• All He Created Is Good
    Do you know someone who cares about the environment?

    You can tell them that Jesus does, too! Not only does the Bible tell us that we are to care for the earth God created, but it also tells us that Jesus participated in creating it all.

    John 1 gives a vivid description of Jesus’ existence from the beginning of the world, and it says this about Christ:

    Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

    Jesus played that part in creating the earth and in creating us. Everything He created is good! We can honor Him by caring for people, caring for the earth… for everything that Jesus made and came to redeem.

    This is the Good News we can share with people who are passionate about the environment. We are too. You can connect someone with the Gospel through Jesus’ care for His creation. Will you start that conversation today?

    Remember, there is always hope with God. This is Andrew Palau.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • We All Fall Short
    It’s so easy to see the faults and the failures in other people, isn’t it?

    We listen, we watch, and we criticize. And we forget our own failures.

    Romans 3 reminds us that all of us have sinned. All of us fall short of God’s glory. None of us measure up to who we are meant to be. That’s the bad news.

    The good news is that all of us can be made right, freely through grace. Grace that was poured out when Jesus took the sin of the world on Himself, when He died on the cross.

    Wherever you are right now in your life, don’t be overcome by your weaknesses and don’t be overcome by other’s weaknesses. We’re all in the same boat. But, that is not the end of our story.

    Always remember, there is hope with God.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • The Moon, the Stars, and You
    One of the ways that God shows us His identity as a loving creator is through the world around us- beautiful sunsets, growing plants, amazing animals, the moon and the stars, and so much more!

    Listen to this passage from Psalm 8,

    When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set them in place— what are mere mortals that you should even think of them, human beings that you should care for them?

    As we consider God’s mighty power and the vastness of everything He created… we can sometimes feel very small. Even though you are just one person in an enormous world you are important to God.

    He knows you by name. He chose you. He calls you. He created you for a unique purpose in this world. He loves you and cares for you deeply.

    Remember, there is always hope with God. This is Andrew Palau.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Sharing God's Glory
    Have you ever wondered if you were qualified to share Jesus with someone?

    I want to tell you that you are qualified and this is how I know…

    Colossians 1 says,

    This is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.

    Because Christ lives in you, you can share His glory! That’s a promise. You don’t need to know the Bible inside and out, you just need to share Jesus. You can always simply tell others what Jesus has done in your life.

    Once I was lost, now I am found. I lived in the darkness, now I live in the light. Once, my life felt like death, and now I’ve come to life. Once, I was wandering, searching for peace, now I’ve found a home and a family and peace in Jesus Christ.

    Whatever He has done in your life, just share that! Christ lives in you. Share His glory with the world.

    Remember, there is always hope with God. This is Andrew Palau.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Wonderfully Made
    Do you know that you are wonderfully made?

    We can spend so much time thinking about what we don’t like in ourselves. If we don’t refocus our thinking, we can become depressed, filled with anxiety, and begin to spiral.

    Can I read you something from Psalm 139? I remember when I read these words for the first time, and I believed them. Listen to this:

    You, God, created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

    No matter what others have told you through the years or what you’ve told yourself, believe what is true and reject the lies. You are precious to God; He created you, He knows you, He loves you.

    Always remember, there is hope with God.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Wearing the Goodness of God
    What are you wearing today?

    Maybe you’re wearing a uniform for work or your favorite comfy clothes at home.

    The Bible says in Galatians chapter 3,

    All who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.

    This means that we are wearing the righteousness and goodness of the living God—and we are living testimonies to His goodness and love!

    But it’s so easy to forget that and let the heaviness of life steal away the joy of what Jesus has done for us.

    Will you stop and ask Him to remind you of this truth?

    Lord, don’t ever let me never forget that I am covered head to toe in a goodness that is not my own. You have put Your righteousness on me like clothing. Help me to live as a testimony to You, so everyone I meet can know Your love.

    Remember, there is always hope with God. This is Andrew Palau.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • Rich in Mercy
    The Bible tells us that God is rich in mercy.

    Have you heard this before? How do you see God? Do you believe that God is compassionate and merciful?

    Mercy doesn’t mean that God is weak or that God ignores or overlooks what’s wrong in the world or in us. He alone has the power and authority to deal with sin and injustice.

    God’s mercy means that He has taken the penalty and pain of all that’s wrong with the world on Himself when He died on the cross.

    Do you believe this? You need mercy. I need mercy. And God offers it to us, to you. It’s a free gift. Will you take it today? It’s for you.

    Always remember, there is hope with God.

    Bible Reference: "God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, 5 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)" Ephesians 2:4-5


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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  • God's Masterpiece
    Haven’t you ever longed to see God with your own eyes?

    If you have asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, then one day you will see Him face to face! But for now, the closest thing we can experience on earth is to look at other people.

    People are made in the image and likeness of God. If you look at faithful believers, you can see something of God’s character in them—just as when you look at a piece of art, you can know something about the artist.

    Ephesians 2 says…

    For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us to do from long ago.

    Will you ask God to transform you to be closer and closer to His character? Let Him make your life into a living breathing testimony, a masterpiece of the goodness of God.

    Remember, there is always hope with God. This is Andrew Palau.


    Find out more at https://hopewithgod.pinecast.co

    This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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