I believe the way you choose to look at your life matters.....makes all the difference in the quality of life you experience. Even through the challenges we all face in our daily lives, we still have a choice each day. Will we choose looking at our lives in a way that we can still recognize the blessings in our life, the good people...good things that are present. Things that make us smile or laugh...things we can be thankful for? Or will we choose to look at each day with dread and a my life sucks attitude? Focusing on only the negatives and things you wish were different. You can instead choose to start each day looking for and focusing on the good things in your life, the things that bless you...make you smile, make you remember that there is always good somewhere. You just have to be in the habit of reframing what you are feeling. When you can do that you will be surprised on how that changes the way you see things. Being thankful beings more things to be thankful about! Try it...you'll see for yourself!