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Vol 2 (of 2)Cortés, Hernán. Cartas y relaciones de Hernan Cortés al emperador Carlos V. Edited by Pascual de GayangosWarren, Fintan. “The Caravajal Visitation: First Spanish Survey of Michoacán.” Sheptak, Russell N., and Rosemary A. Joyce. “Hybrid Cultures: the Visibility of the European Invasion of Caribbean Honduras in the Sixteenth Century.” Wagner, Henry R. “Early Silver Mining in New Spain.” Newson, Linda. “The Depopulation of Nicaragua in the Sixteenth Century Fowler, William R., and Jeb J. Card. “Material Encounters and Indigenous Transformations in Early Colonial El Salvador.” The Conquest of Michoacan: The Spanish Domination of the Tarascan Kingdom in Western Mexico, 1521-1530 ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★
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    5 時間 8 分

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