
  • Why Prayer/Discernment?

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    33 分
  • Why Criticism/Exhortation?

    In this episode Stephanie and Cam talk about the difference between criticism and exhortation.

    We learn that the spiritual gift of exhortation is both about bringing comfort and challenge. There are those who love the comfort part but shy away from the challenge. Exhortation is a great gift for those who disciple others.

    We use the example of the increase of failing marriages within the church today. The question arises, how would exhortation help those who are thinking of getting married and there are red flags? Could many hurts and broken marriages be avoided if the exhortation in pre-marriage was received properly?

    How should you receive the challenge from someone who has the gift of exhortation?

    We wrap up with how to tell the difference between criticism and challenge.

    If you know a couple who are separated and are wanting to restore their marriage contact us here and we can begin the conversation of what restoration looks like.

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    22 分
  • Why Evangelism?

    Why Evangelism? In this episode of the Holy WIT Podcast you will learn what Francis Chan and Alice Cooper have in common.

    Stephanie asks us, what is it and who's job is it to evangelize? She then challenges us with the thinking that evangelism is not a sales presentation, following all the steps correctly, it is all about relationship. God working through us, connecting with people in our lives over a long time.

    Hear Francis Chan in his own words as he challenges the western church system of evangelism to return to the sharing the gospel Jesus' way.

    Let us know what you think in the comment section of the website.

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    14 分
  • Why Baptism?

    Why Baptism? In this episode of the Holy WIT Podcast we discuss what is the mark of salvation and how baptism in the discipleship journey of a follower of Jesus is the true mark of salvation.

    C S Lewis called the sinners prayer the great catalyst of nonsense. What do you think of his view of the sinners prayer?

    The first time we see baptism in the New Testament is with John the Baptist out in the desert baptizing people telling them to repent. Jesus exampled our need for baptism by having John baptize Him even though He didn't need to be baptized. It was from there that Jesus received the Holy Spirit through a dove landing on Him. From there he went into the desert and through a time of solitude, fasting and engaging with the Father Jesus then battled with Satan and defeated him.

    The great news is that as we believe, change the way we think and are baptized like Jesus we then also receive Holy Spirit and are given the same authority Jesus has. It is through this authority from Jesus that we then do what He commanded us "Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood. Tell them that the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the untouchables. Kick out the demons. You have been treated generously, so live generously."

    Creating our content takes some time and a good amount of caffeine. If you would like to show your appreciation, click here to buy us a coffee?

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    20 分
  • Why Church?

    In this episode of Holy WIT we tackle the question of "Why Church?"

    This question causes us to take a serious look at the reasons why we religiously go to the building each week. In the episode we contrast the weekly traditions with how Jesus really wants His people who are the true church to live in every day life.

    Tune in to hear about the Lifeway research project that they did in 2018 that took a look at why there is a decline in the church. Based on what they learned Lifeway came out with a 5 point strategy to stop the decline in the church. You won't believe what they came up with.

    This brings us to a question we have for you. Have you ever given thought to Why Church in your own life?

    We want to hear from you. If you would like to share the reasons why
    you go to church, feel free to comment on the blog post page on our website
    at warriornations.ca.

    Music by Dream Cave - The Grand Plan found on epidemicsound.com

    Creating our content takes some time and a good amount of caffeine. If you would like to show your appreciation, click here to buy us a coffee?

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    12 分
  • Building Bridges Not Walls

    In Episode 28 of the Holy WIT Podcast we tackle the idea that the church needs to repent about how they see and respond to those in the LTGBQ community. We continue with the conversation with Wilna van Beek who is the author of When Gay Comes Home - Learning To Build Bridges.

    Do we trust Holy Spirit to do the work in the background while we simply love others? If we don't trust Holy Spirit then we are trying to be in control and be our own little god.

    If we are to really love others we first need to allow God to deal with what is in our own heart. Jesus hung out with people and in doing so those people were changed. If we represent Jesus then how do we learn to hang out with others and represent Jesus so that others are changed.

    Podcast resources God Gazers - Bridge Builders Ministry

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    28 分
  • Overcoming the Uncomfortable

    In this Episode of Holy WIT Stephanie has a great conversation with Wilna van Beek who is the author of When Gay Comes Home - Learning To Build Bridges. Wilna operates a ministry called God Gazers - Bridge Builders Ministry whose mission is to come alongside family and friends who journey with loved ones who have come out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer/questioning (LGBTQ) teaching them to see their loved ones with the eyes of Jesus.

    This is part one of a two part conversation in which we get to hear Wilna's own story of how she lived in a gay lifestyle until later in life when she overcame her same sex attraction by allowing Jesus to heal the root issue.

    Creating our content takes some time and a good amount of caffeine. If you would like to show your appreciation, click here to buy us a coffee?

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    32 分
  • The Reality of Satan In The Past and Present

    This episode is a response to the Heaven Bent Podcast - The Devil Himself and we talk about the reality of satan and the demonic in the here and now.

    Satan is not a metaphorical being but is a created being, a fallen angel. We discuss how we know that the demonic is real as we see throughout scripture and what power satan has in our world today.

    Where we see the oppression of the demonic is in the lives of individuals, over groups and organizations. We learn how deliverance is for every follower of Jesus, is a process and how freedom is lived out and maintained in community.

    Creating our content takes some time and a good amount of caffeine. If you would like to show your appreciation, click here to buy us a coffee?

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    30 分