
  • Horse Hoof Abscesses - Everything You Need To Know PLUS How to AVOID them

    You've likely had a horse with a hoof abscess. Or at least know someone who has.

    In today's Horse Mysteries Now podcast, I share a story of a horse who had nine hoof abscesses!

    We talk about what hoof abscesses are, what to do about them, and ...


    ...Yes! They can be avoided.

    They key is correct hoofcare AND correct leg circulation. Lastly, a well-functioning immune system is a plus.

    Links Mentioned: Phoenix Way: Path 2 Hoof Health - https://www.facebook.com/groups/291820723387464

    Join email at https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/opt-in-50-secrets/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    16 分
  • 3 Reasons Your Horse Won't Move Forward

    Do you have a horse that sometimes is reluctant to go forward? Or perhaps doesn't really want to work?

    One time, my client Steve's horse not only was reluctant, but he would NOT go forward. It was crazy.

    Top three reasons a horse won't go forward when ridden:

    • ulcers
    • sternum misalignment
    • saddle fit problem

    In today's episode of Horse Mysteries Solved, I share how you could figure out which of these three is the problem, but also -- how YOU could figure out these are the top three issues.

    Join email at https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/opt-in-50-secrets/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    12 分
  • How to be a detective & Horse hates having head touched [Why?]

    Did you know that horse healing is really being a detective?

    Why? Because it's the questions that are important.

    If we don't ask enough questions, it's easy to jump to conclusions.

    For example, some horses hate having their head touched. Many owners assume their horse was either abused or "ear'd" as a foal.

    And that's it. They never try to fix it. They think that's just the way it is, and they're careful not to touch the horse's head.

    But if we asked more questions, we could figure out the options for fixing it.

    (and it's pretty easy)

    Join email at https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/opt-in-50-secrets/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    21 分
  • How to Treat Equine Recurrent Uveitis & WHY it Happens

    Are you familiar with equine recurrent uveitis (ERU)?

    It used to be called moon blindness.

    Current traditional medicine treats ERU with antibiotics and steroids. This decreases the inflammation, thus clearing the eye of cloudiness.

    But what caused the inflammation in the first place?

    Find out on today's Horse Mysteries Solved

    Join email at https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/opt-in-50-secrets/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    17 分
  • Is your horse suffering from Fecal water syndrome? Here's How to FIX it.

    Have you heard of Fecal Water Syndrome (FWS)? Also called Free Fecal Liquid or Water.

    It's not fun.

    Horses with FWS have normal fecal balls, and then this weird extra water.

    So that water splashes everywhere, including the poor horse's legs and tail.

    Simple cause and solution on today's Horse Mysteries Solved podcast.

    Here's to clean butts. 🙂

    Links Mentioned: https://shop.tuckerbiokinetic.com/fws-resolve/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    9 分
  • Cushings syndrome in horses: The solution you don't know about

    Looking for Cushings answers? Maybe for yourself or to help a friend?

    Today on Horse Mysteries Solved, I share what is really going on with Cushings Syndrome (PPID).

    Hint: It's NOT a tumor.

    I share the solutions for it, with an unexpected bonus about human brain chemistry.

    Links Mentioned:

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    14 分
  • Horse Ulcers: You CAN Fix Them Knowing these 3 Things

    Did you know some studies put equine ulcers at 96% of horses? That's crazy.

    There are other studies that show the number is at least 60%. Why is that?

    On Horse Mysteries Solved podcast, I'll tell you why so many horses have ulcers.

    And what to do about it.

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    25 分
  • What's wrong with the backsore or coldbacked horse?

    In today's Horse Mysteries Solved podcast, I talk about how horses should NOT be backsore.


    Because their back muscles are at rest while they are standing.

    Yes, at rest.

    So why do they get sore? And, if sore, why don't they heal?

    Hear some reasons and what to do about them.

    Links mentioned:

    Rib checkup video: https://wheredoesmyhorsehurt.com/how-to-videos/

    Sternum checkup in this video series: https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/#taster

    Recommended selenium: https://dynamitespecialty.myvoffice.com/ShoppingCart/index.cfm?FuseAction=CategoryShop&OwnerID=8155&CategoryID=94

    Recommended Liver product: https://shop.tuckerbiokinetic.com/

    Cheers to the truth getting out,

    Renee Tucker, DVM

    Tucker BioKinetic University

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    15 分